hitchhiker id

  1. CadillacSlizz

    Weird hitchhiker trying over!!

    Hi guys, new to the site and relatively new to salt and in dire need of help. Long story short went to the beach picked up some shells and sand as a souvenir in a mason jar, and somehow it all wound up in the tank because the kids thought it would be cool to add the beach to the tank. Now I've...
  2. J

    Does anyone know what this is?

    I spotted this in my tank today and no idea what it is, it looks like a star fish. Can anyone help identify it please?
  3. Jwink

    Any thoughts on what this is?

    Noticed something blue in a crack on one of my coral frags I just got. I did dip the coral before adding it to my tank but didn't notice this for a few days. Also can someone give me the name/variant of this coral, I had it but forgot to write it down on my list.
  4. reefnook

    Isopods in Indonesian life rock - ID?

    Hi! I bought several kg of indonesian live rock for a new reef tank built. The rock was awesome, it was just two days out of water, it was very clean (suggesting it was collected from relatively deep water) and it looked full of live. Among all the stuff I found (many crabs and worms arrived...
  5. A

    What is this growing on my frogspawn? Possible sea squirt?

    Hello, i just noticed this thing growing on the side of my frogspawn coral. It's soft and the striped mouths close when poked at. After some research, I think it might be a sea squirt but I've never seen one that looks like this so I was hoping someone else could help me identify it. Is it...
  6. H

    Need Help Identifying Hitchhiker On Conch

    Hey everyone, A new conch I got was climbing up the glass and I noticed a black thing coming out of what looks to be a small red snail shell and I also noticed a couple others. Does anyone know what it is? Is it a snail? Is it a bad hitchhiker? I can't seem to upload my video to the post but...
  7. AshenEmberose

    Weird slug/snail with pink shell in tank?

    I just bought corals on October 31st and today i just noticed a really weird snail looking thing in my tank by my ricordea yuma mushroom coral. Is it safe to leave in the tank? I have a blue leg hermit crab and a trochus snail already and its a nano tank with 2 clowns.
  8. A

    Space Aliens

    I need some help to identify strange creatures in my tank. I have no idea what it might be. I have a tiny amount of aptasia that I am currently fighting and I thought that these might be babies, but they don't resemble aptasia. No tentacles or smooth stalk, and the little fan that seems to be...
  9. Zoa_Fanatic

    ID help

    Are these snails and this nem bad? I just got them in a frag swap.
  10. M


    Anyone have any idea?
  11. Nasabeau

    Not Sure what this is

    So, this has been growing out of a hermit shell for a while and was just a white stalk. I have the stalks in several other places, but I noticed this one and have no clue what it could be. super cool looking.
  12. mikemathis555

    Caught in dip - nudibranch?

    Can anyone confirm this is a nudibranch and bristleworm? Released during dipping of some frags.
  13. k_kaboom

    Open Brain coral hitch hiker

    I haven't been able to figure out why my open brain coral is slowly dying, and then noticed this last night after the lights went out https://ibb.co/7VJ09PG My first thought was it kind of looked like an eye of a fish. This morning I pulled it out and on the bottom if it were these. I have...
  14. coastalnanoreef

    What is this orange ish worm with strings coming out of it?

    I see these stringy things coming out of the sand all the time. I believe the worm stays under the sand and puts the strings out. I saw it on the glass and tried to take some pictures. Let me know if you can identify this. Thanks
  15. M

    U.F.O in tank

    Hey all found this in my tank last night and forgot to post it any one have any ideas?
  16. F

    Friend or foe?

    I think it’s a baby brittle sea star but not sure came on some live rock I just purchased.
  17. J

    Help me identify 5 Hitchhikers on my Live Rock from LFS

    Hi- I am a new hobbyist and am just cycling my first reef tank! I went to my LFS to purchase my live rock, and noticed some interesting hitchhikers. I have done some research and believe one is an Aiptasia anemone- and have read it is recommended to nip those in the bud. But don’t know what the...
  18. M

    Critter ID on my Scoly

    Hello, I've had this scoly for months now, yesterday I noticed that it is showing some of its skeleton and when I looked closer I found these critters. Can anyone help with identifying them? and how to get rid of them? Note: I posted this question on the "Reef Aquarium Discussion" page, but I...
  19. Scooters Reef

    Please help ID these cowboys riding my snail

    Not sure if they are feather dusters or aiptasia but fairly confident it’s a worm. I am new so looking for any clarification before I put into my display. Thanks. First post. Lurker for long. Finally starting to get hands in reefing.
  20. Richlard

    Help me Id this mantis

    Pics below
  21. S

    Green anenome hitchhiker!?

    I got some Kenya trees on live rock a few months back and as time has passed this little green anenomie looking hitchhiker has grown, I hope it's a good guy would really appreciate if anybody could I.D it
  22. JoannaCora

    Pic Heavy New Live Rock I.D.

    Happy Saturday (to most). I purchased 20lbs of deco live rock from gulfliverock.com which arrived on Thursday, thanks Dan! I'm loving it so far and I am excited by every new thing I see. If you have seen my other posts you'll notice I'm kind of a name junkie, so as you can imagine getting rock...
  23. Topdog8327

    Help! Looking to id this critter.

    Hey everyone. I’m looking to get an id on what I think is a snail? I just want to make sure I don’t need to pull it out! Thank you. I do have a video as well but can’t upload from my phone for some reason. But it moves just like a snail.
  24. C

    ID please... what is on this frag plug?

    I noticed under my Kenya Tree frag plug there is some fan looking thing coming out of a tube. It is encrusted on the frag plug and if you squirter water at the thing it does retract into the tube and come back out later. Any input is nice and appreciated. I am not used to hitch hikers. I...
  25. djm

    Possible Hitchhiker?

    Hi Guys, I added my first coral to my tank on Monday, a single Rasta Zoa polyp. I did a coral dip using Coral RX Pro and Seachem Reef Dip. Over the last couple of days I’ve noticed something that appears to be growing out from the base of the polyp. Any ideas what this can be?
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