
  1. DakotahSteel

    Reefmat working too well?

    Hey everyone, I’ve had a RS 1200 reefmat since the tank was wet back in July. Ever since I’ve been battling nonexistent nitrates and phosphates. When I say nonexistent I truly mean zero and that’s with a medium sized fish load and multiple feedings per day. I started to dose for nitrates about...
  2. W

    New bare bottom tank high nutrients

    Recently got a new 15 gallon tank and just tested after adding zoas and a gsp frag. Noticed they weren’t doing well compared to my 13.5 tank. These are the results. Need help in trying to figure out a solution. Doing a water change now hoping it’ll help. Tank has a filter sock and filter floss...
  3. Matt Bravo

    Algae help and tips

    Hello everyone I have begun to experience algae in my first saltwater tank and was looking for advice for the next move I was thinking getting a conch since the one I had just died (not sure why) and also is there any sort of filter that could remove/reduce nitrates. Any advice would be greatly...
  4. newreef1


    Guys, I have been trying to lower my nitrates for weeks now! Every few days or once a week I lose a fish. Other fish in the tank barely swim, I thought maybe they’re just lazy. I have zero ammonia, nitrites, my ph was low but got a reef buffer and that increased my ph. I am running hyposalinty...
  5. newreef1


    Guys, I have been trying to lower my nitrates for weeks now! Every few days or once a week I lose a fish. Other fish in the tank barely swim, I thought maybe they’re just lazy. I have zero ammonia, nitrites, my ph was low but got a reef buffer and that increased my ph. I am running hyposalinty...
  6. besskurz

    Build Thread Fish bowl Jaubert plenum 8.8g

    Hello y'all, I started reefing 2 years ago. When I was still living in Brazil. At that time, I was learning a lot with youtube videos. Berlin method is widely promoted, so for a new guy, I thought this was the only way to reef. My first AIO lasted a bit more than a year until I had to move to...
  7. F

    These test results have me Soooooo confused HELP!

    Had 3 Nitrate tests one of them being at the LFS. So confused don't know which to trust! HELP! API Nitrate - 5ppm Salifert Nitrate- 50ppm LFS test strips - 20ppm Phosphates test only with Salifert- 3ppm All other test from ph, salinity, alk all in perfect range. Everything in the tank...
  8. brookesrook

    Help with Nitrates

    Hello Everyone, Backstory: A friend of mine had this tank for about 2 years and couldn't take care of it anymore so she gave it to me. It came with a clownfish, coral banded shrimp, a couple snails, conch, and the damsel. When I got the tank it was in rough shape so the day I got it I did a 50%...
  9. Kuhn

    Can't Keep Ammonia Down!

    Hello again! Sorry for such a basic and dumb question.. I'm just at a complete loss. I swear I thought I've done everything right, yet I just don't know why my Ammonia won't drop to 0. Here are my parameters... I've been having issues keeping Alk and Magnesium lower as well. It must be the salt...
  10. JSkeleton

    Need Cycling Help/Clarification (Will Post Updates In This Thread)

    I apologize for all the cycling questions and threads, I will just update this one from here on out and lay out the entire information below. As of today though (September 3) I've had 0 Ammonia for a few days and stuck at around 5.0 Nitrites for like a week and unsure what to do as it seems I...
  11. Smallslandreefer

    Bio pelletes soaked in bacteria for a couple hours before placed in the reactor

    Heyy guys and gals, did any one ever try soaking their bio pelletes in some sort of bacteria fluid ( microlift special blent for example) for a couple of hours before placing them in the reactor? I ve read somewhere that it can been done however i dont know if its indeed beneficial or can cause...
  12. Kuhn

    Cycling Tank, But High Nitrates

    Hi! I'm new here and I'm also new to the hobby! I just received a used 30 gallon tank as of last week. During the past week I have been cycling my tank as one should do when starting a new saltwater tank. Thing is, my Nitrates are through the roof! I just got my Nitrates Hanna checker a couple...
  13. 8

    Glass dirty after only 24 hours?

