
  1. JennyH3

    Hippo tang - injured fin or disease

    This morning I noticed that my hippo is favoring one fin. I can’t tell if he is injured or has the start of a fin disease. video is long - around the 2 min mark is a good shot. I was videoing the Anthias as well. He was introduced to the tank a month ago. He came larger that I thought he would...
  2. Cole_Voeller

    Fangblenny Injury

    Hello all! So I have a striped fangblenny, and he’s always done great. However he often gets injuries on his face, and I’m not sure what it could possibly be. I believed maybe he was flashing due to flukes, and I did two rounds of prazi. The injuries are still appearing though. They’re always...
  3. R

    What’s Wrong with my Fiji Puffer?

    Just got a Fiji Puffer today and put him in to my tank while I went to work. He sat in a breeding box with a net that I use to reduce aggression and let the fish check out the new fish before adding (all day). I came home, let him out and he swam into a cave but I noticed some sort of sore with...
  4. rexzo

    Acantho Flesh Injury

    Hi Reef2Reef fam, I woke up this morning to feed the fish friends and noticed my Acantho had suffered an injury. The skeleton has poked through the flesh. I believe a snail fell off the glass or a hermit decided to climb on it. Other than the flesh injury the Acantho opens up and is responsive...
  5. Primus

    Clownfish injury near gills

    I recently purchased two True Percula clownfish. The other day I noticed that the skin near the entrance to the fish's gills appears to be pulled and stretched out. There is also some pinkness observed on the skin. It is located on the white band near the fish's head. The injured fish and the...
  6. FishieFlashdrive

    Brunneus Wrasse - Scales sticking out?

    Hi! I got a brunneus Wrasse a few days ago. He's now got some pinecone-y looking scales in his side and some swelling. Any idea what this is or how I treat it? I paid extra to have him quarantined by my local store, because I don't have a great set-up for quarantine. When he came home, he...
  7. S

    Not sure what happened to royal gramma. Eye injury of some sort.

    I’m not sure what happened. I noticed today that my Midas blenny was gone. I eventually found my Midas blenny had passed and was already pretty much all gone. I had kind of seen this coming as he kept getting skinnier and skinnier even though I was feeding him daily and everyone else was happy...
  8. witchywoman725

    EMERGENCY Valentini puffer injured

    My two puffers went after the same piece of meat this afternoon and by complete accident the larger one got my Valentini’s snout. They are usually best friends and my valentini shadows my bigger puffer. My big puffer (dogface) has never shown any aggression towards any tank mates and this was...
  9. An_Enemy

    EMERGENCY Filefish had tail eaten off after getting head-spike stuck.

    I have a matted filefish that's kept in the sump (has become his home to aggression with other fish). Today I found him lodged at the bottom of the tank due to the spikes on its horn. They were lodged into some filter foam that I use to buffer the protein skimmer. There was a pencil sea urchin...
  10. C

    EMERGENCY Help - Little Clown

    Please help. Does anyone know what this could be on my little clown? It started off as a red bump under his mouth, but has turned white and he now seems to be bothered by it and keeps his mouth open all the time. Tank is relatively new (2 months) and this guy seems to be having issues. He is...
  11. D

    Injury and possible parasite on clownfish

    Hi collective wisdom, A couple of days ago I found one of my clownfish had an injury on her fin, I suspect it was an accident during feeding caused by the yellow wrasse who is a bit aggressive when eating, otherwise, there is no aggression whatsoever in the tank, I only have another clownfish...
  12. JojoM

    What is wrong with my chromis face

    Hey there i have 5 chromis 1 small 3 medium and 1 large in size And out of no where one of my chromis mouth and seemly part of his face looks like its coming off I do have other fish in my tank 2 clown a tomini tang A six line wrasse and a Twospined angelfish I havent notices any fighting at...
  13. BenConrad

    Help with facial sores on QTed Hippo tang

    Hello all, Wanted to get some input on these facial sores on my new blue Hippo tang. I suspect an injury followed by bacterial infection, but wanted to see what the community thinks. This fish has been in my 40 gallon breeder QT tank for 11 days. Salinity 1.023, temp 77F, and ammonia...
  14. L

    Help! My fish has a damaged fin, and she's not eating

    The day before yesterday, Gem got stuck on the heater... Her fins are better now, but when I was feeding them today she couldn't quite swim up to eat the flakes. The flakes float so her buoyancy when trying to eat them wasn't the best. So I gave them another portion. I thought she ate, but she...
  15. Badsn8k

    Possible wrasse spinal injury?

