I’ve got an 18” snowflake eel, who seems quite healthy, except for something that looks kinda like a tumor on the roof of her mouth. Seems to be growing.
Still eating and doesn’t seem to have changed behavior. Anyone know if there’s anything I can or should do?
What could be happening to these Rasta Zoas they have been ballooning and with very strange behavior after being only 14 days directly high on the tank under the AI PRIME HD.
They bubble up
Their ring colors fuse
It happens in the afternoon when sunset lights are high on RED
Please help, this...
Just noticed my CBB has a nasty looking spot on his side in the middle and I’m trying to figure out what it might be. Maybe a bacterial infection? He’s swimming around fine and eating very well like always. I’ve had him about a year and a half. Not sure what actions to take and what to treat him...
Hello! -------------------------ANY INSIGHT WOULD BE AMAZING!--------------------------------------
I recently purchased a giant toadstool from my local LFS. Someones tank blew up in there living room and they had gotten a lot of corals/fish. Saw this giant toadstool he was not...
Over the past few weeks my clam has slowly been bleaching. The original spot was very very small but now covers two ruffles of the mantle. Also the parts that are bleached are pulled in. After reading a bunch there was only one article that seemed to have an answer, the cause being an infection...
If you don't want to read all - the main question from this thread is:
***Can I treat API Primafix, API Melafix, & Fritz CopperSafe all at the same time in QT for 2x small clowns, and 1x hippo tang.
Alrighty, you guys called it, and I didn't listen when I was extra newb...
Editor’s Note: The reef aquarium hobby is not for the faint of heart. Maintaining a complex ecosystem can be a daunting task with many variables in play that all have effect on one another. However, beyond the effort to maintain the ecosystem and address common day-to-day issues, there are...