
  1. potatocouch

    Introducing Fish (No Quarantine)

    To those that don't have the budget (or time) to set up a QT , do you guys do a quick dip (not bath) to your new fish before putting them in the DT? Stress causes ich and by doing a freshwater dip, aren't we stressing the fish, hence promoting ich? Or am I missing the idea?
  2. Jaag

    Lucky To Have One Tank As It Is

    As the title says I am lucky enough to have one tank as it is (I have a 60 gal cube with a 18 gal sump). I will be getting some new fish in my tank here soon. I would really love to have a QT tank but a QT tank to my wife is just another tank. So with the circumstances I am in QT is not an...
  3. Mike N

    New Valentini Puffer has ich?

    I purchased a valentini from petco today to add some personality to a fishless 30g. When I started the acclimation, I noticed white dots on a couple of his fins. He seems happy enough, but I have noticed him flashing a couple times. Hes the sole fish in a tank with live rock and an emerald...
  4. Nad121

    DIY eel trap

    I have a 240 gallon fowlr that came down with ich. I was able to catch all the fish in a trap with the exception of a small longnose hawkfish and my 2.5 foot zebra moray eel. I designed a trap to catch the eel. I cut a piece of 2 1/2" pvc to about 2 foot long and capped one end. I then drilled...
  5. MarineDepot

    Infographic: The Life Cycle of Marine Ich

    Infographic: The Life Cycle of Marine Ich Understanding the life cycle of Ich makes the disease easier to treat!
  6. alexytman


    My coral beauty have Ich in main 45gal tank... Wut to do, I really don't want to move them to quarantine tank or even have one
  7. bet


    I purchased a hippo tang yesterday who was doing well originally. However, today I noticed some white spots (clearly not sand) on the side of the tang. The tang is still eating algae off my live rock, flake food w/ garlic, and mysis shrimp. I have read that attempting to catch hippo tangs to...
  8. jsbull

    Ich Fallow Period and Seahorses

    @Humblefish @melypr1985 I could use some advice and your expertise. Despite being quite careful with a solid QT process on almost all of my fish, I ended up with ich in my dual reefer set up. I expected to just manage it with a huge UV and selecting fish that could withstand it. Unfortunately...
  9. Reefahholic

    Lymphocystis- the common viral disease with no cure.

  10. Reefahholic

    CHEMetrics Copper Tests Kits

    The only Copper Test Kits I really trust.
  11. Reefahholic

    40mg CP treatment & TTM day 10

    The Blue Regal stopped eating and some of the other fish slowed down too. The Regal's activity level also decreased. After the 3rd transfer, I didn't redose anymore CP. I noticed after about 10 hours he started to become more active. Regal's are very weird fishes anyway, so you really need to...
  12. Reefahholic

    My new QT treatment logic.

    So now I'm changing my game plan on most new arrivals. I've been dosing CP (40mg) during TTM coupled with Prazipro. I feel it's about the safest route to go considering that nearly all fish I've seen lately have a Parasite, Flukes, Bacterial infection, Viral infection, etc, etc. We know that...
  13. DisneyMatt10

    Yellow Tang with ich, maybe?? Help please!??

    Hey all, So recently I got a Yellow Tang for my tank. All was great until I put her in the Display tank. The next day she was COVERED in what looked like ich. So me being me, pulled her out. But her in the QT. Started treating her for ich. Did everything right. Monitored her, checked her, and...
  14. Aaron Davis

    Flame Angel Ich????

    Man. Been posting on this forum a lot lately. ;) Anywho. I have my flame angel here who I've the last 6 hours, has all of a sudden developed a couple white spots on his tail fin. I don't see any anywhere else on him and he is VERY active. Fantastic color everywhere else; Very vivid. It's odd...
  15. Steelheader09

    Help! Blue Tang is sick!

    I've had my tang for 3 years now. Today it developed white-ish dots. I thought ich but when it's in regular light, not under the blue light. They are pink. A friend thought uronema. I just want some more input. Thank You
  16. tutmatt3

    Today - ICH Reveals itself! Fallow Time Begins... Now

    If you don't want to read all - the main question from this thread is: ***Can I treat API Primafix, API Melafix, & Fritz CopperSafe all at the same time in QT for 2x small clowns, and 1x hippo tang. ------------------- Alrighty, you guys called it, and I didn't listen when I was extra newb...
  17. Tristan

    Can fish be asymptomatic?

    I had watched a short documentary on Typhoid Mary and how she passed the disease on to so many others without being affected at all. So I was wondering if the same thing could happen with fish. For example: quarantine a fish for 2 months, no symptoms, but then when you add that fish to your...
  18. Kari

    Looking for some help.

    Im new to the tank reef world and have learned the hard way what not to do. I have a 72 gal reef tank with sump. I purchased an established tank with live rock, a niger trigger & goby. I later added a powder brown surgeonfish, bubble tipped anemone and a clown. Things were ok for a few weeks...
  19. P

    Undergravel Filter in 180g saltwater, fish, inverts, live rock aquarium

    I built a 180 g saltwater tank about a month and a half ago. I have a weipro protein skimmer, wave maker, and two cannister filters(one sun sun and other dophin),two powerheads connected with an UNDERGRAVEL FILTER. Yes, the person who was helping me building the tank put it in. I have 1 sailfin...
  20. Colten

    Hyposalinity on display tank

    So I'm about to start hyposalinity on my 225 gallon display tank to treat ich. I would do a hospital tank but I got about 15 fish which include emperor, yellow tang, porcupine puffer, foxface, dwarf angels, gobies and damsels. So I'm wondering what I should be expecting, is the ammonia or...
  21. AmatuerAuer

    Hippo Tang ailment 8 weeks into QT??

    50 g QT tank with HOB filter and ammonia badge. Heater and power heads and airstone. Stock List: 2 small Clowns 1 Royal Gamma 1 small Foxface 1 small Hippo tang 1 med Powder Blue Tang They went in to QT on September 22nd, and since then have been treated with multiple rounds of Prazipro and...
  22. Velvet Transfer Method

    Velvet Transfer Method

    Velvet Transfer Method - Updated 02/2021 Quarantine Goal The best way to avoid having disease in your main display is to have a proactive and comprehensive quarantine system from the start, as professional aquarist have learned from experience. This article is to encourage all marine aquarist...
  23. Alexpora Corals

    Velvet Transfer Method

    Velvet Transfer Method - Updated 10/2020 Quarantine Goal The best way to avoid having disease in your main display is to have a proactive and comprehensive quarantine system from the start, as professional aquarist have learned from experience. This article is to encourage all marine...
  24. Colten

    Hyposalinity with ich

    So I have a porcupine puffer that I just got a couple days ago, he now has ich. I have 8 assorted damnsels, maroon clown, coral beauty, yellow wrasse, and a yellow goby in the tank with him. Could I just use hypo on the whole display tank to treat the ich? If so, should I lower it all in one...
  25. garra671

    How to kill ich

    so I'm not sure if this was just a coincidence or if it inadvertently did kill off the ich in my system. Since I started my reed tank, (roughly a 1 1/2 years ago) my tank was plagued by ich, I couldn't get a fish too survice for longer than 4 months (excluding wrasses and gobies). I would...
Tampa Bay Saltwater Live Rock and Live Sand