
  1. C

    Newbie questions and help

    Hello fellow reefers, I upgraded my fluval 13.5 to a SCA 50g earlier last year. Everything is doing great, all my coral seem happy, and haven't lost any fish. But I do have some general questions and would like to hear your opinions on them. Current coral stock: Rock Flower nem, GSP, Xenia...
  2. MannyS

    Tank help

    Hello everyone I hope that you are all well. I wanted to get your views on my aquascape. I'm new to the hobby. I've used all dry rock at the moment. I will add some live rock to it at some point. Will there be enough hiding spaces for fish. Im planning on having a mixed Reef with corals. The...
  3. A

    Hello Arts Underwater Reef

    Hey there Everyone, I’m new to social media but I have been into the business since I was a kid I’d always love the water. Now I have a bunch of fish tanks with many types of corals, zoas and more and would love to share what works for me which might work for you. On my IG I share a bunch of...
  4. NanoReeferNut

    Hello What up R2R fam

    Hey family. New to the reef world, been in it for about a year with a 5 gallon nano to a 13 nano and now a 40 gallon cube with 20 gallon sump. Running a Ecotech Radion xr15 blue, Ecotech Vectra S2 pump, a Nyos Quantum 120. The tank is about 6 months old. Let the tank run for 3 months before...
  5. G

    Hello New to the sport of reefing

    Hi, I’m Tom. My family got involved in a saltwater aquarium this fall. Our first one, 110gal. tank. I’m a pool guy by trade, figured I could catch on quick. Frankly it has been a lot of work, a ton of fun, and maybe we’re going to quick? I’ll share some photos.
  6. sturdy

    EMERGENCY Expired fritz turbo 900?

    So I recently purchased a small bottle of fritz 900 recommended to me buy the reef store I went to 11 days ago the store owner didn’t mention that it needed to be refrigerated so the bottle went 9 days without refrigeration and the expiration date says 011222 which I can’t figure out is it this...
  7. M

    O-fish-ally reefing newbie - help

    Just got into the reefing game. I've been working with freshwater tanks for a while now and just started looking into doing salt water reefs. I'm really just looking for someone who is more used to this kind of thing to chat with and get some pointers in the right direction. - MOD
  8. miltonkl

    Help choosing my first tank.

    Looking to set up my first tank and I just picked up a used Aquatop Recife 40g AIO tank and stand which I got a great deal on; however, the skimmer is missing the little piece that you adjust it with, the light was missing, and the powerhead is missing the mount to have it actually stay in...
  9. SaltyFresh

    Hello First Timer Here!

    Greetings from Connecticut! I am a Freshwater tanker who is beginning the set up of my first Salt Water tank ever (eeek!) this forum site has come up in many of my researching and I have found many discussing to be insightful and have joined in hopes this will be a great resource on my...
  10. naselflee

    Can someone help ID this weird looking thing?

    Hi. I’ve had my tank almost set up for 6 months now. I was looking at my corals and noticed this weird translucent thing underneath my hammer coral. I can’t see it during the day as my hammer is expanded, but at night when it’s closed up, this weird thing is there. it’s about an inch long and...
  11. R

    Check my new plus 1 to the tank! My Halloween hermit!

    Meet my new plus 1 to my little mini ocean! My Halloween hermit!
  12. naselflee

    EMERGENCY Strange white marks in clownfish

    Hey guys. Sorry for all the questions I’m having about my fish. I’m just a newbie who is still learning everything. So I’ve had my 90 litre tank set up for 6 months now. I’ve had my two clown fish and juvenile foxface in there for about 5 months now. The last couple of days, my male clownfish...
  13. johnrb3

    Hello Hi! Newbie here!

    Hello everyone my name is Trey and I'd like to thank everyone already for all the help while a stalked the forum before joining! I'm a soon to be new reefer from Dallas, Tx. I'm currently in the process of planning my purchases…from tank to pumps, lighting, and etc. I’m currently, focused on a...
  14. Sagess

    New to saltwater hobby and just wanted to get some more information about corals!

    Hey everyone! I have had my first saltwater tank up and running for a couple months now. I'm so hooked on it now! I just picked up my first two corals and so far they are doing pretty good! I working on some pretty exciting projects for my tank but was wanting to get some more information...
  15. B

    Please help

    I found this on the market, and based on the vendor, they cultured this kind of sea grapes, but to me it looks quite big for sea grapes. (3-5mm in diameter) can I put this in my tank? tank is 6 weeks old, 75 gallon and completely cycled. i only have two clown fish currently. ps. it looks...
  16. NenSchaefer

    Hello Hey, Reefers!!! I'm Nen. Come say "Hi!"

    Hello, Everyone! Thanks for clicking! My name is Nen and I'm a nursing student at Indiana University. GO HOOSIERS!! I love rock climbing and Scuba Diving, which is what started my obsession. I have a freshwater tank that I've had for about 3 years now which is home to my best buddy Pluto. He's...
  17. J

    My first fish!!

    So my first fish has settled in nicely was going to go for two clowns but someone beat me to them so I came away with this beauty and honestly I'm so happy, he's super enquizitive and loves swimming to the glass no name as of yet, open to suggestions
  18. O

    Need help with Flow for torch coral

    Hello I’m new to corals and I have 3 torches I believe. But I don’t seem to see my torches extending how it did from when I purchased them. Please help. Should I blast the torches with flow ?
  19. djm

    Duncan vs Hammer

    Hi guys just looking for a bit of guidance and a steer here. I have a Fluval spec marine (basically the Fluval evo 13.5G) but a 16 gal version. All with the stock setup / lighting etc which is It’s been up and running for over 3 months now and is stocked with 2 clowns, 3 hermits and 2 turbo...
  20. E

    newbie needs some help

    Hello guys, I am new here and I have some questions. Sa my tank is around 50 l. and it is equipped with a RedStar 50 skimmer and RedSea 50 lights. It is 3 months old and I make a 20% water change every 2 weeks. I was wondering if everything seems ok to you? What to do next? Buy some tests and...
  21. andiesreef

    Adding Fish and Corals

    So I am starting a 20g reef tank as soon as my cycle finishes. I am planning on the following stocking: - 1 ocellaris clownfish - 1 cardinalfish or royal gramma - 1 small blenny or goby maybe paired with a shrimp - 1 small wrasse if i can find one (pink-streaked or possum, or perhaps even a...
  22. jmcclu23

    Hello New reef keeper! 3 weeks in

    Hi Everyone! I've been lurking on this forum for the last few months and finally decided to take the leap into the hobby. I've always had a huge interest in reefs/sea life and regularly volunteer at one of the nations largest aquariums (pre-covid, super ready to feel safe going to indoor...
  23. Lehton_Whitis

    New member here!!

    Hi Everyone! My name is Lehton and I am a new member of reef2reef and new to Aquariums. This is my tank (10 gallons) and I currently have 2 clownfish living in it. It’s been a rough transition into this hobby and I think I jumped into it too fast, but things are going good. I have a Duncan...
  24. V

    EMERGENCY My ammonia lvls wont go down to 0!

    i am new to marine fish keeping hobby. And i was researching stuff on the internet on how to do the cycling. Its been around 2 weeks now since i started my “cycle” and my recently recorded levels are quite confusing to what my research is telling me. My ammonia is still up in .25ppm and my...
  25. Tpine1402

    Fish Stocking Help

    I have recently started cycling my 44 gallon Pentagon FOWLR. Before I go and buy any fish and over stock the tank I would like to know if my fish stock wish list is reasonable. I would like to know if the fish are compatible and if they will all fit, also which fish to remove or add. Thank you...