nano cube

  1. landlocked303

    Algae Scrubber Help!

    About two months ago I bought an algae scrubber from Santa Monica filtration (Drop 1.4). I have had it running and am getting ZERO growth except for some nasty slightly brown goo. In my tank however I am getting a very small amount of green hair algae. Any advice on how to get the growth in the...
  2. Mariners

    Light and placement of new zoas

    hi everyone, I have a jbj 28 gallon aio with 27 watts leds 1 watt actinic. Ammonia, nitrite and phosphates 0 while nitrates low at 5-10. Calcium at 440 and kh 6-7 and i dose w seachem 1 and 2, target feed w phyto and brightwell. I always dip new zoas w coral rx and acclimate low then move...
  3. yoffer39

    MY Coralife BioCube29

    Hey all this is just a little video I threw together just for the fun of it I hope that you enjoy. Remember to like, subscribe and comment on the video! Thanks and enjoy.
  4. CoralManz

    AIO Build Slice of the Reef

    Tank: Biocube 29 Lights:AI Hydra 52 HD (Best LED in the Market) Pumps: Stock Return Pump Jeboa PP-8 Sicce ??? Heater: Cobalt Aquatic Neotherm 100 watt ATO:Me will be adding one soon Filtration: Filter Floss, Purigen, Chemipure Elite inside a Intank media basket Aquamaxx...
  5. Sandroni

    distilled water for my nano startup?

    Hi, I was wondering since i don't have an RODI system, could i use distilled? I heard that i shouldn't because some components aren't broken down all the way. but i would love to know your guys opinion on it! :p:p
  6. cmcimino

    Hinged AI Prime Mount

    I have a JBJ 28 Nano Cube, with an AI Prime and found the tank mount to be a total pain with the filter section on the nano cube. The plastic screw for the mount had to be screwed out every time I wanted to get in the media basket. I upgraded to an inTank media basket and want to grow chaeto...