
  1. S

    When to add fish

    I have been doing quite a bit of research for my first saltwater aquarium, (and I am very excited to get started) and nearly every resource I found said that you want to wait from when you put in water, to when you add your first fish, to let the water "cycle" and become more normal I guess...
  2. cjane

    Build Thread 32g biocube: newbie/ starting over

    Years later I'm starting over new... Newbie to a reef tank... When I had a salt tank set up years ago, I only had fish.. but this time,I have decided to set up a reef. I will say Im a little nervous about coarls- adding corals, placements, and healthy levels.... But just one day at a time. I...
  3. toor.attar

    Parameters?? New tank

    Hey, my parameters in my 29 gallon tank are a lil high, I started my tank exactly 3 weeks ago and for the last couple of weeks my parameters keep fluctuating back n forth. My Ammonia and Nitrite both keep going from .25ppm then back to .50ppm. My nitrates are high too around 40 ppm. Does that...
  4. OfficeReefer

    Numbered Tips for Newbies - What is the worst mistake you have made when starting a reef tank?

    Happy February R2R! While reading a post from someone who meant well, I realized it might be good time this year with those getting tax refunds to remind people of the lessons learned in starting a successful reef tank. Too many times on this forum, I read those that get started in nano tanks...
  5. toor.attar

    Need some help! New too saltwater!

    Hey everybody I’m new and just got into the hobby and started my first marine aquarium 2 weeks ago. I started a 29G, 30X13X19. Equipment - HOB Aquaclear 50 (planning on getting anotha filter along with this one to help it out), Fluval heater, Fluval pump pointing towards surface, API Marine test...
  6. toor.attar

    Stocking list/ideas?? Need some help

    Hey everybody I’m new and just got into the hobby and started my first marine aquarium 2 weeks ago. I started a 29G, 30X13X19. Equipment - HOB Aquaclear 50 (planning on getting anotha filter along with this one to help it out), Fluval heater, Fluval pump pointing towards surface, API Marine test...
  7. J

    Live vs Dry Rock

    Hi all, As a newbie reefer, I have to ask the big question. Dry rock or live rock? I'm terrified of getting bad hitchhikers, but I understand the benefits of live rock. My tank is shipping as we speak, Innovative Marine Nuvo 20 gallon.
  8. GoofyCorals

    Hello Hello everyone!

    Hello everyone! My name is Felix, and I’m new to R2R. At the moment I have a 55gal aquarium tank with 2 Firefish, a Purple Firefish, a lemonpeel angle fish, a Orange spotted Blenny, a Royal Gramma, a Tomato Clownfish, a Ocellaris Clownfish, a Longnose Hawkfish, and a Skunk cleaner shrimp. I’m...
  9. Sly Element

    Hello New HERE

    Hello fellow reefers, My name is jp, and i am a reefer for about 12 years now. I am from Belgium. Had all different kind of tanks, from 60L to 800L and in between. Currently i have a 10gallon standerd sized tank. But i ordered a new project : 80CMx35CMx22CM Yes, you guessed it.. a shallow...
  10. CallMeLloyd

    Tank was cycled, now its not?

    My first tank. Tank set up on 4/26/22, used Dr. Tims & Ammonia. Added 2 Clownfish on day 38 (had been reading 0 Ammonia & Nitrite for 2 weeks). Did my big water change before adding the fish. Probably 4-5 days of the clowns in the tank I noticed 1 had a small bump on his gil/side of face. Fast...
  11. H

    27 gallon journey

    Figured I would keep a journal of my progress with my first saltwater tank. I found the aquarium and stand on craigslist and bought myself a heater and hob. The light is an aquaneat and I will be replacing that in due time. Oh I know the water level is low. I'm planning on getting another few...
  12. Trommell

    Not good Dr. Reefs Quarantined Fish Experience

    Hey guys, Just wanted to give a first hand experience I am having with Dr.ReefsQuarantinedFish. I placed an order with Dr.ReefsQuarantinedFish on June 2nd, 2022 for 2 Black Storm Clownfish, 2 Banggai Cardinals, and 1 Orchid Dottyback. I received confirmation my order had been placed on the same...
  13. CarleyMichelle28

    Hello Hi! New here!

