hitch hicker

  1. Shadowfire

    Hitchhiker on Australian Live Rock ID

    Hey I had a couple of these show up in my quarantine frag tank after adding some Australian Live rock from unique corals. I wanted to double check that they were safe before any of that rock goes in my display. They don’t seem to have bothered any corals, but I’m still relatively new to all...
  2. marcmen

    Feather Duster and Pest Removal

    Hi all, I just picked up a feather duster and when I was cleaning the LFS sand off of its tail (lack of a better word) when I pulled three small worms off of it. Any suggestions on how to "clean" this guy? Someone needs to make an invert dip :) Also, does anyone know if the "Tail" is actually...
  3. LAA

    What is this? Baby sea cucumber? Or Pest?

    Hey guys so I was just going around and cleaning algae off my frags in my frag tank when I noticed a few of these guys crawling around and was wondering if anyone knows what they are.
  4. ScubaFish802

    QT Live Rock - What is this?

    Noticed this guy after turning lights on. It free swims but also grabs onto rocks - seems too big/fast for pods? - second half of video has much clearer image https://youtube.com/shorts/5gyCFSZWXkM?feature=share EDIT: Answer seems to be that it is a bad isopod.
  5. Phoerut

    What is this sea slug kind of thing?

  6. neonreef3d

    Bristle Worm Trap

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Bristle Worm Trap. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  7. lonewonderer

    Black Reddish Sponge good or bad?

    Hey there! I just wanted to know if this sponge is bad for my tank. I bought a colony of zoa and after 2 months that sponge appeared. Is it a good thing or bad? TIA
  8. S

    Small Worm Found On Zoas

    Found this little guy rummaging around on my zoa frag. Was able to scoop him up but wanted to see if it’s something I should be worried about? From what I’ve seen on other threads it looks like it may be a bristle worm, but not sure. Thanks!
  9. Phoerut

    What is this? They/it popped out my live rock I bought today. Is it reef safe?

  10. C

    Can someone help identify this on zoanthid

    So I got a frag of zoanthid from an lfs and this is what is on one of the polyps, can someone identify it. It’s white and has triangle shape. The one polyp that is covered at the base doesn’t open like the others.
  11. Yank

    Strange things on my rock please help

    These keep coming up on my rock. I am not sure what they are and if they are harmful to my coral? Any help would be appreciated.
  12. jtone_philthy_aquatics

    Gathering / documenting information / studies on black bugs

    https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/please-help-me-out-any-info-appreciated-very-much.895597/#post-9951997 Worst experience I’ve had in my 13/14 years of reef keeping. This has gone on for almost a full year. I recently set up a Red Sea reefer xl system and I am taking this old system down and...
  13. L

    Small black snail with white dot

    I have multiple in my tank. Was curious to what they were, not the best picture but they’re pretty small.
  14. jfoahs04

    What kind of Nudi?

    Any idea what I’m working with here? It’s on the glass and there’s nothing similar on/near my montis. Looks almost like a berghia to me, but I’ve never had them. I’ll try and get a better photo of the top.
  15. N

    What is this and is it harmful?

    What is this and is it harmful? Vermetid snail? Came on some live rock From petco and on a snail.
  16. Gonj

    Mystery snails taking over sump??

    I noticed these small snails all over my sump, filter socks, etc. I haven’t seen any in the display as of yet. I do have 2 turbo snails in my sump so I’m not sure if it’s possible they laid some eggs that hatched ? I doubt it as they seem to be really flat. I attached some pictures of one of the...
  17. Jtleland

    Help! What is this?

    Please help. Just saw this today in a few locations. All found out of the light. Friend/foe/ neutral?
  18. S

    Id please

    Hello, could you please help my to identify this? Saw while cleaning my tank
  19. S

    Some type of snail on my conch and hermit crab shell.

    Hello fellow reefers. I have just noticed that my conch has some weird snail or limpet critters attached to the backside of his shell. A tongue comes out and picks at the sand and then retreats back into the shell when the conch moves. does anyone know what they are ? If so are they safe to...
  20. adamlodge14

    Hitchhiker on lobophyllia

    Hi, I bought a new lobophyllia today and after drip acclimating it for 2 hours, popped it into my tank. After about five minutes a flowery thing popped out of the side of it, is this a feather duster? If so are they harmful or not? (Btw I dipped the coral for five minutes in aqua forest protect dip)

    Cant Identify this slug / worm thing?

    Hello, I just want to know if I should be worried about this guy and if 'you see one there all lots' kind of mentality. I looked quite a bit and did not come up with anything. Please let me know!
  22. E

    Hitchhiker ID please

    I can see it moving around looking for food, looks like it’s coming out of some sort of cacoon thing
  23. J

    Please help ID

    Can someone help me ID this? Little orange looking thing poking out the bottom Was using my flash light looking at the tank and seen this thing sticking out the side? I stuck my hand in there and it like retracted, Ended up pulling the coral out, took a knife and like scraped the bottom to...
  24. H

    Tank pests?

    I left my house for 2 days and came back to my tank with these guys in here. Anyone know what these are? The video isn’t very clear but they look like baby shrimps. If this helps, I turned off the lights during those two days to try and get rid of some of my algae and see how they would respond...
  25. juarec0201

    Red and white eggs on torch

    Hi, This is my first time catching eggs on a new frag. I have a heavy euphyllia tank so makes me nervous and don’t have a hospital tank. I scrapped as much off as I could and dipped. No worms noticed. But there is 2 different kinds of eggs. Red and white. Should I keep dipping and scraping ...