new reefer

  1. Bennutri

    Will i survive?

    I put my toddler hippo tank amd 8 gallons of cycled water, live rock, and live sand in my new 16 gallon will it survive the next weeks w thse cinditions? Or should i wait on water change ?
  2. Reefer37

    Rock Anemone Closed Up

    Hey everyone! So I'm new to the hobby and this is my first rock flower and first anemone so forgive me for not knowing, still trying to learn. Let me give a little backstory on this crazy introduction to my tank: So I got the rock flower and did what most all people say on acclimating...
  3. Reefer37

    Web-like Algae

    Hey everyone! I've been reefing for only 3 months now, so still learning a ton, and I'll tell ya, I can't wait until I can sit down and actually enjoy my tank instead of obsessing over learning and trying to figure every single detail when things change. That's a side note though. :p So I've...
  4. KaliReeFiend

    New Member

    Hey fellow reefers my name is Aaron Emery I am a new hobbiest and just wanted to introduce myself. My LFS gave me a 7G glow tank a year ago to get my feet wet in the fish keeping hobby. Needless to say 3 weeks after the tank was cycled I was hooked and already had a 75G on order to setup a...
  5. Taxus812

    Build Thread Terrys Red Sea Max E170 Build thread

    Here we go. I started my tank build before getting to R2R but I did make a log of what was going on so I can do a bunch of catch up posts until I get current. Some of this is in my introduction so I am sorry about the repeat information Background of what I want and how im going about building...
  6. 20180527_095949_mh1527440976094


    My first nano tank. The new jbj 24 deluxe(modifie). got several problems after it got delivered. it's been a week. For a new reef hobbyist, it's like riding a emotional rollercoaster,lol. I figured r2r is a great platform for me to learn, document my journey, and share experiences.
  7. Struggler

    Help with Pellet Feeding

    So I am new to the saltwater tanks and have just started my tank with three blue/green chromis and two Ocellaris clownfish. I have had the chromis for about a month and the clown fish for about a week and a half. I have been feeding my chromis brine shrimp from day one, same food my lfs fed...
  8. Struggler

    Help Picking A Tang!

    Hello guys I'm new to the hobby and still currently choosing my stocking on a 90 gallon tank I have. Currently I have 2 blue/green chromis. I am going to be adding two Ocellaris clownfish this friday and would like to add a reef safe wrasse, a Foxface Rabbit fish and then a Tang best friend for...
  9. Struggler

    SCA-302 Microbubble Issue

    So I am brand new to the hobby and have just set up a 90 gallon tank with no live stock yet. Currently my SCA 302 is going wild with microbubbles out of the adjustment pipe on lower settings and crazy overflow from the collection cup on higher settings. At first I thought that it was from the...
  10. A

    Build Thread New reefer with a Red Sea nano

    first post to document my progression with this tank. I guess we will see how it goes. aquascape end of the ugly (as soon as the CUC catches up) Ill add some more details in a bit R
  11. AquaART

    AquaART's 92 Gallon Rimless Build

    Hello Reef2Reef! I'm new here so let me give you guys a quick backstory before I dive in: I’ve been contemplating about building an aquarium for years. I’ve had my on and off days wondering if, as a college student, I could support myself both financially and physically with the extra burden of...