
  1. V

    EMERGENCY Is my clownfish sick? Why did my Gramma die??

    I woke up today and I saw my Royal Gramma dead and my clownfish looking like the Gramma did the night before. Please I need some help because I’m so confused, all my parameters are good and I make sure to test that every couple days. Any advise would be appreciated
  2. P

    Ick on my clown?

    I’m not sure what these white dots are on my clownfish? He’s been eating and being his normal self
  3. S

    EMERGENCY Icky Ick?

    Hi there reefers, I am fairly new here, now have two small tanks 120L and 160l and have been loving the hobby. I went away for the first time for 5 days and my nephew stayed at my place to look after my animals. He did a good job but I just got back and notice my blue tang has a bunch of white...
  4. M

    Disease ID

    Hello everyone I am new to this forum, but I have been keeping an eye out on these forums and see many knowledgeable fish keepers on here. That’s why I am asking for some help identifying this disease to know which route I should go for treatment. My tank is a 300-gallon Fish only with live...
  5. E

    EMERGENCY Ick and copper

    I got ick and treated it with Copper power at 2.9 ppm. the ick went away after 3 days of treatment, but now, it’s day 10 and i am seeing white spot again, normal? still at 2.9 ppm
  6. G

    Is this Ick, or substrate?

    Hey everyone, I noticed last night when I got home from work my blue damsel had a white spot on his tail. We recently added a valenti puffer, from petco, and last night it looked like he some white spots, that we’re hanging down. They were gone this morning, so I don’t know if they were Ick...
  7. harsha22

    EMERGENCY ICK on almost all of my fish

    My bannerfish and clown have their bodies covered with white spots and patches. both fishes look dull. tried the freshwater dip and have been using Reef safe bio med from polyplab. the previous outbreak was contained with the above but now, the fishes dont seem to be getting better. Have been...
  8. maxemorris

    Clownfish has white spots and cloudy eyes- is it ick?

    I added pictures of my female semi-storm mocha clownfish. What do you guys think the problem is? How should I treat it? This it started as soon as I had brought her home from a new fish store. My lfs originally told me to add Melafix, which I did, but it came back and I feel as if it has...
  9. nomad6

    EMERGENCY White spot on head

    Anyone have any idea what just sprung up on my blue damsel? I know it could be fungus, ick or lymphocystis, but I’m asking for advice from experiences. He seems happy and is actively hunting I just noticed it a couple of hrs ago. Look familiar?
  10. clarimore

    fighting dinos... now ick??

  11. J

    Ick or velvet help!

    I lost a lyretail angel suddenly this morning. She had started rubbing her mouth on a rock 2 days or so prior. I couldn’t see anything on her. I noticed today my clown goby is a mess and my royal gramma is started to rub against rocks. I dont see any of my other fish showing issues. I can’t...
  12. C

    Ick on fish

    I have had 5 fish(Gobies) die from what I believe to be ick in the past two weeks.They all had white dots appear on there bodies along with respiratory difficulty. I have one gobi left and am desperately trying to keep it alive. Are there any suggestions on what to use to treat ick?
  13. Gonj

    yellow tang with ick????

    Hey all, so I’ve had this yellow tang in my tank since September 25,2021 he’s been doing great eats both the frozen food and algae I put in the tank. I recently introduced a fire fish and sand sifting goby late December who are also eating well. Today I noticed these marks on my tang, none of my...
  14. T


    I am very concerned, I do not know what this is and my other clownfish are white so I cannot tell if they have spots. How do I treat this? I am new to the hobby and do not have a QT tank.
  15. S

    Can anyone I.D. this disease please

    what do you think these white marks/spots are? He also has some very small black spots, only his tail is effected. The other fish seem fine. Also can you suggest a treatment please. He is currently in quarantine with two peacock wrasse and a yellow tang.
  16. B

    Clownfish Head Injury or Parasite ID Please

    Hi, 6 months into the hobby paying the price of learning some painful lessons re quarantining. Had 4 fatalities over the last two weeks, all visual (gold/brown fuzzy spots, white fuzzy spots) and behavioral (fast breathing, swimming into power head flow, scratching and flipping) seem very...
  17. Xxflounderxx

    Need help identifying

    Ok so I have a pretty in depth QT regiment following humble fish to a T using copper for 30 days the prazi for 14 days. It looks like a few of my fish have gotten white bumps but it looks like it's under the skin not on top like ick usually is. It's hard to see you have to be at the right angle...
  18. psycomnky

    Blue Hippo w/ick

    So i have my blue hippo in QT tank treating with coppersafe and bought hannah copper tester. tank has been at 2.18 ppm for two weeks now. I also have 3 clownfish and a blue chromis still in DT. This is a new 125 gal tank i was starting as a reef tank. OMG first few fish and tang starts...
  19. Emlxn

    Clownfish white patch on mouth! Help!

    Hello :) 6 weeks ago I set up my first ever reef tank. I have 2 banggai cardinals and two clowns (and some corals and other inverts). A week ago I added a six line wrasse which seemed very happy, no sign of disease or illness at all! However I woke up to find it had died two days ago :( The same...
  20. leotigris

    Six Line Wrasse with white spot?

    I recently got a six line wrasse and made the school boy error of not having a QT tank. Shortly after adding him I noticed a white spot near his tail. I must have missed this earlier, as it’s just above the peacock feather like pattern on his tail. At first I thought it was part of his...
  21. H

    Saltwater Ick Treatment Safe For Corals

    I suspect my two clowns and Midas blenny have ick and I want to treat my whole tank. What are good ways/products to get rid of ick that is safe for coals? I have a dunkin and hammer. Thanks!
  22. neoncon

    String / thread like things on tang

    Our tang developed spots and stringy threadlike things hanging off his body, now showing on his side fins. Been told it is ich but the description says spots, not strings. Have been treating with Polyplab but it's getting worse. Please help diagnose! Can supply photos tomorrow, blue lights are on
  23. E

    Ich x and cupramine help!

    Hey everyone I have a question can you mix cupramine and Ich x together? Or in small amounts different times? I’m really trying to get rid of Ick my poor puffer has it bad. I have him in a quarantine tank with the other fish. It’s a 20 gallon tank. I know puffers are sensitive to copper so I’m...
  24. P

    Ich - hypo or chemical 1st?

    Maroon clown got ich today, bought a QT... Should I start with hyposalinity (+ freshwater bath too???) or start with chemical treatment (which one, herbatana, paraguard, coppersafe???) Please let me know exactly what I should do. And how long should I fallow the DT?
  25. hds4216

    Is the proper spelling ich, or ick?

    It's ich right? The name comes from the freshwater version of ich, which is caused by the parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. The shortened name is obviously derived from the first few letters of the scientific name. The marine version is caused by a totally different parasite with a...