help coral

  1. jackalexander

    Torch Bleaching/ Polyp Bailout

    This torch was higher up on the rock work and was doing fine for about a month and the last few days it’s been closed up and unhappy. I was feeding it once a week with mysis shrimp. I will post water params later today. I did a 50% WC yesterday and now it’s bleaching and polyps are bailing. I...
  2. D

    High Phosphate

    Hi there, Recently my sps coral started to bleach, I tested the phosphate and found it was a 1.6. I did a 20 percent water change using rodi water, as well as adding the appropriate number of chemipure blue packets. This dropped my phosphate to .9 however i am at a loss how to reduce it to what...
  3. jassermd

    Orange Hammer - What's up with it? This is one I haven't encountered...

    Hi R2R! Need some help... SETUP: 280g mixed reef, moderate sand bed. Lighting: 2 AI 64, one AI 32; PAR at 1/3 of tank (right next to hammers in pic) 80-90 max Supplements: Brightwell 2 part for CA/Alk; supplement Mg, Feeding: Broadcast and spot (1-2 x week); Reef Feast, phyto (alternate with...
  4. sullivansp

    HELP! Battling tissue necrosis of my SPS!

    For the past 2 months, I have been dealing with slow tissue necrosis (STN) on many of the SPS in my tank. Multiple mini acro colonies (~4 in) have bitten the dust and I cannot figure out what is causing it to happen. Also, some SPS frags were also affected by STN while just one of them succumbed...
  5. WilsonParker

    What’s on my zoa

    Hello! Newbie here. Please be gentle. I have my first 3 corals, and they all seem pretty happy so far. But I’ve been worrying about this weird spot at the front of my zoanthid. It has a shape poking out that almost looks like a snail head to me. And then a weird greenish spot on front. Is it...
  6. G

    WellsoPhyllia/trachy open brain

    Hi everyone, Just a question if it is normal for a Wellso/trachyphyllia to open up this way and not fold all the way like a brain. I just got this from my lfs 3 days ago. In their store, this guy was massive and fully fluffy. Mine is still fluffy but not fully folded :( my Calcium is 450...
  7. Khoi_La

    Gold torch slowly dying?

    Hi guys, i have a this gold torch now for about 2 months now. Through this time it has been doing great, then this morning i noticed its lookiny odd. Tentacles are shrinking and mouth open, from my past experience, this is a sign that a torch is dying. I really dont want to loose this torch...
  8. J

    Opinions on tanks coral placement

    We are very new to the saltwater tank hobby and with every coral we bought tried to educate ourselves on placements for them. We would love opinions on whether they are placed ok or not. So please do not hesitate to criticize, it's the only way we will learn.
  9. J

    Opinions on tanks coral placement

    We are very new to the saltwater tank hobby and with every coral we bought tried to educate ourselves on placements for them. We would love opinions on whether they are placed ok or not. So please do not hesitate to criticize, it's the only way we will learn.
  10. Ennvi

    Goni is auddenly looking really bad, what should i do?

    Aah please help me! I have a goniopora minor and it's done well for a while but suddenly it's looking bad. Any idea why or what i should do? I know gonis are brats, but mine was doing well up until now :( parameters are good from what i can tell- salinity 1.026, ph is a bit low at 8.0 but has...
  11. E

    My candy cane is bubbling

    So i was doing my normal routine then i noticed its sections were getting very swollen to the point were it started popping and pieces of flesh were going everywhere, around 2 weeks ago i went on vacation and left my tank to my cousin who was feeding at night when none of my fish ate and had 2...
  12. OllieGreen

    Please Help With My Duncan Coral

    I have had a duncan coral in my tank since September now, and the past month or so especially it has been completely closed up. Can anyone help me figure out how to encourage it to open back up. It's one of the centerpieces in my tank so it would be awesome to have it back open again. Almost...
  13. 4theluvofcoral

    SPS Help!

    First and foremost, I just want to provide as much detail as I can so all the information needed is available. I know not all maybe relevant but I've never posted on a forum before asking for help either, so please bare with. We have a 125 gallon mixed (SPS,LPS, Softies, Sea Fans, NPS and...
  14. Reefing_Engineer

    Red dots on Zoas

    I bought some zoas from my LFS four days ago and one of them had these little red dots on them that I noticed after dipping them. I dipped for 30 minutes and blew water on them every 5 minutes using a pipette to try to knock off anything but these were left, I figured it would be okay since I...
  15. #R_TST


    I’m a beginner. I think this is an LPS. I can’t find any info about the care of this coral anywhere. It’s on the Pacific East Aquaculture website. Can anyone tell me about it? Where is a good place to find info about corals like this that you get nothing from google or YouTube?
  16. StephenMcn

    Gsp Help

    Hi all. My gsp has been closed for a week and a half. I got it 3weeks ago and as soon as he went into tank all polyps extended and stayed like that for a few days. Then they retracted and haven't come back out. Some mornings I can see the whites of the polyps peeking through but when I get home...
  17. M

    Acan Echinata abnormal growth?

    I bought this coral from my LFS about a week ago and have some concerns about it I'm hoping someone could help me out. I was told this is an acan echinata correct me if I am wrong but there seems to be a spiky white growth in it that doesn't seem to be part of the coral because the flesh recedes...
  18. H

    New tank - GSP and clove not open - Help

    So I swapped my evo to a waterbox cube 10, straight swap except changed to fresh sand bed. This was about a week ago. My Gsp have not opened at all and neither have my clove. I tried to change flow and have added a reduced % lighting via acclimation mode of my AI HD 16 but they remain shut. Ive...
  19. Clownphish

    Immense Help Needed

    This is going to be a lot to read: My aquarium is suffering horrendously and I'm embarrassed to call it my own. It's probably the ugliest saltwater aquarium I've ever seen and probably one of the worst ones you've seen. I've been holding off on posting but finally thought it was time to share...
  20. keb10d

    Dead Toadstool?

    Hi! I’ve had this toadstool leather for maybe six months now.. it started out tall and upright but over the past couple month it’s super slumped over and not opening. It looks like his base is starting to shrivel too, it used to stick perfectly in the hole. I’ve tried moving him and nothings...
  21. StephenMcn

    Red plate montipora bleaching?

    Hi, can someone help me out and tell me if this Is a sign of early bleaching? Excuse the excessive glue it was my first frag
  22. Drew1600

    Soft Coral Identifcation

    Hi all, I have been keeping freshwater tanks but decided to convert one (10g) over to salt last month, I'm loving it so far. That being said I'm still very new to this and was wondering if anyone would be able to help me identify this frag I picked up today? Additionally, how long should I...
  23. M

    I don’t know what this coral is help!

    I just got this coral today from my local petco don’t worry I dipped it twice and made sure it is pest free but when I got it no one told me what it was so I was wondering if you guys had any idea what it was thanks