    Hello fellow Reefers! I’m trying my hardest to figure out what happened to my Pink margin wrasse.. I bought her about 3 weeks ago, then maybe 3 days later had a horrible diatom breakout.. she was swimming and eating just fine.. I did a 3 day blackout while trying to raise my nutrient level. Day...
  16. P

    Yellow flanked wrasse spine curvature

    I bought a yellow flanked wrasse a few weeks ago and it’s been swimming with a curved/sagged tail since day one. She’s really healthy and can/does swim very fast when needed (occasional chasing, feeding, etc). Most of the time though, she won’t swim very far and she takes breaks here and there...
  17. L

    What’s on my tomini’s face?!

    Hi all! I noticed this bump on my tangs mouth when I it home from the LFS several weeks ago. It was just the initial bump at first, so I thought it might just have been trauma or a bite from another fish at the store, and decided to monitor. Tang is breathing fine, eating well, no flashing or...
  18. Lemons

    Supermale Rhomboid Wrasse possible Booboo/Injury???

    Howdy folks! I noticed today that my Wrasse has a discoloured patch on his right side. My thoughts are some kind of physical damage happened to the poor guy... but you can never be too sure yenno! So that's why I figured I'd get some others to chime in! DT Parameters 90 Gal DT + 30 Gal Sump...
  19. Nemesis of Pistol Shrimps

    Scratches or Disease/Parasite? (Firefish Goby)

    Hello, while feeding my firefish today, I've noticed small light patches and a slightly cloudy eye (only one of the eyes are cloudy). The cloudiness is so slight that the phone can't capture it. When I looked at the fish from the top, it appears that the edge of the eye is peeling a bit? The...
  20. KeiraHachiko

    Clownfish has an injury

    Hi! This is my first post and I’m fairly new to the hobby! I have a 90litre tank with two ocellaris clowns and a lawnmower blenny. I have come home and found my female to have this injury. Anyone have any idea what it might be? Should I treat it? What with? Based in Australia, my closest...
  21. T

    Is this an abrasion or something I should be more worried about?

    My female clown has this strange little red mark directly below the dorsal fin on both sides of her body (pictures above.) Is this an abrasion or some kind of bacterial disease? She’s acting perfectly fine and I don’t see it in any of my other fish.
  22. X

    EMERGENCY Clownfish both eyes popped out

    My phantom clown has both eyes bulging. I dont see cloudiness but the eyes are black so its hard to tell. hes hanging near the back wall i dont think he can see. It was fine yesterday and all other fish are fine as well. I can get pictures soon but does anyone have ideas? Is it possible both...
  23. nolanp489

    Injured chromis damelfish

    Hi guys, so today I noticed my chromis damselfish was injured. the base of this tail where it attaches to his body had a hole clean through and the bottom of the tail fell off. there is flesh damage where the tail meets the body. my question is will he recover from this? I put him in a breeder...
  24. Twalker791

    EMERGENCY Help!!! What is wrong with my Goby?!

    I have had a pink spotted goby for about 2 weeks in my FOWLR tank with 2 clowns and snails. He seemed perfectly fine until today. Didn’t really come out at feeding time or even go for the bits that went right past his face. His mouth is open and he’s gasping- but neither of my clowns are. It...
  25. ReefSoup

    HELP!! - Longnose Hawkfish Disease/Parasite Identification

    I began noticing what looks like a white bump on the bottom tip of my longnose hawkfish's mouth. I haven't seen any change in behavior and it's still eating regularly. It's not the clearest picture, but it's the best I could get for now. Any ideas on if this may be a parasite, infection or...