new tank build

  1. MillsReef

    Ecotech Vectra M2 question

    I have a Waterbox 170.4/5 on the way, and it has a 1" ID return hose. I purchased the Ecotech Vectra M2 as a return pump for it, and I was wondering, how did you guys plumb your Vectras? I want to make sure I did it right. Lol! Pictures would be extremely helpful!
  2. curiel909


    Hello everyone! Hope everyone had an awesome weekend! I sure did, I visited Reef-A-palooza and came up with a lot of great products. I am now on week 2 with my 40 gallon tank. And I started getting brown algae all over the tank. My lights are on a schedule. I am running a Current USA orbit...
  3. AquaDaddy

    Upgrading Tank, how to transfer old fish and add new fish at same time...

    HI there. We currently have a 93 cube and it's been up and running for a couple years. We have the below list in our tank and they are all happy and doing well. We are also in the process of building our new tank (210) and are looking for advice on transferring the fish as well as adding new...
  4. Synergy Reef Systems CL-44

    Synergy Reef Systems CL-44

  5. shawnriv

    New Cycled Tank - Dead Fish...Help!

    Hey Everyone, I recently began cycling my new Red Sea Reefer 350 with live sand, dry rock, bio spira, and did a fishless cycle using Dr. Tim's ammonia. After cycling for about a week and half, my ammonia and nitrite went to zero. I dosed the appropriate amount of ammonia nightly and the after...
  6. My New Custom Rimless SCA 150

    My New Custom Rimless SCA 150

  7. Jacquie Samples

    Cube Build My Mother's Day Biocube 32

    My family gave me a Coralife Biocube 32 LED for Mother's Day. How awesome is that? This is the second Biocube we will have in our home. With the LED lighting, I think I"ll be able to do a lot more than I could with my now 8-year-old Oceanic Biocube 29. I had to get a replacement tank...
  8. Joe Batt

    Build Thread Re-building a RedSea Reefer 350 and converting to Triton

    Well after 3 years in the hobby and my tank slowly going south, I decided its time to sort it out. I live in the Middle East and after many trials and tribulations, plus numerous threads on here trying to sort it out. I have decided the best way to fix my tank would be to re-start and try...
  9. ReefJCB

    120 mixed reef build

    Hello Folks! I am returning to the hobby after a 10 year hiatus. I had a 75g mixed reef when I was in high school with varying levels of success. It has been so long, and I screwed so much up before that for all intents and purposes I consider myself a beginner. I now have my own place, and...
  10. Hugo Garcia

    What product is better for coralline development?

    I was looking into adding some additives to my tank to make coralline gore faster. I already have live rock, but I'm afraid the coralline is not doing well. I was looking into this products: Which one should I get? Thanks guys
  11. G

    90 gallon budget build.

    Hello everyone I have had fresh water all my life and habe had 2 salt within the last 2 years. I started with a 13 gallon to try it out then after about a year we converted or 44 corner cichlid tank to salt. Had to make my own sump because of limited space. after everything stabilized...
  12. D

    Let's HEAR IT! Long Term Aquarium Fish Community? We want to hear from YOU!

    250Gallon MD, Super Low Nutrient LPS/SPS Dominant Tank- Looking to hear what fish selection long term have had the most success in this environment, both as a community of Fish as well as Reef Friendly. Looking for your Tank Size Total Numbers,List of all Fish, Size of your tank, how old is...
  13. want2bsleepy

    65 Gallon Seahorse Tank

    After years of telling my husband that we should have seahorses, he has finally agreed to help me set up a seahorse tank! We currently have a 125 gallon reef tank, a 29 gallon biocube, and a 15 gallon frag tank. Back in the fall we purchased a 65 gallon tank with stand, and have slowly been...
  14. Sammi Mi

    New Tank setup

    Hi! My name is sammi, new to this hobby. I've done a lot of research over the past few months prior to even buying anything. Got the tank started last week, water, live sand, all equipment (canister filter, protein skimmer, power heads, heater, etc...) Finally bought some live rock today and got...
  15. MICU murse

    Build Thread New tank startup

    Hey r2r, This is the first post of many to come detailing the startup and maintenance of my first saltwater tank. I'm mostly ignorant to the process other than what I have read online and I'm always receptive to tips and tricks. My setup was bought second hand includes this far: -55 gallon tank...
  16. MICU murse

    First tank

    I have just starting cycling my first tank. It's a 55 gallon tank with 25 lbs of dry live rock and a few pounds of live rock from my local pet store. I also have a bed of live sand and I have used a bacterial supplement as well. Assuming I will need an additional ammonia supply I plan to...
  17. E


    Hi guys, glad to join the forum. Eagerly looking to get back into building a new tank. Been about 7 years since I sold my 14 gal nano. Got a quote from CADLights for the tank only. 68G Versa - $550 for tank only, delivered. Anyone here have good experience with their tanks? Roughly the same...
  18. M

    Build Thread 300 Gallon New Reef Tank Build

    My 300 gallon all glass tank is approximately 2 weeks away from completion so I have decided to start my tank build thread. This will be my 3rd and hopefully final upgrade. I have never done a build thread before so I am open to suggestions on my thread and build. After getting quotes and...
  19. FishGuyBri

    Build Thread My 90 Gal mixed reef from start to finish

    So I've decided to jump back into the hobby and it's been a while, so I'm going to document from day 0: Picking up tomorrow: 90 gal Aqueon glass tank LFS built stand Eshopps R-200 Refugium sump Reef Octopus INT 150 skimmer Mag 7 pump Megaflow overflow Aquaillumination Hydra HD 26 x 2 I'm...
  20. glagunda

    Drilling new tank

    Researched for days and im fairly certain that it is safe to drill the back of the 120 marineland topfin aquarium. Does anyone have the same exact tank that is drilled? Only the bottom panel is tempered?
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