new tank

  1. lickyricky

    New Tank - Questions about Caribsea Life Rock and Cycling

    Hey Everyone! After a five year hiatus I am back with my new Red Sea Max E-170 and I am super excited! Over the weekend I assembled all the parts. Today my final shipments are coming in (chiller, heater, live sand, etc.) and I am super stoked to finally get some water in my beautiful tank...
  2. Hugo Garcia

    New to all this.

    Hey guys, how is it going? This is my first time at reef2reef, and my first attempt at a saltwater tank. I've had a freshwater tank with goldfish for about a year now, and decided to take the leap and start a saltwater tank as well. So what I'm paling to have is a 20 Gallon tank with 2 clownfish...
  3. LEOreefer

    Let's see those cycling tanks

    Far to often you get to see these beautiful tanks showcased (As they should be ) , this might give the false impression that anyone can have a reef like that in just a few months. The purpose of this thread is to highlight the tank uglies and to show what it really takes to achieve a beautiful reef
  4. Kaiser

    Moving Stuff from my old tank to my new tank

    I recently picked up a nicer 30 gallon and am planning on moving my 20 gallon nano setup w/ sump/refugium into it, never done a direct tank upgrade before, what is the safest way to ensure my tank doesn't kill off all my coral and fish by re-cycling? I was thinking about throwing bioballs in my...
  5. D

    AIO Build New Waterbox AIO build!

    Hello everyone, Recently purchased a new Waterbox platinum 135.4 AIO ( ) and am waiting on delivery to my LFS for sump redesign. I understand these are supposed to be out of stock until october, but my LFS guy assured me he would receive it this...
  6. Schmitty


    Im gonna go from a 29gallon biocube to a 40gallon IM Nuvo tank hopefully this weekend. Wanting to keep most of my current coral, live rock and fish, clean up crew etc... any tips? Im planning on getting 7-8 5g buckets and putting my current wanter without disturbing the sand in as many buckets...
  7. Schmitty

    BIOCUBE VS NUVO or something else?

    So my 29g biocube started leaking and I need to get another tank, was looking at the 32 g biocube since it will fit on my stand but wondering if any of you have better suggestions without going to much higher then 40 for lack of space in my small apartment... I did notice the Nuvo 40g looks...
  8. Biokabe

    Is my sump large enough?

    I recently inherited a 50g tank (48" x 13" x 19")that had been used as a freshwater tank. It came with a 10g sump, completely unused - my relative never set it up, was just gathering dust in the attic. I'm not new to saltwater or reefing, but I am new to sumps - my 9-year-old BioCube has never...
  9. K

    Build Thread Kramy2017 new tank thread

    I've been out of the hobby for 6 years. Before that I kept salt water tanks for about 15 years. I completed my setup and tried to keep it cheap. I went to Craigslist and found a 75gal cabinet style setup with a canopy. And also 75pounds of dead live rock. I bought LED lights, a skimmer, some...
  10. Sammi Mi

    Aquascaping struggles

    My tank is 60 gallons... kinda skinny as far as depth is concerned. I'm having a hard time getting an aquascape setup I like without touching the walls of my tank. I'm thinking about breaking up some of my larger rocks. Also, I'm thinking about taking the sand out and keeping it in a plastic...
  11. want2bsleepy

    65 Gallon Seahorse Tank

    After years of telling my husband that we should have seahorses, he has finally agreed to help me set up a seahorse tank! We currently have a 125 gallon reef tank, a 29 gallon biocube, and a 15 gallon frag tank. Back in the fall we purchased a 65 gallon tank with stand, and have slowly been...
  12. MICU murse

    Build Thread New tank startup

    Hey r2r, This is the first post of many to come detailing the startup and maintenance of my first saltwater tank. I'm mostly ignorant to the process other than what I have read online and I'm always receptive to tips and tricks. My setup was bought second hand includes this far: -55 gallon tank...
  13. MICU murse

