
  1. alimac122

    Spinal injury or something more?

    I got these guys on the 22nd they Appeared to have appetites but slowly over the week, they just seem to be eating and spitting out food. The healthier one has taken on to eating brine here and there. The more emaciated (swimming vertical) one hasn’t had interest in any food in two days. I just...
  2. B Lo

    Okay to put fish in display from QT?

    I have a run-of-the-mill clownfish in QT with a pink margin fairy wrasse. They've been in there for almost three weeks. From the get go, I've had them dosed with ParaGuard despite neither showing any symptoms upon arrival. I've also fed them frozen food soaked with Seachem's Focus, KanaPlex, and...
  3. Wen

    Please eyeball this clownfish problem.

    Yesterday noticed a small raised sore/injury on our female clown’s back. Today it is 3x the size. I’m guessing an injury that is infected, but not sure, it looks unlike any infection I’ve seen before. No new fish in system. All tankmates look great. She’s 8+ years, eats normally, acts normal...
  4. Perpetual Novice

    Tang stung by nem? What do I do?

    I have a magnificent anemone that decided to take a walk into my gyre pump last night. I think it may recover but a bunch of it’s tentacles tore off before I noticed. I think one of them must have stung by hippo tang because it is breathing heavy, has its muscles cramped and flexed to the side...
  5. Perpetual Novice

    Something is wrong with my tangs eye. Please help!

    I have no idea what to make if this. I tried to take a photo but I couldn’t get anything usable so I took a video. here is the video. I have no idea what happened or what to do about it. The fish was added just over a week ago and there has been no signs of aggression in the tank whatsoever.
  6. Perpetual Novice

    I dropped a rock on my clam!

    I was adjusting the aquascape in my tank and a large coral skeleton fell on my 7 inch derasa clam. It has opened back up since then and I can see that there is a scratch in the mantle and also another spot where it appears a small piece of coral may have pierced the mantle and broke off. or at...
  7. Jimmyneptune

    Lineatus fairy wrasse not eating

    I have a Lineatus wrasse that I just got from LA which is not eating and hiding in acclimation box. I have two sections of PVC zip tied together in acclimation box for him to hide in and that is all he does is hide. He will move from one section of PVC to the other but never when I am in the...
  8. MnFish1

    Aggressive Fish....

    So I bought a 4 or so inch harlequin tusk - who is friendly - healthy and beautiful. He doesnt do any of the 'bad things' that they are supposed to do - he doesnt kill shrimp, snails, crabs, etc. However - he and his beautiful blue teeth when he expects to get fed - literally attack he will...
  9. KMench

    I think my wrasse has a spinal injury

    Hi everyone. My wrasse has lacked vigor in his swimming effort since I received him about a week ago. She’s a golden rhomboid fairy wrasse. She seems to have full motion in her dorsal fin, but I have yet to see any definitive motion in the causal fin. Thoughts? Suggestions? Thanks!
  10. S

    Red bump under clownfish's mouth.

    Just picked up two new clowns last Friday from a local fish store. The pair was already in the same tank and I purchased both. One is a Mocha Ocellaris and the other is a Midnight Ocellaris. There is some aggression from the Midnight, as he is quite a bit larger than the Mocha. I noticed a day...
  11. Renelope

    RBTA Help!

    Purchased a beautiful large rbta about a month ago, he came on a small piece of live rock, but about 2 days after placing him in the tank he moved to the bottom corner of the tank, and since then has moved several times out of any flow, and in lower light. It look like he is trying to split...
  12. battman98

    clownfish with cut next to lip

    Hello amigos! I spotted a cut on my clownfish 2 days ago and i have been watching it. Doesnt seem to be getting better. I set up my qt today and wondering what i should add to qt to allow me to put my clown in asap. I have added some food, a piece of lr to boost cycle. Also what medicines should...