green algae

  1. pwilliaml

    What is this green algae?

    I'm not sure if this is bryopsis, green hair algae, or some other kind of green turf algae. It's slowly taking over my tank no matter how much I peal off. I've tried, snails, urchins, crabs, hair algae, fluco treatment. I have a algae scrubber running growing nicely and a giant skimmer...
  2. Idoc

    New algae growth

    Should I be taking any action, or just letting it ride? Tank is about 2 months post-cycle. Finally turned on the lights...I suspect I had the white lights on too long (about 8 hours), but reduced to about 3hrs at 50% with remaining time at blues. A couple days after the lights turned on, a...
Frag Farm