green algae

  1. D

    Help id this algae please

    Tank has been up 3 months or so. Not quite sure what this is. Was hopping it was a quick and easy id lol. It’s not hairy or anything just turning the rocks green I was fighting off brown string algae for about a week then this started to grow. Cuc doesn’t seem to eat it and lawnmower doesn’t...
  2. N

    Green hair algae or something else?

    For about two weeks now I've been struggling with what I believe to be some kind of green hair algae. It's not terribly long and is very difficult to remove manually. My turbo snail has been eating some, but it just grows right back. My tank has been running for 2 months. My nitrates are sitting...
  3. N

    Please help identify this algae

    For about two weeks now I've been struggling with what I believe to be some kind of green hair algae. It's not terribly long and is very difficult to remove manually. My turbo snail has been eating some, but it just grows right back. My tank has been running for 2 months. I tried using a...
  4. B

    Algae Identification

    Hi All, Can anyone confirm if this is Green Hair that's starting to grow on some of the rock (the lighter rock was dry and has been curing in buckets with the live pre-tank). Tanks is around 6 weeks old and all levels are OK. I have some 5 turbo and 5 neccarious snails alongside a Foxface and...
  5. A

    How long can leather corals stay out of water?

    I need to clean a rock out of water since it's full of GHA and I estimate it will take about 30 minutes to scrape it all off, spray H2O2, let it sit, then rinse with SW. I also have a mushroom on this rock but since it's on the lower part I can keep it submerged. Also, is spraying H2O2 really...
  6. B

    The cyano eater

    I’d like to present my lovely urchin friend who likes to eat cyano and clean my frags :) Except he’s not eating the majority of the green algae. I’ve got nassarius and one margarita. What should I get to focus on green algae? 5 gallon that’s about 2 months old.
  7. guily yalai

    Decorate the tank with green algae(freshwater)

    Generally, aquarium algae is harmful for the tank inhabitants, although some algae can be the food for some creatures. But, when we change the ideas and the usage, they can enhance the ornamental value of the aquarium, something like use the green algae to decorate the fish tank. The 10 gallons...
  8. A

    Hydrogen peroxide to kill hair algae

    So i’ve seen plenty of different methods to use H.P. to kill GHA The one that works best for me in to apply 1ml of 3% H.P. onto the GHA on my rocks (since they’re too big and have too many corals to just be taken out) My question is: can i use the one found at drugstores? Or do i have to go...
  9. A

    Fish won’t let me clean aquarium without attacking my hand/brush

    I have a green hair algae problem meaning i have to constantly brush them off. Before my clownfish was fine with it. today he decided to attack whatever i tried cleaning the algae with. how am i supposed to do the maintenance if he doesn’t let me?? does anyone have any tips????
  10. L

    Why is my tank green?

    My tank has been up for almost 2 months. Went through a very short diatom phase, i still get some on the glass. Now there is some greening happening but there’s no algae coming off it. What could this be? Disc Mag 1320-1350 Calcium 440 Alkalinity 9 SG 1.0255 Phosphates 0.02 Nitrates 10 Temp...
  11. C

    Neglected tank clean up help!?

    Tank: 10 gallon AIO TL;DR neglected tank, what’s the best way to clean up so my pump quit working while I was out of town, took a while to notice, order new pump, install, etc. in the mean time, I’ve developed some hair algae, algae growth on the glass, and all kinds of algae along the glass of...
  12. M

    Fluval Flex 123L Green Hair Algae Problem

    Hi. I have a Fluval Flex 123L which has been running for about 1 year now. I have always had a major green hair algae problem which I just put down to the fact the tank was new and going through the motions. I work offshore so I'm only able to do a water change once a month which is a 25%...
  13. theasherrr

    New kid - what’s this edition

    This is currently what my tank looks like Question 1) the brown algae -read a lot about it being good, but how much is to much? I also have green algae on my glass. Question 2) close up of rocks with micro bubbles - is this okay? Question 3) should I be running lights on a normal day/night...
  14. A

    High Nitrate, 0 nitrite and 0-0.25ppm ammonia

    Hi reef people! I'm very new to the hobby and could use some advice. So I have my 75 gal tank as seen in the pic. I have two oscarella clowns right now in there. -I'm doing once a month 20% water changes. - once a month fluval 307 filter cleaning - have the protein skimmer seen there - have...
  15. M3rmaids

    Beat one algae and one more pops up? What is this!

    Yes I know. GHA outbreak after the hurricane. Been battling it pretty well I think. Turned on whites to get better pics. it is a spongy red brown algae forming in balls before it spreads. It was only on the frag plugs of two Zoas, completely took them over. After a peroxide bath and a bit of...
  16. N

    Green hair algae and coral questions.

    This is my tank that I thought was doing pretty fine until a algae outbreak and I know it’s nitrates and phosphates, should I just let them stay and starve out their nutrients? I got 4 turbo snails and a emerald crab for a 20g. Also, how many corals is too many corals?
  17. Nanolifeuk

    Why so green ?

    Having a nightmare with the algae on the back wall. The rocks are cured that way and I’m not particularly bothered about them (I read that they should turn darker and purple as coralline takes over) This algae is so hard to scrape away, I press as hard as possible with my scraper but it just...
  18. SchoolEcosystem

    Long Island Sound Tank

    I introduced three new sea urchins to my long island sound tank yesterday. Floated them as I thought was appropriate amount of time (about 4 hours) I also added a couple mummychugs and two green crabs. Upon returning to my tank this morning all three urchins are flipped on their "backs" with...
  19. A

    Any tips to get rid of this type of algae?

    Before this one i had diatoms (they’re not 100% cleared out but are practically only on the glass, before they were everywhere) Now this green algae is everywhere and it’s quite ugly. My tank is about 4 months old.
  20. M

    Green Algae on live rocks

    Hi.. I have biocube 32 gallon tank for more thank 1 year. For last few days it started growing green hair like thing and it's growing fast all over my live rocks. Can I get rid of old rocks and add new live rocks with the fish still in the tank (clown & chromis) ? Please help.
  21. A

    Green Algae ID and help

    Hello Everyone, can somebody please help me identify this algae. It’s really bushy and waves in the water flow. It’s growing on the back glass as well. Any idea if this is green hair or turf algae? What’s the difference? Any ideas to bring this under control? I added a Torchus snail and a...
  22. Jeremy hall

    Will they both do the same job stopping algae growth

    Will fritz zyme 9 do the job of micro bacter7 stopping the start up of green algae ???? Trying to get ahead of this quickly 5 days In the fuz is starting
  23. fishmonkey

    Green coating on my rock

    So at first I thought this stuff was green coralline algae but the more I looked into it I realized it’s probably not. Can anyone specify what exactly is this green stuff on my rocks?
  24. Carbon Vessel

    Algae identification GHA or something else

    Hi All, I am relatively new to Saltwater and would love some assistance with my current situation. I was a little excited with the cycle and did have lights on including white for some time ( I have learned since then). Can someone please assist in identifying the algae growth and let me know...
  25. Dad2Wyatt

    The One and Only Thread for Hair algae control

    I should start by saying, I do not have all the answers, in fact, I hardly have any. After combing the forums daily for weeks, I realized that there are hundreds(thousands?) of threads concerning GHA. Unfortunately many of these threads have either gone unanswered, or the answers varied greatly...