    Hey y’all! I’m a new reefer from Mississippi. I started my 20 gallon high tank 1 month ago… can’t believe it’s been that short amount of time it feels like it’s been a while lol. I quickly discovered that my 20 gallon tank does not fit my dreams so I am in the process of setting up a 75 gallon...
  14. aeo29067

    Nano Build 13 gallon frag tank build

    Hello y'all, I've finally decided to try my hand at keeping corals. Just picked up this lovely 13 gallon aquatop at my local fish store yesterday. I'm gonna start getting supplies together for the build but before that, I would love any and all advice on getting into corals and how best to...
  15. N

    Just got my first saltwater tank. Advice pls

    Hi. So yesterday i bought my first saltwater tank from kijiji. I have 20 freshwater tanks and have always wanted to do the jump. It came with 2x clownfish, a blue damsel, 3 hermitcrabs and sand. I just put 18 lb of live rock and im running a tidal 55 and a aquaclear (small) for carbon. Once is...
  16. Trommell

    Build Thread Proclear 200 - First Aquarium

    Hey Everyone, I am starting a little late to the build post. I am brand new to the world of aquariums but have chosen to dive in head first. Build List ProStar Rimless V2 200 Gallon Aquarium w/ BLACK Stand - Pro Clear Aquatic Systems COR-20 Intelligent Return Pump (2000 GPH) - Neptune Systems...
  17. Phoerut

    Will this coral eat my fish?

    So I bought what I think is some sort of mushroom coral with no research from a not very informative LFS. I know I’m a terrible noob. I had researched that ‘mushroom’ corals are good beginner corals. But at this point I was unaware that not all mushroom corals are good beginner corals and then...
  18. C

    Redsea Reefwave and a 40 gallon breeder.

    Hello all! I am currently in the process of cycling my first tank and am about to buy a new flow pump. (I somehow spaced on ordering the main pump XD). I was wondering if the redsea ReefWave 45 would be too strong for a 40 gallon breeder. I like the gyre type of pumps i think they look good and...
  19. OneMerissa

    Fishless cycle can not get Nitrite or Nitrate down!

    Hey all, I think I have read all on R2R regarding the fishless cycle but nothing I see that hits the nail on the head with my issue. I did Dr. Tims' one and only fishless cycle. Here's where I'm at: - Followed the directions to a Tee. I have a 32 gl LED Biocube. I used RODI water and Instant...
  20. Phoerut

    Bit of a rant here. Caribsea shouldn’t sell their painted dry rocks as ‘live rock’

    As a newbie here I researched and decided I needed live rock to put into my aquarium. I go the aquarium store and buy ‘Caribsea live rock’. I did wonder how it could be alive without being in water but I just assumed it lay dormant or something lol. Went to a better aquarium store and quickly...
  21. Lynx

    Tentative Stocking Plan

    Planning on a Coralife Biocube 32 been doing freshwater for many years and have always been interested in reefs but never had the time/$$$ to make the plunge! The past few weeks has been tons of researching/obsessing so here's my general ideas for livestock! My goal is a super cool aquascape...
  22. John.Thompson

    For the newbies

    Are mushrooms a good tolerant coral for starters??
  23. joegillis205

    Help kill this algae!!

    Good day everyone, wondering what way I should go about getting rid of this algae. Tank has been running for just over a year. Crashed once and killed everything except zoas. Current parameters are Alk-8.9 Mag-1500 Cal-500 Ammonia-0 (sailfert) Po 0 Temp 78 One gallon water changes every week...
  24. J

    Build Thread Justreefinit's 1st Reef Tank (20G)

    Hello fellow reefers, I'm new to the reefing community. I posted for the first time last week about the start to my reefing journey. With the help of my friend (Honestly couldn't have done this without him) I finished cycling my tank and just added clownfish and 3 corals. My tank is 20 gallons...
  25. J

    Hello New Reefer and Loving it

    Hey, I'm brand new to reefing. My buddy got me hooked and I recently started a reef tank. I'm a medical student so I love learning new topics and I've enjoyed all of the chemistry I've learned so far. This hobby can be super overwhelming as I can see. There are so many factors in play and there...
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