mantis shrimp

  1. I

    Discovering power of mantis shrimp

    This guy learned the hard way. Couldn't believe he just grabbed it until I realized he didn’t know it’s abilities. Amazing what it did to his boot and foot.
  2. Richlard

    Help me Id this mantis

    Pics below
  3. Richlard

    Who all is keeping g.viridis

    Who all out there is keeping gonadactylus viridis and what are their temperaments and activity levels?
  4. Richlard

    Is my g.viridis Behaviour normal?

    Hey all first time using this I recently got a g.viridis and he was eating well (I feed him snails) but now he has stopped eating all together, he will punch the snails if I put them in front of him but will not eat them is this a bad sign or is he just preparing to molt. Also he is quite shy...
  5. Lebski

    Tiny baby mantis shrimp

    Hi there, apologies as it can’t get a picture as it’s so small. I picked up a large GSP colony attached to some live rock. That is doing well and I am happy with it! However, I looked underneath the chunk with my phone light as I saw something scuttling upside down under the rock, It is about...
  6. F

    Peacock Mantis Shell issue?

    Hi all. Disclaimer, this is not my personal mantis but it is the one we currently have at the LFS I work at. We’ve had it for a little while but today I noticed this spot on its back, is this shell rot? Something else? I’m gonna be bringing in a PVC burrow for it and am working with the...
  7. DT Prime

    First Mantis Tank Build - 29Gal

    Hey R2R, happy Friday and hope everybody is staying safe out there. Long story short I moved a few months ago and the subsequent rebuilding of my tank has rejuvenated my passion for the hobby, so I've decided to try my hand at something I'd wanted to do from the beginning- build a Mantis Shrimp...
  8. F

    Purple Spot (smithii) mantis Potential Build

    Hi all, I often find myself awake at ungodly hours of the night scrolling through this forum and dreaming of a mantis shrimp of my own. I’m a freshwater fish keeper, and just recently got a job in the freshwater section of my LFS. However, it’s safe to say the mantis has stolen my heart and has...
  9. Carebearsss.x

    Mantis Shrimp??!

    Hi guys! I just found this molt in my tank && it kinda looks like a mantis shrimp??? I'm not 100% sure though !
  10. GeneralWrassement

    Caught him- errr them

    Y’all for 4 months the tapping drove me nuts- ran a camera into the tank and found a pistol Shrimp- this Morning after he killed my Cleaner I tore the tank apart - guess what else I found?
  11. Wtyson254

    Nano Build William’s Quarantine peninsula

    With social distancing having no foreseeable end in sight, my significant other gave me the green light on a pico/Nano bookshelf build. My Waterbox 70:2 will also appreciate this as I have been messing with it too much as of late. The tank will go where my pico contest tank Was previously. I...
  12. Wtyson254

    N. curacaoensis or N. oerstedii

    I’m planning a Nano mantis tank And have the N. oerstedii And N. curacaoensis as stocking options. I have read Roy Caldwell’s page in each but I’m wondering what people’s opinions are? The tank is a lifeguard Aquatics Crystal 7.4gal peninsula. Both shrimp I am looking at are around 1”
  13. Schwab94

    New reefer starting with 28g jbj nano cube need help understanding the scourge of reefing. Mantis Shrimp

    I need whatever tips tricks and knowledge people can give me. This is my 2nd try the first time ended miserably all my fault with many mistakes. Now im starting fresh in a new house trying to get a tank set up for a Mantis shrimp and maaaaaybe two clowns. If all goes well in this tanks first...
  14. mattybecks

    The size of these mantis. Ready for eating

    Hi guys, Just got back from China and saw loads of these guys in the restaurants. I have never seen mantis shrimp this big. All of them larger than my forearm.
  15. mattybecks

    Mantis Shrimp ID

    So yesterday I saw a Mantis Shrimp (I am assuming it was a mantis shrimp) pop out of the rocks. He must have been there for quite sometime as I haven't added in anything new for a while now. This would explain the mystery of my missing invertebrates (a few months ago my cleaner shrimp both...
  16. Perpetual Novice

    Help! Mantis shrimp molting

    I just added a bunch of new rock, inverts, and macroalgae to my tank with a peacock mantis shrimp. I was working and rearranging things for at least an hour. Then again the following day. A giant hermit crab I rather like fell into the mantis burrow but the mantis never attacked. So I spent 15...
  17. Shabalaba

    My Mantis Reef

    Just wanted to share a short video of my peacock in his 100g mixed reef. Breaking all kinds of stereotypes!
  18. B

    Large Crab ID

    Hey guys. I just picked this guy up at my LFS. Guy said he was a pest hitchhiker so I bought it off him for a couple bucks. His body is probably about 3 inches wide not including the claws/legs. He's pretty big. He's munching on some octopus I just gave him. I bought it for my mantis shrimp...
  19. B

    GE Silicon 2 poisoning

    Hi everyone. I just posted a couple days ago about an emergency I was having with my tank. All my fish were dying after switching to a new sump. I thought it was because I switched the sand, or because the heater was up too high which killed off the bacteria; however, I found the culprit. I...
  20. B

    Everything dying in an established tank

    I have a 9 month old tank. Last week I turned off my return pump overnight due to a plumbing problem. I have a refugium with lots of macro growing in it. When I turned off the power for the return pump, it also turned off the light in the fuge. I fixed the plumbing the next day but noticed the...
  21. Roggio

    Hand feeding my Peacock Mantis Shrimp

    And here’s why that’s a big deal
  22. ThunderGoose

    Is it possible??

    While I was feeding my tank (RSR250) tonight I noticed a flash of red that dashed out, grabbed some LRS and disappeared. It moved like a mantis shrimp. I got some live rock last summer from TBS for a nano tank that came with a mantis. Some of the rock went into my RSR. The thing is... I haven't...
  23. Decat

    Peacock Mantis & Tube Anemone? Compatibility?

    Long story short, my Peacock Mantis is in a 32 gallon Biocube and has been doing great for a few months now, successfully molted and eats everyday. I also have a Purple Tube Anemone in the same situation, eating daily, and growing large. The problem is the Tube anemone is in my Coral...
  24. OceanGirl70

    Peacock Mantis Shrimp

    We have a peacock named Boris (he has his own tank with two clowns that stay out of his way.) He is very smart and comes out of his burrow to look at us as much as we like looking at him. That being said, he is a very picky eater. He will only eat live crabs, shrimp or snails that we throw in...
  25. TnFishwater98

    Mantis Shrimp?

    Is this a baby Mantis Shrimp? I found pics online that look similar .. I'll try and get a better pic.. Thanks BD