
  1. Tangina20

    Increasing nitrates

    I currently have two fish in a 40b And have been struggling to get nitrates above 0. I have tuned off the protein skimmer, turned the refugium light on for 3 hr a day, and started feeding almost a whole cube of brine every day and feed corals every other day and still no luck. I started all of...
  2. rmclaughlin87

    Iowa WTB: Korallin Biodenitrator

    Does anyone have a Korallin Biodenitrator for sale? If so, please PM me with pics and price. Thank you!
  3. nightmarepl

    Help Picking Protein Skimmer 10g tank!!

    hey yall, im having some issues with Nitrates usually pretty high was looking into getting a protein skimmer i currently have a 10g reed tank ( long ) was looking into two different ones dont want anything too expensive...
  4. R

    Macro Algae Reactor Advice

    Hello, I was thinking of adding a macro reactor to my 90 gallon tank to help combat nitrates. Tank is already plumbed with 3 valves coming off the return. At the moment I am only using one valve for a gfo reactor and I have the reef octopus varios 8 return pump. Someone suggested the skimz...
  5. G

    Nitrates, Phosphates in preparation for Corals.

    Hey everyone, I know this is a noobish question, but an answer would help heaps. Regarding my 240L Aquarium with a top filter (spray bar), running activated carbon (now expired), heater, 2 Aquael pumps each 2500L/hr. The tank is about 6 weeks old, has about 21kg of live rock, two Ocellaris...
  6. niQo

    How I increased my NO3

    I think my tank suffered from lack of nitrates. I was dealing with some GHA and always testing zero for NO3 and PO4. I think my nitrates were actually too low, but the phosphates were used by the GHA. A few weeks back I dosed a few capfuls of Seachem flourish nitrogen over a few days, but then I...
  7. SDReefer

    Tank Chemistry and Nutrient Control Help Please

    Hello everyone, My greenhouse tank has been set up since July of this year and I would like to make it into a full reef tank. However, the hardy SPS corals I have put in such as Birdsnest and Pocillipora have all STNd and many of the soft coral frags have started to melt. I assume that...
  8. DeepBlueSomething

    [Advice] Nitrates, Phosphates & Algae - Cause and Effect?

    My tank cycled up fairly quickly with respect to ammonia management - about 2 weeks. I cycled with established LR that I got from a fellow hobbyist -- that LR was also established with some Green and Brown HA. (40b with 20L sump; no fish, CuC only, set-up in Mid Sept 2017) My nitrates climbed...
  9. A

    Why can't I get my nitrates down?

    I have a 29 gal BioCube reef tank that has been established for 2 years. About 3 months ago, after some neglect on my part with infrequent water changes, I noticed some red slime algae. I got some stuff from my LFS "slimeanator", it wasn't the yellow powder, it was a light blue liquid that I...
  10. R

    Algone - good to reduce nitrates?

    Hi guys, Have been reading up on Algone, and there are some mixed reviews, some claim to have it reduced their nitrates and ammonia, while some says very little to none. Any users that has experience with it? Appreciate any feedback with regards to it. Looking at ways to reduce my nitrates...
  11. Mariners

    Skimmer used a fan to cool off tank

    Hi everyone, I placed a small fan on top a tank to promote evaporation and dissipate heat from summer weather. I also have a aqua maxx hob skimmer on my jbj 28 g nano. Ive noticed that ever since i have placed the fan, i have much less waste in the skimmer collection cup. Should i worry about...
  12. 1

    Need Water Change Advice

    Hey everyone, I have a 125gal DT and probably a 10-15 gal sump. I plan on doing a 10 gal water change from the DT but I have a feeling that its too little. It is currently a FOWLR system with 2 snails, 3 shrimps, and 12 fish. Would it be bad if I did 10 gal changes every 2-3 days to get...
  13. Skibum

    Indomitable wall of Nitrates

    Some background first: 1. I purchased a used RS 170 Aquarium for a really good price (Good!) April 28th system start date, however the system has been running since November, cycled. 2. It came with the following livestock (good and bad) Yellow Tang Kole Tang Scooter Dragonet...
  14. Roggio

