
  1. Jeremy K.A.

    Bivalve question!

    Hey everyone, this is my first post! I have been searching quite a while for mussels/ mussel cluster, or other unusual bivalves. That being said, does anyone know of any sites that sell them? Thank you very much for your time! IF YOU HAVE SOME IN YOUR TANKS SHOW'EM OFF, POST THEM BELOW!
  2. Zoolife xD


    hey guys i have a few questions on flatworms but first let me add some background information, i currently have a nano aquarium set up for a G. chiragra mantis shrimp and i has some other cuc in there as well but no corals or fish just a marine planted tank if you will dominated by macro algae...
  3. Hugo Garcia

    Should I Quaretine the cleaning crew?

    Hey guys, how is it going? My tank is cycling yet but I want to add a cleaning crew in a few weeks, but I'm not sure if I should QT them. I read somewhere that inverts don't get Ich, so I shouldn't QT them. I plan on QT the clownfish when I add them, but should I do the same with the cleaning...
  4. AlyciaMarie

    Clean up crew suggestions for 20g

    I'm looking for suggestions on what will be the best clean up crew for my 20g nano. I've acquired a few crabs that have made their way into my tank by hitchhiking on some coral, but that's all I have in there right now when it comes to clean up crews. I've heard from several sources that...
  5. coralfish12g

    5 Inverts PERFECT for Beginners! - Setting Up a Reef Tank

  6. uniquecorals Memorial Day Weekend SALE!

    Woohoo long weekend here we come! Time to grill, spend QT with family, and browse some deals on corals! UC MDW sale Friday to Monday All Livestock will be on sale 20% off. WYSIWYG, frags, UC collections, Frag To Order, Clean up crew, Fish, and more! And Dry stock specials all weekend long, at...
  7. TheWhiteFord

    Entire 120 gallon Livestock

    I am selling all of the live stock of my 120 gallon reef tank TOGETHER. Fish: 6" Red Sea Purple Tang 4.5" Vrolick's Wrasse 3" Flaco Hawkfish 3" Four Stripe Damsel "Very Docile, actually quite skittish" 3" Pearl Eye Clarkii 2x 3.5" Pajama Cardnial 3x 2" Green Chromis Retail $500 Coral: Here is...
  8. Aaron Davis

    Cupramine got into display tank! Help!

    I'm at work. My wife called and said that the sump water level has gotten too low, so she put water into the sump to raise the level. The only one of my buckets that had water in it was the one that I've been using for the cupramine treatment for my quarantine tank. It had approx 2 gallons of...