    Hello, This is my glass after only 24 hours. I have needed to clean it everyday. You can see where my turbo snails are helping. What can I do to keep the glass clean longer or what is happening here? Fish and coral seem happy. All parameters are in normal range except Nitrates are around...
  14. Uzair Aiman

    Vinegar Dosing questions.

    Hi everyone, Right now I have high nitrates (around 50ppm) and low phosphates (around 0.1ppm). The phosphates might be a false reading since my tank is now filled with green hair algae (which Ive been trying to remove). I remove them manually when doing water changes weekly, and they still grow...
  15. Dad2Wyatt

    Battling hair algae, part 2

    So I’ve been battling hair algae for a while and slowly starting to get it under control. I’ve been tipped off that I’m getting a Hanna ULR phosphate tester for Christmas, so I’ve been using API in the mean time. I have noticed certain part of my tank the algae has cleared up, on the other side...
  16. ClownFish664

    will this work?

    So my question is will using this reactor - Combined with seachem denitrate work as to create and anerobic chamber to turn nitrates into nitrogen? I will be using...
  17. Dad2Wyatt

    Water changes not lowering nitrates.. what do I do?

    My cycle ended about a week ago and since then I’ve performed 3 10% water changes. Basically every other day and tested parameters the next day. end of cycle: ammonia: 0, nitrite: 0, nitrate 40+ ppm 1st water change: ammonia: 0, nitrite: 0, nitrate: 20 ppm 2nd water change: ammonia: 0...
  18. B

    Balancing Nitrates with Too Much Filtering Or a Smelly Tank

    Hey All, Im in a bit of a frustrating circle of events that I'm trying to balance and just looking for some advice on how others have balanced this. The tank is about two months old. It's a 120gallon peninsula system. Overall it's doing great, battling some diatoms at the moment but nothing...
  19. C

    Got my ATI results back and need help with a game plan.

    I just got my results back. I took my sample the same week that I started a chaeto reactor so know my nitrates and phosphates will come down, but am concerned that my nitrates are 135x my phosphates instead of about 10x like I see being ideal. I’m thinking of starting to dose NoPox but am unsure...
  20. dynojunkee

    AI Prime

    I've had this tank for over a year with a few successful months (in terms of no algae outbreaks), otherwise I've always had an issue with algae. Long hair algae and diatoms, some cyanobacteria outbreaks as well. I'm related to someone who works at a major fish supplier so I was able to get some...
  21. Leon Gorani

    Still have algae with low nutrients and how reliable are Hannah phosphate checkers?

    Hi so I have a pretty new tank, only 5 months old about, and I have two things I am questioning. First, I had somewhat high phosphates in July they were about .48, and my nitrates have never been higher than 6ppm on my Red Sea test kit. But I have a lot of green hair algae, which I thought came...
  22. ClownFish664

    is this normal

    Ok guys, anyone want to tell me, is this just the normal ugly phase or am I doing something wrong here? Changed tank to white so you can see it better but I run a much bluer spectrum (Radions LPS template without moon light) Parameters are below Alk 8.4 Mag 1400 Cal 420 pH 8.2 No2 0 No3 1 Po4...
  23. Kyle Soto

    What are Acceptable Nitrate Levels to Acclimate Fish

    I recently purchased a 65 gallon Red Sea aquarium on Offerup. I currently have a 32 gallon Biocube stocked with 4 fish and I am planning on transferring these fish into the new tank. However, the nitrates in this new tank are fairly higher than my Biocube (40 ppm versus 10 ppm). Is this too big...
  24. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Nitrates bottoming out, no phosphates.

    So...I've never been able to detect phosphates in my tank, it's been a little more than 3 months now. I am currently at 2 nitrates, was 5 last week. I am starting to see small cell amphidinium Dino's starting to spread. Should I increase feeding? Or let it be? Or any other suggestions would be...
  25. JuanJJ

    Hanna HI782

    I have measured few times NO3 with de New Hanna HI782 and I'm seeing that the values are much higher than the Salifert and Nyos checkers. Hanna HI782 --> 15.9 Salifert --> 9-10 NYOS --> 10. Is somebody experimenting this behavior?
World Wide Corals