
  1. N

    Possible Transparent hitch hiker

    There is something semi transparent under one of my zoanthids, anybody know what it is
  2. C

    Is this a shelless hermit living in my rocks...?

    While i was feeding my tank, tonight i notcied this in the rocks. Im not sure if its a hermit crab or something else. Picture quality apology, it's from a video capture.
  3. Karen00

    Are these hydroids

    Hello fellow saltines, I just discovered these guys on a tiny dark section of my rock. It's dry rock. They are very tiny. In doing some searches I think they might be hydroids. If they are can I pull the rock and scrub them off. They're kind of pretty and quite hypnotic watching them with my...
  4. meir

    Aussie LPS hitchhiker ID

    Hey guys, got this on a piece of UC Aussie LR and cannot for the life of me ID it. It has a stony stem and looks almost like a blastomussa but then looks like a Duncan
  5. Sailaway

    Bristleworm..fireworm…get it the hell out?

    Should I dip this thing? Or is it just a poop eating bristleworm?
  6. P

    Scary worm ID?

    I think/hoping its just a bristle worm, but the pictures I've looked up look a little different from this guy in my tank. This is the best video I have, hoping to get more evidence. Thoughts?
  7. vaguelyreeflike

    What are these? Cannot figure it out. Hitchhiker ID

    Small roundish soft thing sitting on a “nest” of tentacles similar to that of a nudibranch or bubble tip anemone, however they do not move freely and are stationed where they are, have not moved an inch in almost a week. I think Nudibranch is ruled out When I touch them they react and “extend”...
  8. cinnamon_lover

    Maroon Crab Hitchhikers?

    So uhm, I actually posted about this one the other day. But I now have clearer pictures of these tiny 'maroon / brown' crab hitchhikers. They are only ¾ to an inch in size and their 'shells' are full of bumps. I assume some of them are females because I can see them carrying black eggs...
  9. neonreef3d

    Bristle Worm Trap

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Bristle Worm Trap. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  10. Ghrommi

    Gorilla crab?

    Found this little guy while dipping my newly bought Trachyphyllia. Can anyone confirm if this is gorilla crab or any other species? He is very small, body is ~5mm in diameter.
  11. TwiTch18

    Two critters I'm looking to ID

    Found these critters in my tank today and I'm looking to get some info on them! The first is some sort of Starfish. I noticed it hanging around the other day and decided to leave it alone. Today I seen it on my new corals and decided to get it checked out. Hopefully it's nothing bad.. The...
  12. M

    Help to id something black and hard on hammer coral's skeleton

    Hi just noticed this little stuff on my hammer's skeleton, at first I thought it's some worm and tried to wipe it off but it's something hard that doesn't come off. Any idea what this may be ?
  13. C

    Can someone help identify this on zoanthid

    So I got a frag of zoanthid from an lfs and this is what is on one of the polyps, can someone identify it. It’s white and has triangle shape. The one polyp that is covered at the base doesn’t open like the others.
  14. reefnook

    Isopods in Indonesian life rock - ID?

    Hi! I bought several kg of indonesian live rock for a new reef tank built. The rock was awesome, it was just two days out of water, it was very clean (suggesting it was collected from relatively deep water) and it looked full of live. Among all the stuff I found (many crabs and worms arrived...
  15. A

    What is this growing on my frogspawn? Possible sea squirt?

    Hello, i just noticed this thing growing on the side of my frogspawn coral. It's soft and the striped mouths close when poked at. After some research, I think it might be a sea squirt but I've never seen one that looks like this so I was hoping someone else could help me identify it. Is it...
  16. Seabiscuit & Friends

    Cobweb like spongey thing? Should I get rid of it?

    Anyone have experience with this stuff? About 3 days ago I noticed this white cobweb looking stuff growing on one area of a certain rock, since then it has spread to almost 1/3 of the rock. Started out real thin and loose, pretty unnoticeable, but all of a sudden it has started getting thicker...
  17. G

    ID help hitchhikers

    Hi all. Long time lurker, first time caller. Can anyone help point me in the right direction in ID ING the items in the pictures. All of these are currently in my QT tank. Seems like 2 odd things growing of my Favia and some stuff on my hammer. Any help is appreciated.
  18. WheatToast

    What on earth are these?!

    They look like limpets or chitons the size of pinheads, attached to my refugium’s glass pane, but they jitter and have pulsating appendages like isopods. What do you guys think? Below: location of pulsating appendages, circled in red.
  19. Freakmachine01

    Red worm

    Is this a spaghetti worm. If not can someone please identify?? Was found on the glass of my tank last night
  20. Zoa_Fanatic

    Help ID please

    Is this a “strawberry” anemone? I guess that’s a mojano? That’s what people in my area call them. Should I murder it or is it reef safe?
  21. ariellemermaid

    Starfish Hitchhiker?

    A recent order of snails brought in MEN, and this guy apparently towards the bottom left: It looks like a starfish and the arms move like a starfish; snail is in the middle for size reference. Thoughts on an ID? Thanks!
  22. ultraArcite

    Red "spikes" on trochus snail

    Is this something I should be concerned about, or can I place it in my tank? There are red spikes on my trochus snail. I pulled on them and they did not come off (same with a toothbrush). It's a captive-bred snail from @AlgaeBarn
  23. E

    Is this aptasia?

    I saw this while looking at my tank at night while my lights were off, is it aptasia? Sorry for the bad picture
  24. Hugo Garcia

    Snail ID (Nassarius Maybe?)

    Hellos guys, just found this guys in my tanks. I was looking around the tanks at night, with all the pumps off and found this guys. I believe him to be a nasarrius snail, but it is striped. I could see his “antena” and had sobre stripes. Is it possible to ID a snail just by its shell? thanks
  25. Jaden9933

    Bristle Worm?

    I bought a mushroom frag today which actually grew on a snail shell. I was debating on dipping it when I big Orange work came slithering out for the shell! Is this something I should try to get rid of with the dip or introduce to my tank? I currently don’t have any in my tank It actually looks...
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