
  1. rhorn67

    Help! Cyano Diatom Nitrates

    All - Over the past two months I've been experiencing a few issues that I cant figure out. Sorry for the lengthy post but want to supply as many details as possible. My tank is a year and a half old. Things have been great with the exception of constant diatoms which I can't seem to get rid of...
  2. beyer

    Nitrate ppm during cycle

    I'm a beginner and I'd like for anyone to comment on my parameters and add suggestions please. I am on day 24 of my tank cycle using Red Sea's reef mature pro kit. Tank Setup - 29 gallon bowfront - 25 lbs dry rock - 20 lbs live sand - Protein Skimmer - Canister filter Tank Parameters • PH...
  3. LV3

    0 Nitrates so I dosed Sodium Nitrate

    Seems this is a popular topic lately and with BRSTV's episode on chaeto and refugium lighting I thought I would share my experience with low nitrates. About 45 days ago I switched over to the Kessil H380 and started growing chaeto like it was my job. Not knowing when I should prune it, I let it...
  4. Jordan_G

    General Questions: Nitrate, U-Tube air bubble, and Sump

    Hey everyone. I have had my tank up and running for a year and a half or so. For the most part I have been able to figure out all of the problems that come along with getting into the hobby, however there's a few things I can't ever seem to figure out. I was hoping to pick some brains and get...
  5. thinktank

    Confusion on Nitrate and Nitrite in saltwater tank.

    So, I migrated over to saltwater from freshwater and am currently waiting for my 100 gallon tank to finish cycling. I cycled using 5 dead shrimp I bought from a supermarket. After about 5 days of them rotting in my tank my Ammonia finally started to show up and when it hit 8ppm on around day 7...
  6. reefaboo

    Fish poop with no fish in the system - sps nutrients

    i have a die off of my fish in my sps tank ( some due to agression, some due to lack of care when im gone on vacation and some just dead ) now over the period of 8 months i lost a few fishies and down to 2 fish in a 50 gallon system .. i dont want to add any more fish but clearly fish poop is...
  7. BlueWorldJeff

    Emergence of Brown Algae

    I have recently had the emergence of brown algae on my sandbed that has coincided with some other inconsistencies in my 180. All within the past month, I have had: Emergence of Diatoms, mostly on sandbed. darker in some areas, non existent where there is no light (under rock/coral overhangs...
  8. ReeferMadness80G

    Raising No3 Via Spectracide Stump Remover (Potassium Nitrate)

    So this test will be conducted on a 14 gal biocube with a 10 gal Sump so roughly 20 gallons of water. My tank is SPS dominated Reef Octopus BH50 Skimmer Chemipure Elite Jeabao dosing 2 part from Reef Grow and Kents Tech M Magnesium I currently have 5 fish Pair of Oscellaris Clownfish Royal...
  9. R

    Need help with new saltwater tank (lowering nitrate and increasing ph)

    This is my first saltwater tank and any information you guys can give my is appreciated. Specs: -29 Gallon (picture of tank: -1 600GPD Powerhead (aimed slightly down) -84 Degrees Fahrenheit (in process of lowering this to 80) -1.022 Gravity / 30 PPT -Around 7.4 pH...
  10. BlueWorldJeff

    Adding Dry Rock to Established Reef

    My 180g reef has three live rock pillars right now and I want to add another one. I had some dry rock in the garage, that I epoxyed into another pillar. It has been sitting in a 18 gallon rubbermaid tote filled with 1.025 salt water with a MJ1200 powerhead moving the water. This was old tank...
  11. sghera64

    10 PPM Phosphate Levels: No need to panic

    Abstract: A calculation error led to the overdosing of tri sodium phosphate (TSP: Na3PO4) to a 700L (135 gallon display plumbed to two 25 gallon frag tanks) mixed reef system with deep sand bed that has been operating for the past 14 years. The overdose resulted in not the targeted 0.010 ppm...
  12. Sarah007

    SHRIMPOCALYPSE! Help Water Testing. Mean Clownfish.

    Hello Reefers, So within a couple days I've had all my shrimp (4 year old pistol shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp) die. I've also had 9 out of 10 hermit crabs die off. The shrimp and the crabs seem to turn over on their backs and then slowly kick around and die over the course of a couple days...
  13. Nitrate in the Reef Aquarium

    Nitrate in the Reef Aquarium

    Introduction Nitrate is an ion that has long dogged aquarists. It is typically formed in aquaria through the digestion of foods, and in many aquaria it builds up and can be difficult to keep at natural levels. In the past, many aquarists performed water changes with nitrate reduction as one of...