nassarius snails

  1. jpmazzone

    Massachusetts Live Goods CUC - Free if you live near Scituate, MA

    I overbought CUC for my reef. I can spare 3 large Mexican Turbo snails, 2 large nassarius snails, 3 trochus snails and 4 blue legged hermit crabs. Send me a note if interested.
  2. 1epauletteshark

    Nassarius snail kills and eats bicolor blenny

    First of all, yes it is a nassarius snail and not a predatory whelk. Half an hour is so ago I had seen one of my nassariuses covering the opening to the shell my blenny lives in and a bumble bee shrimp clawing at it from behind to be let in, I though this was weird but didn’t think anything of...
  3. Zoa_Fanatic

    Sand stirring inverts

    Hey guys will nassarius do a decent enough job of turnover to prevent my sandbed from becoming a solid mess of algea? I have some in my 32 biocube and a sand sifting conch and my sand is beautiful. In my 16G I only have a smaller conch and he doesn’t do enough to keep the sand clean at all. It’s...
  4. NSS

    Nassarius Snail out ouf Shell, any chance?

    One of my Nassarius snails has come out of his shell! Tank is almost 1 year old. I'm posting this for the non-believers. Although I did not see how this happened, it has been 24 hours since I noticed the empty shell. My reaction was thinking that my 6-year old dropped one of her empty shell in...
  5. sealed

    Nassarius issues??

    Added in a serious snail to my tank about a week ago. It immediately burrowed into the sand. I have not seen its siphon since then. I will occasionally bump it when I see its shell towards the surface of the sand to see if it’s still kickin’, which it is. why no siphon though? Too deep I...
  6. Foggy Pirate

    What’s the nassaruis snail leaving along the glass?

    Hey y’all so I have 2 nassarius snails. They hang in the sand mostly but every so often they will zip around the glass before either eating or just burrying themselves. However this snail Has been in the corner of the tank all day and has left these werid feather like markings along the glass. I...
  7. Dad2Wyatt

    Is my emerald crab likely dead?

    I added an emerald crab (along with a turbo snail who is an expert level hider) 2 days ago to my tank. The crab immediately went under a rock and stayed there for a couple days. Last night after lights out I went back and checked In the hole and it was still there and moving within the hole...
  8. Zoa_Fanatic

    Whelks in Nassarius shipments KY

    Just a warning to fellow reefers here in KY I’ve got nassarius from several stores over the past months and several times I’ve ended up with a whelk in there without knowing it till I got home. Every time they’ve been tiny, too tiny to tell hardly. Only the behavior and subsequent out of water...
  9. Dad2Wyatt

    Nassarius snail immediately ate a margarita snail.. should I be worried?

    Added some inverts yesterday. 5 Hermits, 5 margarita snails, and 5 nassarius snails. immediately upon acclimating and adding them to the tank, one of the nassarius snails slid over the largest margarita snail(go figure) and immediately attached itself. I wasn’t sure if this was normal so I let...
  10. ChandlerTingle

    Nassarius Snails Eggs

    Can someone identify if these are eggs?
  11. Hugo Garcia

    Baby Nassarius or Whelk?

    Hi guys, I went to my LFS yesterday and saw this guys all over their tanks. I’m in Brazil, where the import of inverts from out of the country is illegal. No when I moved here, I had to leave my Nassarius Snail behind. They supposedly don’t existe here, so I was surprised when I saw this snails...
  12. Hugo Garcia

    Snail ID (Nassarius Maybe?)

    Hellos guys, just found this guys in my tanks. I was looking around the tanks at night, with all the pumps off and found this guys. I believe him to be a nasarrius snail, but it is striped. I could see his “antena” and had sobre stripes. Is it possible to ID a snail just by its shell? thanks
  13. Diveks

    Nassarius or whelk?

    I got some nassarius snails from a seller ive bought nassariusses from but they were much darker in color hoping its a different species. They are much more active in the tank than my all white ones. They do move quickly on the sand but i have never seen a whelk so im not sure how fast they are...
  14. Zoa_Fanatic

    Is this a whelk?

    Got this snail for 1$. Didn’t get a good look before I grabbed him. Is he a whelk or some kind of nassarius in not aware of?
  15. N

    Nassarius snail help

    Hello, so today bought a couple of nassarius snails for my tank , after a few hours I saw one shell on the top of the sand . There was no little tube thing or anything out . I can’t tell if he is still alive or not. Do these snails have the capability of hiding in there shells ?
  16. jackalexander

    Clean Up Crew

    Currently have 6 hermits and 1 mexican turbo snail in my 32g and they are definitely not able to keep up! I was thinking: 5 Astraea Turbos 5 Super Tongan Nassarius 5 red dwarf hermits 5 blue dwarf hermits Is this too much? Too little? Good mix? any suggestions help!
  17. kels64

    New babies?

    Well yesterday was catastrophe and this morning maybe the possibility of new life? I said in the video it was a cerith snail but it’s actually a nassarius. Anyway she laid a bunch of eggs on the glass and I’m going to try to protect them and see if I get baby snails. Very exciting!
  18. Z

    EMERGENCY Was my blenny attacked or is he sick?

    I have a 100gl tank- 1 red lip blenny, 3 emerald crabs, 3 clown fish, 1 CBS, 6 nassarius snails, and a dozen or so hermit crabs. Saturday- Got my blenny, he looked great. After a few hours of having him it looked like he was swimming up to and laying next to the CBS as if asking the shrimp to...
  19. LxHowler

    How do I get nassarius snail eggs to hatch

    I have just seen that my nassarius snails are laying eggs in my tank and I was wondering what I need to do to get these to hatch. I know that my fish will eat alot of them but they have laid some in an are my fish can't get too, the gap is too small for the fish to get into, so they should be...
  20. nanonøkk

    what’s wrong with my nassarius snail

    hes been laying on the substrate on it’s side for a while i thought it was hunts so i tried to feed it but it took no interest in the food is there anyway that i can save him and the hermit crabs have been ignoring him
  21. taylorn13

    Uhhhh... My nassarius snail keeps laying eggs

    Sooooo, I purchased 2 nassarius snails and 2 nerites for my 20g tank after the first sight of diatoms (my tank is barely 2 months old). The first time I saw the eggs was probably a week ago. Wasn’t really completely sure what they were (eggs did not even come to mind). I knew they were from my...
  22. Daveouthere

    Nassarius snail...Acting weird

    Hey guy noticed one of my snails acting really strange today not sure what’s going on with it, very strange behavior. Wondering if my cleaner shrimp got to it or what’s going on
  23. BloopFish

    Whats wrong with this nassarius snail?

    This snail has been upside down stretching itself out for the past 24 hours. Even if I right it back up, it'll get back to this position. Every other snail in my tank is fine, including 3 other nassarius snails. I have been feeding general cure binded with focus, but I doubt that's the reason...
  24. kennedpa

    Another reason to irradicate bristle worms

    Unsure if these are French in origin endulging on some escargot , but I as one who loves their CUC does not appreciate it. His friends are just standing idly by as though they're waiting their turn. :(
A Reef Creation