hydra 32 hd

  1. F

    Texas Lighting LED Dry Goods AI Hydra 32HD with goose neck

    Went with different lights so no longer need this. Only a little over a month old. Asking $300
  2. B

    Lighting LED Dry Goods Hydra 32 HD LED Reef Light - Black Body - Aqua Illumination

    Hydra 32 HD LED Reef Light - Black Body - Aqua Illumination $280/OBO, plus shipping Bought New Winter 2021, still have box, only used on my tank.
  3. slacker036

    Aquariums LED Miscellaneous Dry Goods Tank downsize - AI Hydra 32HD's, Orphek OR3 Reef Day Plus, Red Sea Reefer 525XL

    2 x AI Hydra 32HD's asking - Pending each plus shipping 1 x 35" Orphek OR3 Reef Day Plus - Pending Plus shipping 1 x 47" Orphek OR3 Reef Day Plus - $75 Plus shipping Red Sea Reefer 525XL v1, Has armored seems and upgraded to v2 valve Pending Sicce SDC 9.0