
  1. Blakethereefguy

    AIO Build Starting new build after moving (IM Nuvo 20)

    After breaking down my old setup that had been running strong for 4 years the best decision was to part ways with everything that needed life support. I kept most of my dry goods and am finally starting my first build thread. So join me on my journey or let us call it round 2 of this IM Nuvo 20s...
  2. lucyretz

    Dosing a pico

    Hey reefers I have a 3 gallon pico packed with euphyllia (it is a temporary tank, we are moving to a large waterbox in the next few months). Now in a tank this small obviously the fluctuations are a struggle, i test nightly and the ato keeps my salinity stable, cal and mag don’t move much...
  3. B

    EMERGENCY What is this red/purple-ish color on goni's skeleton?

    Hi all, My goni was dying probably due to a faulty bottle of Phytoplankton. I believe I have already stop the dying and it is growing again. But I just notice the edge of the skeleton are turning red/purple-ish. Photo attached below, it was taken this morning so the polyp are retracted, they...
  4. david_ma

    Michigan Livestock Trade King kong bounce mama plus babies trade for flower nems or other shrooms

    King kong mama, super nice bubbles, spits babies quite a bit, sell for $280 shipped or trade for ultra flower nems or other bounce shrooms. Text what you got 313-268-3195
  5. L

    Skeleton Flesh Slowly Receding

    I have 3 LPS corals currently, and all of them are slowly losing flesh along their sides, but seem to show no ill effects. I JUST received this NY Knicks torch. It acclimated almost immediately and looks awesome, but you can clearly see where the flash has gone up in ONE day. I also have this...
  6. T

    Ohio WTB Looking for chalice package deal

    Looking for a package deal on some Chalices. Shoot me a message! https://www.facebook.com/tyler.hamm.790 Thanks!
  7. HumbleAsianReefer

    Need someone to help me identify this coral. Thanks!

  8. T

    EMERGENCY Reef tank recently crashed. Put all remaining coral into ATO(salt) and refilled DS with fresh saltwater and substrate, I need to move coral ASAP

    Recently, I had a alk swing from 11 to 30+ due to human error and wiped out all of my fish except for a pistol shrimp and some CUC as well as all but 2 of my corals The ATO is a 10g and can barely hold all of my coral, I run a Seachem tidal 55 on the 29g DS and need to keep it on the DS so it...
  9. J

    Can you guys classify my torches?

    Recently bought some torches and i guess alien eye, dragon soul ny knicks and 24k(hope). Can you guys verify my torches
  10. P


    I’m attaching 2 videos of my hammer coral I have had for a week. One side looks good and fluffy while the other side is showing skeleton. I’m wondering about your opinion on my flow? I thought this coral was starting to split when I picked it up, but also I’m pretty new. Any advIce is appreciated!