mandarin dragonet

  1. D

    HELP! Now-Juvenile Mandarin keeps getting pulled into C2C overflow

    Hi all! For a little background, my boyfriend has been planning his reef tank for about eight years (he even chose his apartment in the city he lived in before we met so it could sustain a 400 gallon reef tank). After a 29 gallon gift, 100 gallon tank COVID project, we now have a 100gal tank...
  2. BurtMacklin

    EMERGENCY Green Mandarin Goby Jumped Out of Tank

    I was gone for the day working a 15 hr shift and when I cam home I found my new 1 week old pre-quarantined goby on the floor in front of the tank. He was very dry, but twitched when I picked him up, so I got him in a bowl of the DT water immediately. He had cat hair stuck to him, so I pulled it...
  3. nanonøkk

    mandarin in newly cycled tank ok tiktok

    this is kinda a rant and it’s kinda long about a person i ment on tiktok you don’t have to read it. i also tried to make it as easy to read as i can since i dont know how to use alot of proper grammar but if you do want to read it you can i just wanted to rant about this somewhere. and i’m...
  4. cant beat reef

    Mandarins started spawning!!!

    For the first ever time last night I caught my mandarins spawning for the first known time, they are spotted mandarins I’ve had the male for nearly a year and the female only a couple weeks, I would possibly Louie to raise some fry if I can catch the sperm and eggs next time they spawn. Sorry...
  5. cant beat reef

    Spotted mandarin speaking

    Hey everyone, second time posting in here and everyone has been so helpful. I have recently purchased (2 weeks ago) a female spotted for my male, my male has been great with her there has been no fighting (fingers crossed ) other than the beginning for 20 sec or so I’m assuming that was...
  6. cant beat reef

    Spotted mandarin spawning

    Hey everyone, second time posting in here and everyone has been so helpful. I have recently purchased (2 weeks ago) a female spotted for my male, my male has been great with her there has been no fighting (fingers crossed ) other than the beginning for 20 sec or so I’m assuming that was...
  7. Jendee3773

    Hello Scooter blenny and mandarin dragonet and feeding?

    Hi! I have been reading lots of threads here over the past year but this is my first question that I haven’t really come across being already discussed yet. I have a 220 gallon system that has been up and running a little over a year. I just added a scooter blenny (named Scooter, yes, I’m one of...
  8. Tankquility


    Doing some feeding for the tank, thought I'd throw some music in. Enjoy! Music: breathe slow Musician: Rook1e
  9. Rakesh3012

    Is my Green Mandarin skinny?

    Hi everyone, new to r2r hopefully i posted in the right forum and whatnot. I just got this Green Mandarin a couple of days ago, looked fat from the front but now i noticed a line through his side, is that normal or a sign of him being too skinny? Not worried about his food source in the tank...
  10. M

    Male or Female Spotted Mandarin Goby?

    Hello, I recently got this spotted mandarin, and I thought it is a female because of its small dorsal fin. However, a couple of days ago I noticed that the dorsal fin has a small spine. I took this picture, it is not a good one but it shows the dorsal fin. So, can anyone tell me is it a male...
  11. GnarcoticFiend

    Refugium in return chamber?

    Hey, I recently bought a fiji cube aio 22.4 gal and was wondering if I could run a refugium in my return pump chamber? I’d like to run filter media in the first chamber. I would also like to run bio media, a skimmer and a heater in the middle chamber so that doesn’t leave me with much room left...
  12. P

    Just starting my 112 gallon

    Hi awesome people! So I’m wanting to start my tank off right, and I want to make sure it has a good supply of pods. What’s the best way to make sure they’re are tons in there for my tank, and for my mandarin gobbies I wanna add eventually! Again, just getting back into it so I wanted to know if...
  13. miko chang

    Mandarin Gender?

    Hey everyone, I have this baby mandarin dragonet, and I’m wondering what gender it is.
  14. Spark326

    EMERGENCY Mandarin too skinny/ malnourished ??

    Hello all! I got a small Aquacultured blue mandarin goby/ dragonet 2 days ago and I can not tell if it looks too skinny/ malnourished. I have looked at other threads and pics. I see my Mandarin pecking pretty often throughout the day and in some angles she looks ok, but I do see that lateral...
  15. H

    2 Mandarins in 125 gallon?

    So I want to keep a pair of mandarins in my planned 125 gallon w/ 55 gallon sump, but I’m afraid that they would devastate the pod populations. Could a tank this size support 2 mandarins? 5 inch sand bed, 180 pounds of live rock, and ~30 gallon refugium.
  16. H

    Good news! Build thread for 125 gallon coming around Christmas!

    Disclaimer: This is not a build thread, there aren’t any pictures yet. My dad has finally caved and decided to help me build a 125 gallon tank with 55 gallon sump around Christmas. I’ll give you the details. So first, the stocking list. 20 Ocellaris Clowns and 3 LTAs: I’ve decided to attempt a...
  17. H

    Mandarin Dragonet with Clownfish and Fairy Wrasses?

    I heard that they might compete for pods is this true
  18. Bgough526

    Green Mandarin Dragonet

    So I bought a GMD from my lfs 2 days ago. I have a well established 15g reef tank, I’ve been doing thorough research for about 2 years on how to keep them and actually owning one is stressing me out lol. Even though I populated my tank with a bottle of tiger copepods 2 days ago, I cannot tell if...
  19. Haleyscales00167

    Mandarin Goby Died

    I introduced a male to my female a couple of days ago to see if they would pair up. I got a male that was bigger than the female cause I heard that females may kill males that are smaller than her. Well today I found my male dead. His mouth of wide open and he has pale spots spots like he lost...
  20. M

    Will my mandarins kill each other

    I have had a mandarin goby for six months that I trained to eat pellets and frozen foods right now it’s probably around an inch and it is female. I recently bought another mandarin online where I asked if they could send me a male but when I got it it turns out it may be a female since it too...
  21. M

    Mandarin goby pairing

    I bought a tank raised female mandarin a month ago and she was eating frozen cyclops and small pellets. So then I felt like I really wanted a pair but it was cheaper for me to buy a wild caught one then captive bred so I bought a male caught and since I don’t have copepods in my tank to my...
  22. Cole nelson

    Longnose hawk fish with mandarin

    Hello,I have had successfully owned a green mandarin goby for over a year in my 50 gallon reef tank. However, a buddy of mine offered me one of his fish from his 40 gallon reef.. a longnose hawk fish. I have loved these fish and always seen them to Be an interest, and have considered purchasing...
  23. Peach02

    White worms for Mandarin?

    Ive been researching good ways to fatten up my mandarin dragonetts as their weight is going up and down a lot lately I know I will need to find another method of feeding them. I tried Paul B's brine shrimp feeder however I couldn't get all the exactly correct materials and my clownfish decided...
  24. Hugo Garcia

    Aggressive clown fish

    Hello guys, I have a 30 gallon tank with a pair of clown fish and a baby Mandarin from Biota. Recently the clowns started to become aggressive towards the Mandarin, he has plenty of hiding spaces, but he keeps getting close to the clowns and getting bullied. Any tips in what to do to get them to...
  25. Peach02

    What happened to his fin?

    Mandarin fish that I have had for about 3 months has lost part of its left front pectoral fin. his swimming ability does not seem to be impaired at all. Photos below, does anyone know what caused it and how to treat other fish are 1x coral beauty 1x bicolour blend 2x occelaras clown (small) 2x...
TCK Corals