
  1. ClowninAround386

    Air bubbles?

    I'm not sure if it is sand particles or small air bubbles circulating through my tank. I am not sure if this is normal for salt water tanks, if anyone could help or tell me what this is that would be greatly appreciated! (I am new to salt water tanks) This is a 13.5 gallon tank with ~7 lbs of...
  2. Sean Shimer

    Adding fish into standard 55 gallons reef tank.

    Looking at adding new fish into my 55 that are reef compatible. Currently have 4 saltwater mollies, hermit crabs, nassarius snails, cerith snails, peppermint shrimp, banded coral shrimp, emerald crabs, branded trochus snails, and a chalk bass. Looking at a clown or two, maybe an Ocellaris...
Tampa Bay Saltwater Live Rock and Live Sand