I have a 100gl tank- 1 red lip blenny, 3 emerald crabs, 3 clown fish, 1 CBS, 6 nassarius snails, and a dozen or so hermit crabs.
Saturday- Got my blenny, he looked great. After a few hours of having him it looked like he was swimming up to and laying next to the CBS as if asking the shrimp to...
I have just seen that my nassarius snails are laying eggs in my tank and I was wondering what I need to do to get these to hatch.
I know that my fish will eat alot of them but they have laid some in an are my fish can't get too, the gap is too small for the fish to get into, so they should be...
hes been laying on the substrate on it’s side for a while i thought it was hunts so i tried to feed it but it took no interest in the food is there anyway that i can save him and the hermit crabs have been ignoring him
Sooooo, I purchased 2 nassarius snails and 2 nerites for my 20g tank after the first sight of diatoms (my tank is barely 2 months old). The first time I saw the eggs was probably a week ago. Wasn’t really completely sure what they were (eggs did not even come to mind). I knew they were from my...
Hey guy noticed one of my snails acting really strange today not sure what’s going on with it, very strange behavior. Wondering if my cleaner shrimp got to it or what’s going on
This snail has been upside down stretching itself out for the past 24 hours. Even if I right it back up, it'll get back to this position. Every other snail in my tank is fine, including 3 other nassarius snails. I have been feeding general cure binded with focus, but I doubt that's the reason...
Unsure if these are French in origin endulging on some escargot , but I as one who loves their CUC does not appreciate it. His friends are just standing idly by as though they're waiting their turn. :(