
  1. Orectolobidae

    White striped hermit...?

    I'm unsure whether this might actually be a white stripped hermit because unlike the pictures I came across the bands on its legs are actually a brown colour and the shell is not as dark. However despite that the crab now lives in a 3i conch shell it does not bother anything else apart from the...
  2. BluerSkiesAhead

    Super tiny orange blob??

    Does anyone know what these little buggers are? They are very, very tiny. This is the best photo I could do on my phone. They seem to multiplying rather quickly.
  3. Emi2852

    Found odd white things on base of coral and frag plug

    When my Torch coral closed up for the night I noticed some odd white growths. (Not the white curly worms... I don’t know their name) but I’m wondering about the larger white tube like things. Sorry for the quality my phone refused to focus on the plug. Does anyone know what these are and if they...
  4. SimplyVibing

    Caught this sucker alive: is this an isopod?

    My LFS told me that I had an isopod in my tank based on a video I showed them. I think this is the same critter, can you tell me what this is? *IMPORTANT EDIT* and if it IS, could there be more????? Suspected isopod: Current captive:
  5. SimplyVibing


    Hi! I had an isopod scare a while back but it turned out to just be a snail. Now I’m worried I actually have them. Started with copepods, when the pods vanished a second colony + bigger “things” popped up. Then I found a 3/4inch, bright purple flat critter. Caught this video purely on accident...
  6. Petrichor

    Black Sponge or Tunicate?

    Got this as a hitchhiker on some live rock about a week or so ago. It was smooth, slimy, and uniform in color and texture when I put it in my tank. It hasn't moved at all, so I assumed it was some sort of sponge and would die off during my cycle. Three days ago it started growing what looks...
  7. Cristy17

    1/4” squirmy thing with two eyes swimming in my nano..what is it?

    Last night when I was looking at my nano tank I noticed this worm looking thing trying to swim around but it was being carried by the return’s current. I captured it and here is a picture and a video. Any idea what it is? Could it be a pod since I have seeded this tank. If not, is is harmful...
  8. BoSalman

    BUGS! What in the world!

    Hello, So i had this small goniopora recently which was accidentally laying on its side on the sandbed for a day or so, i fixed its position uprights and i'm keeping it so if its healthy enough it would bounce back on that small area... Normal inspection tonight on my tank to look for...
  9. Mike N

    Some type of limpet

    I've seen this thing a few times over the years. Pretty obvious that there is a limpet shell underneath that shroud. Anybody have experience with these things? He's been hanging out around my zoanthids a lot lately, just curious if you pose any danger other than knocking frags off plugs.
  10. Steven91

    Worm..i think fire or bristle

    I was doing my week water change today and while i was stirring my sand bed around i happened to catch a glimpse of what i thought was a worm or maybe a piece of fish poop. I happened to catch it in a container before it was buried again in sand, and it was a worm. I don't know what kind, though...
  11. ThunderGoose

    Tank size urchin

    I have an urchin that came in as a hitchhiker which might be a pin cushion urchin. She's been increasingly active lately and I'm concerned she might not be getting enough food. I offered her some Nori but she doesn't want it. I found an estimate that they can reach eight inches but the same site...
  12. Darkartist

    Hundreds of white dots?

    Started getting these all over glass. Any ideas?
  13. Evan28395950

    What’s on my frogspawn?

    what is tbis
  14. sdcosta

    crab ID

    We have had this mystery crab in our tank for a while now and even with traps have not been able to get him out! Sneaky guy! He has molted so hopefully this will help. He is a little fuzzy but Im pretty sure its not a gorilla crab? One claw is very large compared to the other, he has red eyes...