
  1. jackalexander

    EMERGENCY Weird Clownfish Death

    So my girlfriend has had 4 clownfish now who have all died mysteriously. The tests are completely fine and everything is where it should be. Salinity is 1.025/35ppt. Is this marine velvet or ick? All of her fish have died within 24 hours of showing signs of sickness and have all died looking the...
  2. Lennon's Reef

    Is this ich?

    I recently noticed little white spots on my four red spot glass cardinals (Apogon parvulus). I treated for internal parasites (more on that later) and when that didn’t work I assumed it might be ich and moved all of my fish (the 4 cardinals, a Helfrich’s firefish, and a pink streaked wrasse) to...
  3. Noob_Sam

    Marine Ich HELPPPPPPPP

    Hello, So i have a bad ich outbreak. My blue tang, yellow tang, coral beauty, and dwarf lion fish all have ich. My other fish 2 clowns, and eel, and these two blue fish but non of them have ich. So i had a couple of questions: If i remove all my fish from my DT to my QT ( I read for 3-8...
  4. B

    White injury on blue tang + dots.. ich, or something else?

    Just recently, one of my blue hippo tangs has seemed to get some sort of injury on his back. I think it may be ich, because of the white dots near his front, but the back injury seems to be something completely different, like someone was fighting him. I think it might be a combination of ich...
  5. Frosty1344

    Neon Goby has Ick or Lymphocystis?

    Hello everyone, I have two neon gobies in my 75 gallon DT. It’s hard to tell if they have ick or lymphocystis. All my other fish are doing well and show no signs of ick. There hasn’t been a day where there are no white spots on the neon gobies, which is why I’m hesitant to diagnose it as ick...
  6. I luv fish

    Questions about ick

    Questions about eradicating ich I have two questions that I would love some input. #1 - I have a 75 gal fish only tank that has struggled with ich. The battle was lost and all fish have passed. I know I could let the tank go fallow for 72 days or so. I have read pros and cons, but was hoping...
  7. hyeclass

    Clean ickless tank

    I been struggling to have a ick less tank since January, I know the Symptoms scratching on the rocks due to parasites on their skin therefore I got a 71 gal tank keep them in qt for 80 days with cooper power June 1st I put them I see little dots on am 3 dots they’re not scratching on the rocks...
  8. Beng2003

    Update on my tank. Please help

    I recently posted about my experience with my first tank and how the first clownfish I brought home looked to have ick. Some time has gone by with no response and Wyoming white has just passed now. What should I do
  9. Beng2003

    First ick encounter

    A few weeks ago I decided to try my first saltwater tank. After getting everything set up and letting the tank cycle for a couple of weeks I decided to add a small clownfish with some turbo start. The next morning I noticed some white dots on its fins but they seemed to go away and his diet was...
  10. T

    New reefer: quarantine clown death.

    Is this ick? New to reefing, I purchased a stocked used tank. I got two clown fish this weekend and one just died this AM suddenly (was eating yesterday). The other appears fine so far, should I start treating with copper? If it gets full course of copper is it truly safe to put it in my...
  11. Oscar’s25Gal

    Wipeout of half my fish :/

    So I’ve been running my 25 gal for a bit now (probably 2 months) and about 1 week ago, I brought in a shrimp to the tank. I don’t know if this was just a coincidence but when he was added to the tank, the next day I noticed my royal dottyback had around 5 white spots on his fins. I was quite...
  12. M

    Clownfish ich?

    Dear reefers, Yesterday i was looking at 1 of my clowns and i sawe somenthing odd, there are really small white dots on his side. I cant rembember that he had the white spots from te beginning. i've been looking at his behavior but he acts normal and eats well. I dont know if it are white...
  13. J

    Ick out break

    Hello fairly new at reefing and fish tanks currently having an ick out break. Was dosing my 2 cardinals for a few days and this morning they were dead and now today I caught my coral beauty and wanna treat her but I’m using super ick cure and it says to do a 25% water change and add filter back...
  14. J

    Adding ick fish to dosed quarantine tank

    Hi new the the forum and fairly new to reefing had an ick out break in my Redsea 250 caught my 2 cardinals and treated them 2 times with super ick cure they both didn’t make it sadly woke up this morning and they both were dead and now I caught my coral beauty and the instructions are now to do...
  15. kirinreef

    Dosing H2O2 to help fighting velvet in DT

    Display tank: 150G custom tank + 50G sump. started from August 2019. Some of the rock was from the old 15G nano started from July 2018. QT tank: 20G long, established after the velvet outbreak for holding fish purchased from the boxing day sale... However more like an observation tank. Some...
  16. Reefer37

    Melanurus Wrasse Ick?

    Hey guys, so I'm still fairly new to reefing and this is my first wrasse and I've never had a parasite issue before, so bare with me. Couple days ago got a Melanurus Wrasse from my LFS and never noticed anything on him when I got him and hadn't noticed any weird behavior at the store. He was...
  17. Juan Andrés Botero R

    Lanthanum Chloride may kill ick , velvet and lymphocystis!!!

    May be, but not sure?? Need help to confirm it! An observation on my aquarium , I had a yellow tang with lymphocystis, and I notice the some white spots like ick on my blue tang, they were visiting the lysmata shrimps for a clean up very frequently. After dealing with an ick, velvet or what...
  18. Reef Recked

    Ich confirmation? w/ pics Black axil Chromis

    So i have 3 black axil chromis in a QT tank and they all appear to have these white spots on their heads, im thinking it is ick but i have zero experience with fish disease and treatment so would like to make sure thats what it is, im thinking it is either that or scarring from them nipping at...
  19. G

    Sulfate Hydroxychloroquine Treatment

    ¿Alguien ha usado este medicamento? ¿Cuál sería la dosis en tabletas de 400 mg? Translated by the moderation team: Has anyone used this medicine? What would be the dose in 400 mg tablets? Please note, the language of the forum is english. We understand that english is not everyones first...
  20. Armani

    Ick? Fin rot? Or just nibbles?

    So I haven’t noticed it until today but I’m not sure if it’s anything please help me out!! Is this ick Forming? Or maybe another fish has been biting his fin? When he first got in the tank my Nemo and him fought for a day or two and after that everything was fine..it’s been about a week or 2 and...
  21. Injoynit

    Do some fish scratch but not have ick?

    I have noticed that some fish seem to scratch themselves against the sand bed every once in a while and it seems territorial to me but was not sure if that was a "thing" so I thought I'd ask and see if anyone knew.
  22. Jennie

    Flat worms/flukes

    i just saw a white thing on one of my dwarf angelfish last night. This morning it is gone but there is a spot of discoloration where I saw the thing. These fish are already in QT so can I dose copper and Prazipro general cure melafix? Also, if it is flat worms will that effect my corals that are...
  23. Connor


    Is this ick? I can't tell if it's the design on the starry blenny or not.
  24. tonybwill

    What does this look like.........

    What is it and how to treat it?
  25. reefnut007

    Does the ick harm my live rock and the beneficial bacteria in it?

    Newbie here...unfortunately, we caught ick in my Naso Tang late and the treatment did not help him survive. Does the ick harm my live rock and the beneficial bacteria in it? A related question is does ick medication itself harm beneficial bacteria within the live rock? Thanks for any help you...