    How I dropped nitrates on a large system without water changes

    Backstory _______________________________ Let me start by saying I had a 600 gallon system with 100+ fish that ran well for years. I hardly attended to it because I was on the road for two, almost three years straight. Due to a large mangrove population and some rocks that had been cycled 15+...
  15. beyer

    Nitrate ppm during cycle

    I'm a beginner and I'd like for anyone to comment on my parameters and add suggestions please. I am on day 24 of my tank cycle using Red Sea's reef mature pro kit. Tank Setup - 29 gallon bowfront - 25 lbs dry rock - 20 lbs live sand - Protein Skimmer - Canister filter Tank Parameters • PH...
  16. Dalton Hunter

    How to controll phosphates and nitrates

    So I currently have a 100 gallon mixed reef aquarium, and I am having a big problem keeping phosphates and nitrates down. I am currently running 1 bag of phosguard with 3 bags of fluval phosphate remover and still can not get the levels down even with water changes. Before 25 gallon water...
  17. reefaboo

    Fish poop with no fish in the system - sps nutrients

    i have a die off of my fish in my sps tank ( some due to agression, some due to lack of care when im gone on vacation and some just dead ) now over the period of 8 months i lost a few fishies and down to 2 fish in a 50 gallon system .. i dont want to add any more fish but clearly fish poop is...
  18. roger saltwaters

    Nitrates...ask 10 aquarists, get 11 answers.

    Ok so whats the deal? I'm relatively new to this, (one year in) and I can't seem to get a straight answer. Where do I want my nitrates? I've had people with excellent tanks say I want at or near zero, I've had others say around 10 and if it gets above that start changing water, and I've had...
  19. C

    Refugium question

    Hey all, I have a question that I am going to try to articulate, so please bear with me. I have been noticing elevated nitrates in my tank, although the corals all seem to be doing pretty well. In addition to decreasing feedings, I have added Chaeto to an area of my sump. (As an aside, I have...
  20. AllSignsPointToFish

    What level do you target for nitrates?

    With carbon dosing, my nitrates usually run less than 1 ppm. However, I'm beginning to think that this may be too low for an non-ULNS. While I don't have nuisance algae, I do contend with bacterial flocs, and I certainly can't grow Chaetomorpha at those levels. What nitrate target level do...
  21. T

    To Carbon dose or not

    I have a new tank that is about 4 months old, a lot of the live rock is from my old tank though. The old tank was about 6 years old. My questions is should i carbon dose and do you think it will help me get my nitrates down. Last time i tested they were hovering around 20-25ppm. Also if you have...
  22. Squirrel_reefer

    Time to dose Nitrate?

    Good evening reefers Test results as of tonight 12/15/16: SG: 1.025 Nitrate: 0 ppm Phos: 0 ppm Ammonia: 0 ppm Calc: 400 ppm DkH: 12-13 So I am currently dosing Kent Purple Tech to bring up my calcium levels. I am hoping that the high DkH is being caused by that, I am not sure what else could...
  23. MermaidTail

    What would happen if...

    Folks were so helpful on my post about cleaning my 6g nano and I wanted your thoughts. What do you think would happen if I removed the sponge and the ceramic bioballs from my filter and just ran chemipure-elite? I have the Fluval edge, about nine months old, and have always run the filter as...
  24. Adam113

    New to the hobby

    Hey everyone, I am brand new to the world of saltwater aquariums, and have a few questions starting out. We got my dad a 29 gallon BioCube for Christmas a few years back. He absolutely loved it, and had it up and running for 2 years. He was diagnosed with cancer about a year and a half ago...
  25. G

    Nitrates at 40 PPM

    Hi I added a diamond watchman goby 25 days ago in my 54 gallon corner tank. He was drip acclimated and I have never seen him since he was added to the tank is it possible he burrowed and just died under the sand somewhere? He has no aggressive tank mates and my readings for Ammonia and Nitrite...
Tampa Bay Saltwater Live Rock and Live Sand