hammer corals

  1. Gsnowd

    Corals gone wrong?

    Okay so this is my first post here. I am having trouble with corals, can’t seem to do anything right when it comes to them and I hate wasting money. Anybody know what could be going wrong? They don’t look healthy at all. Here are my parameters Salt level: 1.024 kH: 120 PH: 7.5 Nitrite: 0...
  2. ACF930

    Pennsylvania Rainbow Hammer

    Rainbow Hammer (Large branching head) $250 shipped. PM for any questions. This thread includes reviews on my previous sales: https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/excellent-transaction-with-acf930.628995/
  3. ACF930

    Pennsylvania Gold Hammers

    Indo Gold Hammers (2 heads) $200 shipped Standard 2 hr DOA applies
  4. ACF930

    Pennsylvania Gold Euphyllia Pack

    Light up your tank with a beautiful collector’s pack of Gold Euphyllia, which includes: 1. Indo Gold Branching Hammers (2 heads) 2. Gold Yellow Branching Hammer 3. Indo Gold Purple Branching Hammer 4. Gold Blue Tip Cristata $550 shipped. Standard 2 hr DOA applies Indo Gold Branching...
  5. ACF930

    Pennsylvania WTB Rainbow and Yellow Hammers

    I'm looking for nice Rainbow and Yellow Hammers - ones that look unique and brightly colored even under white.
  6. ACF930

    Pennsylvania Sky Blue Hammer & Purple Tip Hammer Pack

    Beautiful hammer pack available for those Euphyllia lovers and collectors. Includes an Indo Sky Blue Hammer and Aussie Purple Tip Hammer. They have been aquacultured for almost 2 years. The Sky Blue Hammer has 3 heads and is a rare and marvelous hammer from Indonesia. I was fortunate to get...
  7. ACF930

    Pennsylvania WTB Gold Rainbow Hammer

    Looking for a Gold Rainbow Hammer that's similar in color to below. If anyone has one that is gold with rainbow colors, please PM me.
  8. DeepBlueSomething

    Hammer Coral Sweepers -- do they detach?

    So, I have several fairly recent hammer additions. I have read about and observed sweepers / feeders. This evening, but under daylight in the tank, I observed a long, thin and dark sweeper extended out of one of the hammer heads. It extended in the current over the course of several minutes...
  9. lonewonderer

    Green hammer coral placement.

    Hello, I have a green hammer coral. I have placed him on strong flow and very little flow and he seems he does not lake any. my parameters are all on par but i don't know why I can't find a right spot for him. Any clue guys?
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