hitchhiker id

  1. C

    What is this, a snail? Or something else?

  2. C

    What is this white stringy creature?

    I thought the white stringy guy might be a bristle worm, but Im not sure
  3. Harrynice

    ID assistance appreciated! Tube worm?

    Was checking my tank under red light last night and noticed some kind of tube worm (?) on one of my softies. It looked a bit like a feather duster at first, but zooming in on my camera I noticed it has a forked appearance. I just want to know if it is something nasty - has already been through...
  4. Petrichor

    Hitchhiker coral or pest (or both)?

    I'm looking for an ID on these little purple buds that appeared on my zoa frag. They survived a coral dip when I first got them, so I wasn't too concerned about them until I found more elsewhere in the tank. I'm thinking they're some sort of clove polyp as I think they have multiple arms, but...
  5. C

    ID? Could be an anemone?

    I just took my hammer off the drag plug it came with and noticed this on the side. Looks very soft but no idea what it is
  6. J

    Is this feather duster?

    Hi, I bought this lobophyllia attached to the rock. I already dip it using redsea Dipx. Just notice there's a hitchhiker on the rock while I made a hyperlapse. Please help me Id this
  7. C

    Hitchhiker ID

  8. Taun98

    My first aiptasia

    Noticed this little guy today, possibly one more on my candy cane too(significantly smaller) If so aiptasia x?
  9. C

    What is this worm like thing?

    What is this on my glass?
  10. Spinoyonyx

    Whitish Polyps-like things on my reef rock

    I got these Fuzzy white polyp-like inverts that has started to grow on my reef rock They kinda look like hydroids or miniture soft corals Just want to comfirm if they may be anything bad or i should just leave it
  11. Saskdevil

    I saw this thing at night under my Rhodactis

    Does anyone know what this thing is? Should I be worried?
  12. E

    Are they corals?

    Hey, i'm so fascinated by hitchhikers than i could buy live rocks everyday to get new ones! But here are the one i still have doubt on what it is. I think they may be corals for 1 (the thing with big filaments) & 2, they are open when lights are on but maybe a pest anemon for 3? Thank you for...
  13. S

    Weird worm crawling on my glass

    Hey guys do you know what is it? It was crawling on my glass before lights went off.
  14. Tturner

    What is this? Clove polyps or some pest?

    Hello, I obtained a zoanthid frag which included a small piece of rock the zoanthid was on. I dipped and quarantined the coral and put it in my my main tank two week later after it looked free and good. Now a week later I notice these are popping there heads out of the rock to get light but...
  15. Tturner

    White worms on zoanthid. Filter feeders possibly? Please help.

    Hey I am trying to figure out what exactly these are. They covered the base of this zoa (my personal favorite of the tank) after a cyano outbreak. After multiple months of work and a uv sterilizer that is under control but this seems to be left behind. Could this just be like a ditritus worm or...
  16. S

    Growing sedintary hitchhiker bothering Zoanthid

    I have an interesting hitchhiker I would like to identify. It has been growing here along side this zoanthid and sponge. Originally when I placed the frag I had dipped, brushed and thought it free of all but the sponge which I decided not to bother removing. However a few months later noticed a...
  17. M

    ID please! Friend or foe?

    First time reefer, tank is around 8 months old. Just started noticing a few of these guys pop up and would like to see if i could get an ID. They are in a rough/sandy textured tube. I cant see the base but it doesnt look like they curl, seem mainly straight. There are two clear...
  18. wolfman007

    I don’t think it’s aiptasia…

    From what I’ve seen from Google images, I don’t think this is aiptasia, but I could be wrong. If not, any idea on what this is? Seems to be a very thin tube protruding from rock with short red/orange tentacles coming out of end of tube. 8 month old tank with live rock. Hopefully this zoomed in...
  19. N

    Hitchiker ID?

    Help pls I'm creeped out what the heck is this? Lol
  20. AshenEmberose

    Creepy Fuzzy Things and other Tiny Critters in my Tank

    Okay so I have this container in my tank that used to have my Chaeto algae ball but thats been gone for a while and nothing new has been added in months and now the cup has these fuzzy white almost squid looking things attaching to the plastic of the cup? You can see the vine-like leg things...
  21. N

    Long snail like ears coming from zoa frag rock

    I just brought this frag home a few days ago and dipped, am seeing these weird things coming out between the zoas. I can see 3 pairs so far
  22. T

    Red/orange bugs at nights

    I shined my flashlight on my tank at night and seen these weird worms that burrow in sand when I shine the light on them. In the video one was swimming... well wiggling and at the end one was burrowed. Does anyone know if these things are dangerous?
  23. M

    What is this critter?

    https://youtube.com/shorts/fIXCgW_Su4o?feature=share What is this creepy crawly critter? Found him near a small piece of rock I recently removed from the reef tank for my Algae ID post. Hard to tell from the paper towel, but he had a white sac-like thing on his behind. I had given the rock a...
  24. vaguelyreeflike

    What are these? Cannot figure it out. Hitchhiker ID

    Small roundish soft thing sitting on a “nest” of tentacles similar to that of a nudibranch or bubble tip anemone, however they do not move freely and are stationed where they are, have not moved an inch in almost a week. I think Nudibranch is ruled out When I touch them they react and “extend”...
  25. BubbleWrap

    What are those hairy things on my frogspawn skeleton?

    I can identify some pineapple sponges. What are those white hairy things? Are those hydroids?
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