
  1. Reef and Dive

    Do we really need all those traces? Do we really need to keep water with the exact elementos of the ocean?

    I´ve been questioning myself a lot lately: do we really need to replenish all those traces? Do we really need to keep our water as close as we can to sea water? Long ago there were lots of thriving tanks while nobody even knew or talked about trace elements, many were R2R amazing featured...
  2. Reefer37

    Here's my ATI ICP Results

    Took right at 2 weeks, but finally got my ATI ICP test results back and I was very surprised. Results Link First of all, I'd like to say, I really wish these values were able to be switched between the metric vs imperial system because it's hard to gauge how accurate my tests have been in...
  3. Kaiser

    Not sure what is wrong with my chemistry

    i ended up adding a piece of my bubblegum digi to my tank last week as well as my sunfire grafted cap, and they started to bleach within a couple of days. I also started to notice my acros losing tissue on their tips within a couple of days after that. I immediately tested everything and my...
  4. Alberto Magalhaes

    My first ICP TEST (need help!!!)

    I performed my first ICP test on my 200 liter aquarium which I send attached. I don't understand the high calcium value, but I have already started making water changes to lower the value. Regarding aluminum, I don't know what to do. Some help? On the remaining parameters, apparently I will have...
  5. C

    Phosophorus Dosing Question

    I received some ICP results that said my phosphorus might be limited. I do not run GFO and I feel like my refugium has been struggling slightly also recently. My nitrates have been steady between 4-6 ppm, but it seems like phosphorus could be a limiting factor. Should I start dosing Phosphorus...
  6. Ehsan@triton

    What an ICP-OES machine CANNOT test

    What an ICP-OES machine CANNOT test As the company that developed the method for sea water analysis and making broadband testing available to aquarists, we at TRITON often get asked what an ICP-OES machine CAN test. These days it is getting more and more confusing with the proliferation of...
  7. Andrew Schubert

    My Test Kit Results Vs Triton ICP Results

    For what its worth, I thought I'd share a comparison of my test kit result vs those given back to me by Triton. Notes: - I took my sample test kits within 1 hour of the same time I collected my water that was sent into Triton. - I shipped out my Triton sample on 1/14/2020 and received...
  8. Andrew Schubert

    Triton Detox raising copper levels?

    So I received back my Triton ICP test and it indicated I had 5.112 ug/l of copper in my tank. So I pulled out my Copper Hanna Checker and sure enough it read .06. Therefore, I removed my carbon, and dosed Triton Detox for 3 days. I placed the carbon back in my tank, and did another Hanna Checker...
  9. Aqua Splendor

    (Video) Triton ICP-OES water test kit

    Hello reefers, I finally use an ICP kit test for the first time. I created a tutorial along the way with that Triton ICP for those who wonder how it works. I hope it will help anyone who wonders or hesitate to buy one! I'm curious to know what you guys use? I honestly I was pleased with their...
  10. L

    Icp and tin

    Hello I am going share ma icp testó in order to get feedback. i have problems with dinoflagelltes and high nitrates. i tried a lot of things to reduce It but i cant see any change. I have tin but a dont know where it came from https://www.triton-lab.de/en/showroom/icp-oes/94860
  11. Andrew Schubert

    First Triton Test Back...thoughts?

    Hey guys, I just got my first ever Triton Test back. My tank has been running for 18 months or so at the moment with a mixture of LPS and SPS (slowly converting everything over to SPS). I was wondering if someone with experience could take a look and give me any direction on my results? My...
  12. SDJustin

    German ICP Water Analysis Comparison

    I ran ATI, Triton, & FaunaMarin ICP tests on my 160 gallon reef tank. All three tests were taken within 3 minutes of each other from the same location within the aquarium. Attached are the results. TLDR: I now trust the results of all three (except Triton Iodine) as they all reasonably agree...
  13. N

    ICP test

    Hi, i got my ICP test result. I am dosing FM balling light, but mostly just KH as Ca doesn’t drop. Also adding Organic, Amin and Min S. My microelements are low and i wonder ifI could add Color Elements which have a combination of all required elements instead of dosing one by one. Here is my...
  14. Ehsan@triton


    Hi everyone, Been a while since we have been active here but that is about to change. TRITON has a lot of things happening behind the scenes and we are excited to share some information as we have done in the past. We are happy to note that our US customer base is constantly growing and we...
  15. MnFish1

    Another ICP testing Poll

    Another great poll posted by @mdbannister (https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/how-often-do-you-guys-run-icp-tests.602018/) - prompted me to do this one - concerning results from your ICP tests - if you've done one - and the actions you took based on those results. Thanks for answering: Note -...
  16. Reefer5640

    CoralVue ICP Tests

    Has anyone used the CoralVue ICP Tests (saltwater and/or RODI)? I’m looking into buying a few tests, one for my DT, one for my coral QT, and one for my RODI. I like the idea of them being in the US, hopefully that means quicker turn around.
  17. mahindra.dev

    Poll: Which ICP-OES testing is better

    Fellow reefer, im trying to get a feel for how many of you do ICP testing and which one you prefer. If this is about knowing the 32 elements in your reef water, then why is there a cost difference? Excuse my ignorance or grammar. Just looking for input. I have a poll, which one to pick and how...
  18. Moonfruit777

    K, Sr, and I

    Hello, really quick and probably easy to answer question: I got my triton ICP results and I want increase K and Sr. My K/Potassium results were 370mg/L. My Sr/Strontium results were 4mg/L. My I/Iodine results were 42mg/L. I want to push K to 400, Sr to 8, and I to 60. How fast can I push the...
  19. Joe Batt

    Strange ICP test results

    Hi Randy and everyone else too :) I have just restarted an aquarium with cycled dry rock ( cooked in a trash can for 2 months after being cleaned with acid and bleach ) I also used lanthanum to lower any remaining phosphates. I thoroughly rinsed the rocks prior to adding to the new tank. I...
  20. tsav87

    ATI ICP Test - Results Are In!

    Today's the day! The day that I finally got in my ATI ICP Test Kit from @MarineDepot ! I wanted to share my experience here with you all. Small background on my tank... 70g CadLights Artisan II Less than a year old 6 bulb Hamilton T5HO Running ATI Essentials Last water change was around...
  21. lakereef

    ICP test analysis action recommendations

    I have had a few issues with my 3 year old reef. I'd say 90% of the coral are fine but I've seen some RTN of random coral starting this summer. I initially thought it could be low Nitrate levels, but I'm not convinced that's all so I ordered a ICP test. I'm using Kent salt and have since the...
  22. Bruce Burnett

    Triton test

    So I figured after a little over 4 years without doing water changes I would send in a test. I knew when I sent in sample calcium was high and made adjustment on calcium reactor. Other than adding a little manganese anything standout? @Randy Holmes-Farley
  23. zachxlutz

    Triton Results Analysis - Zach's 120 Gallon Reef Resurgence

    All - I got my Triton results back this morning and I just want to see what you folks think. I'm battling a serious dinoflagellate invasion that won't seem to go away. I'm dosing up phosphates on a daily basis to around .2 ppm and it will drop to almost nothing within 24 hours. I notice my...
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