Can anyone explain to me clownfish behavior when they want to host an anemone ? What does it look like and how can I tell . The bta I have is small and healthy this morning is was 75% closed which it does from time to time . My clown which has never been near it has started to stare at it for a...
I’ve tried with a couple diff anemones but I hVe a mated pair and the branching hammer 5ey live in is doing noticeably better then my other lps euphylia family of corals it’s like the coral knows it’s not a threat and I have a Picasso clown but he just swims in the one corner most of the time...
I keep finding one of my yellow clown gobys head first in a hammer coral.
Does it think its a clown and this is an anemone?
The first time I noticed it, I thought it was dead.
Has anyone else seen this behavior in a clown goby?
I have a pair of yellows, I've never seen them both in there......