    First tank

    I have just starting cycling my first tank. It's a 55 gallon tank with 25 lbs of dry live rock and a few pounds of live rock from my local pet store. I also have a bed of live sand and I have used a bacterial supplement as well. Assuming I will need an additional ammonia supply I plan to...
  14. mcgdz86

    Build Thread 36g Bowfront Upgrade

    Had an old 36g bowfront that I am converting from freshwater to saltwater. This will be make second reef tank. I'm hoping to keep maintainence/care easier so I will be doing mostly fish, with a few softies, and maybe a Nem for the clowns. My first tank I used live rock and ended up just having...
  15. OlyaVictoria

    New Tank Cycling - What Are All These Things??!

    Hello! So I am very new to SW and I am starting out with a 13g nano (Fluval Evo). I went to a great fish store in my area where everyone seemed to really know what they were talking about (not that I would really know) and they helped me figure out what I should do to set up my system. So I...
  16. Bruce's Reef

    Large Build Bruce's 220

    well I am ready to show off my tank a bit, DAS custom build 6x30x24 high, 3 radion Xr30 Pros, vextra M1 return, 2x MP40 qd, reef octopus 250 int skimmer, Apex controlled, Tunze Ato, Kessil Fuge LED, DOS dosing pump w/ dual reservoirs and a BRS jumbo reactor running carbon. Few misc snails and...
  17. Z

    Restarting my tank

    So I had my 55g reef tank started an going last year, but due to a super bad algae outbreak that I lost hand over fist to, I had to tear it down. Good news is, now I've got it back up again. Taking a whole different approach this time. I cleaned the entire tank and all equipment very...
  18. Squirrel_reefer

    Income Tax Ballers

    Whaddup fellow Reefers! It's that time of year again, where everyone will be filing their taxes and getting back all the money they loaned the Government this year (interest free btw). I don't know about you but I feel that being responsible is overrated lol, I plan to spend at least a little...
  19. Salty-Sailor

    Hi! Newbie Here. welcoming all advice!

    Just Started my new 55G reef tank 11-28-2016 So far i think im in the right direction but probably should be keeping track of my levels a little better, at least more then just bringing in water samples to the local saltwater aquarium shop and the very nice gentlemen tells me im doing good lol...
  20. audikers

    Build Thread My new to me tank. 33 Gal

    Hello all. Here is my tank. It is a 33 gal with a HOB filter and a powerhead. I got it used from someone, and now I'm just getting it established at my house. It has its problems. Which I will tackle one at a time. Today I will be pulling all the rock out and spraying it all with peroxide...
  21. audikers

    Switching a tank from Freshwater to Saltwater

    Hello! I am new to this hobby, and I will be converting a 150 gallon tank from fresh water to salt water. It is a beautiful clean tank and already drilled for saltwater. First. The tank has black sand in it from Hawaii. Can this sand be utilized for a saltwater set up? What do I need to do to...
  22. lightningreef2690

    75 Gallon Reef Stocking

    Hey everyone, So i recently stumbled upon a Lightning Maroon clown fish at a price so low i couldnt pass it up. So for the meantime i have him in a 5 gallon nano while i set up his new 75 Gallon mixed reef tank. The Lightning Maroon will obviously be the star of the tank, so i need to make sure...
  23. C

    Tank Setup Help

    I used to have a 55 gal Fish only tank with some live rock so not totally new but still a pretty much a newby . Before my aunt passed away she gave me a 130 gal acrylic tank and some other stuff. Problem is I don't really know know if I can utilize what i have from her and stuff from my old...
  24. C

    New to R2R

    Hello everyone. I'm glad I found this forum and hopefully you all can help me get my reef tank on its feet again. About 10 years ago I got the saltwater bug. I had a small 55 gallon tank with the bare minimum I could get away with to get my fix. I was lucky enough to be given a larger tank by my...
  25. D

    looking to buy nuvo 16

    Hey guys im looking to buy a new tank specifically the nuvo 16 I.M if anybody has one let me know shop rare & farmed corls