hippo tang

  1. Bennutri

    Will i survive?

    I put my toddler hippo tank amd 8 gallons of cycled water, live rock, and live sand in my new 16 gallon will it survive the next weeks w thse cinditions? Or should i wait on water change ?
  2. AquaHobby31

    Help. Blue tang dark circles.

    What is this?
  3. R

    Hippo tang scared of me

    I have a juvenile hippo tang in a tank with 4 clowns and a yellow tang. When I first got him he used to swim around with all the other fish... then mysteriously half of my fish population died off. Since then he hides anytime I get near the tank. Whenever I initially walk in the room he’ll be...
  4. aquatic engineer

    Fish to eat sea lettuce

    Hi Everyone, I'm fairly new to the saltwater side of the hobby and have a 125g mixed reef tank that has been up and running since January. I like to engineer things and geek out on equipment, so I spent 3 months designing everything before the build. That said, I've had really good luck so...
  5. Joe Batt

    Troublesome Hippo Tang

    I have been restarting the reef after a crash last year. I added some zoa's to the tank a few days back and they disappeared overnight totally. I suspect the hippo tang (the other inhabitants are a sail fin tang, yellow tang, dottyback, 2 x clowns, an old damsel from when I first started). It...
  6. shiftline

    Multiple Tangs in one Reef? - Powder Blue Rescue and curbing tang aggression

    Multiple Tangs in one Reef? - Powder Blue Rescue and curbing tang aggression! I ended up with a powder blue tang on my doorstep needing a home, I was extremely worried about adding it with my hippo tang.. (who actually didn't care..) It was the Yellow tang that seemed to have a superiority...
  7. barista7105

    Aberrant Regal tang

    Got this for 3 weeks, kept in 210g tank. Has been adapting very well
  8. bet


    I purchased a hippo tang yesterday who was doing well originally. However, today I noticed some white spots (clearly not sand) on the side of the tang. The tang is still eating algae off my live rock, flake food w/ garlic, and mysis shrimp. I have read that attempting to catch hippo tangs to...
  9. seastar

    Move Hippo Tang

    Hey all. I recently added a few sunburst anthias to my DT (525xl Reefer) and my hippo tang has decided it would be great port to harass them and rip their fins off. I've decided rather than remove them I'd rather toss the Hippo in the penalty box. Any ideas how to get it out? Every time I go...