
  1. yanni

    Proudest I’ve ever been of my clowns

    Added a new BTA a few weeks ago, and they dived into it within two days. They’ve had nems before, never shown an interest, but this one, they seemed curious about on its first day, now they can’t get enough of it. I expected to wait months, not days for them to get into it. enjoy some photos of...
  2. sarinaruu

    strange behavior

    today my male clownfish took an interest in nuzzling the skimmer, normally they sleep against the back wall but both the male and female pair keep twitching on it. are they trying to host it? i’ve never seen him twitch besides when he is submitting to the female.
  3. lucyretz

    Clowns trying to be hosted by euphyllia, experiences?

    Hello hobbyists! My young clown has decided to move from the rock corner he was living in to the beloved large walling hammer colony. He’s not being rough with it, but if he smacks his head into a polyp the one polyp will retract a bit. currently the hammer is happy and open. has anyone...
  4. G

    Female clown acting weird?

    Hello again all, just trying to figure out what’s going on with my female clown fish. My pair has been in this tank for about 5 months now and they’ve never hosted anything. The male and female seemed to be a pair because they always stuck around each other throughout the day and into the...
  5. G

    Clown hosting?

    Is my clown hosting my purple bubble coral?? She seems to hang around it a lot practically laying on it most times even at night. The males doesn’t seems to go around it though. She also sometimes seems to like brush up against the bubble coral as she’s laying on it. Idk what she’s doing but...
  6. LxHowler

    Clownfish hosting gsp instead of anemone

    I have a pair of clownfish that have decided they want to try and host in my gsp even though the anemone has settled right next to it. Is there any way to try and get them into the anemone instead of the green star polyp as it seems to stress the coral or do I just have to accept that they gsp...
  7. S

    Tomato clownfish hosting in two different anemone?

    I thought it was interesting to see after putting some btas in my tank that my tomato clownfish is being hosted not only by the condy it’s seemingly forced into the arrangement but also the bta that’s near by as well, does anyone else’s clownfish go to multiple anemone? My other two cinnamon...
  8. CaseyNYC

    Anemone hosting clown fish AND Damselfish?? Possible? Pics attached!

    We had a tomato clown hosted by a bubble tip anemone. The tomato was very territorial over her anemone. Not letting her tankmate‘s get too close to the anemone, especially our small maroon clownfish!! The tomato seemed to get friendly recently with our (2) domino damselfish. Well, NOW...
  9. C

    EMERGENCY Is my anemone ok? Please help?

    Hi friends, I’m fairly new to the care of an anemone and am looking for some input. I just got this anemone about 4 days ago and have been witnessing some strange behavior patterns, just wanted to make sure it’s normal with pictures to elaborate. So acclimation process went pretty smooth, temp...
  10. I

    Clownfish won't host anything?

    I have a 10 gallon mixed reef with two adorable captive-bred Ocellaris Clowns (purchased from my local Petco), and so far, everything's gone smoothly with them. However, my they seem to be disinterested in being hosted by anything. I had an orange tip BTA for awhile and they wouldn't touch it...
  11. MnFish1

    Who hosts whom?

    Its always been a question for me - why do people (to me incorrectly) - say that clowns host anemones - when in fact it seems (to me) that its the other way around. So I decided to do a poll - which should it be - and Please comment 'Why'? Might as well have some happy discussion during the...
  12. wolt

    Does this anemone look healthy

    It’s a black widow anemone that is hoasting a maroon clown fish. It has been in the tank for about 2 day and I also have another anemone in the tank that is really healthy could it be that the clownfish is being to hard with it
  13. mattybecks

    New Clarkii and Anemone

    Hi guys, Got a new Clarkii clown a few days ago and he immediately bonded with my anemone after only a couple of hours. I have two ocellaris clowns that have been there for months, but never taken or shown interest in my anemones. Apart from the above anemone I also have a bubble tip. Tank...
  14. clownenthusiast2017

    Benefits of clownfish hosting an anemone?

    So exciting news.... MY CLOWN JUST STARTED HOSTING ITS NEM!! WOOHOO!! ok so back to the question.. I was wondering if there are any benefits either for the clown or nem when it's being hosted? Idk if I'm making this up but my nem is looking a little happier now that the two paired up. Thanks...
  15. M

    Attempt to encourage clownfish into anemone

    Hi guys, just wanted to share my most recent experience with you all. I know it doesn't mean much but maybe people can maybe benefit from it somehow :) So I have a pair of Ocellaris for a year now, and went through a couple of anemones before with the two not even looking at them. First anemone...
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    Lightning maroon enjoying his BTA
  17. IMG_2214


    Lightning Maroon with his BTA
  18. bekate

    California [SOLD] Clownfish Pair w/ Anemone and other fish & coral

    Due to a move across an ocean, we need to sell our reef tank. We've had it for nearly a year and everything is in good working order. Everything is located in 90034. UPDATE: If you pick it up over the next week or so in 90034, you can pick up the lot (livestock listed below, liverock, sand) for...
  19. Snake132

    What is my clownfish doing ? Anemone weird behavior

    Can anyone explain to me clownfish behavior when they want to host an anemone ? What does it look like and how can I tell . The bta I have is small and healthy this morning is was 75% closed which it does from time to time . My clown which has never been near it has started to stare at it for a...
  20. Spiritualquest1984

    My clowns prefer my branching hammers over anemones...

    I’ve tried with a couple diff anemones but I hVe a mated pair and the branching hammer 5ey live in is doing noticeably better then my other lps euphylia family of corals it’s like the coral knows it’s not a threat and I have a Picasso clown but he just swims in the one corner most of the time...
  21. Jimbo Bucket

    Clown Goby hosting in Hammer?

    I keep finding one of my yellow clown gobys head first in a hammer coral. Does it think its a clown and this is an anemone? The first time I noticed it, I thought it was dead. Has anyone else seen this behavior in a clown goby? I have a pair of yellows, I've never seen them both in there......