
  1. OuteastREEFS

    Gotta get your Goniopora! A few available on the site this weekend!!

  2. Glitter Goni Frag #1

    Glitter Goni Frag #1

    Other photos are of different colony.
  3. Bolt_Action

    Florida Live Goods Glitter Bomb Goni $250 plus shipping

    Frag was cut 4 weeks ago
  4. S

    Missouri Live Goods Flowerpot Goni for sale/trade

    Have big green flowerpot Goni, looking to trade (dry or live goods) or sell. I’ll include pictures. shipping available for the right price or trade. Thanks!
  5. Johnnyrainbowreefer

    Massachusetts Live Goods No longer available

    Offering for sale for reefapalooza cash. 3 days only. Selling a Master Scoly for 350.00 cash, red and green rainbow chalice 250.00 orange Goni 75.00 and either rainbows acan 75 each. Cash in person only no shipping sorry. Need Reefapalooza cash. Hit me up these stunners are a steal! I’m in...
  6. B

    EMERGENCY What is this red/purple-ish color on goni's skeleton?

    Hi all, My goni was dying probably due to a faulty bottle of Phytoplankton. I believe I have already stop the dying and it is growing again. But I just notice the edge of the skeleton are turning red/purple-ish. Photo attached below, it was taken this morning so the polyp are retracted, they...
  7. Zoa_Fanatic


    I got this picture from someone looking to trade for some zoas. Is this possibly a gonipora? If so how does one care for them. Never had one before and I need to know everything. Aggression level mainly. If it’s agressive I don’t have room to isolate. Can it go on a frag rack or will it murder...
  8. E

    Need advice about a dying goniopora (?)

    I've had my goniopora for about a year now and it's been great the whole way through up until about a month ago. I shifted a few things around in my rock scape and the goni started sulking. This wasn't a new thing for him to do so I let him do it. However he never fully opened back up, and over...
  9. Paul Kachirsky

    USA WTB WTB Amazeballz Goni Frag

    Please let me know if you have any and ship. Thanks.
  10. RiptideAquaculture

    Reef currents, Texas frag fest. How are we gonna get our coral from Florida to Texas!?

    From Florida to Texas! All for a frag swap!? What the heck was I thinking!! Not only is it a 13 hour drive with a ton of coral, but it’s called the “Texas two step”. Because we will be attending two conventions in one weekend. Yup pack up on Saturday the 11th at reef currents and set up at Texas...
  11. CJO

    North Carolina High-End LPS Forsale- Goniapora, Rainbow Wilsoni, Splatter Fungia, SC Dynamite Chalice,

    We've sold our house and are downsizing. Unfortunately, this means that I'm getting out of the hobby for a while. I have several high-end LPS that I'll be selling- an ultra wilsoni, an amazingly bright alveopora (similar to goniapora), a crazy purple and orange splatter fungia, an SC Dynamite...
  12. Edudek

    Florida WTB Looking for wonderland amazeballs and glitter bomb gonis!

    Hey everyone so I’m trying to find these 3 gonis the wonderland the amazeballs and the og glitter bomb. I’m trying to do a package deal on all 3. Anyone knows wear i can find one please let me know. Thanks
  13. tech_reefer

    California WTB Wanting to buy gonipora, flower rock anemone, branching hammer

    Looking to buy some gonipora, flower rock anemone, branching hammer preferably in California?
  14. R33fDaddy

    Making the leap to Dosing My Aquarium. Yikes!

    Hi Everyone, this summer or fall I will be taking the leap into dosing my Redsea 250. I'm in the planning stage currently and just trying to figure out what I will need as far as equipment and what to dose. I've been dosing Calcium and Reef Plus via my auto top off and that has worked for my GSP...
  15. tech_reefer

    LPS id?

    I picked up two goniporas and an alviapora. I can’t remember the names of them. It would be helpful if I can get an ID and if the price is fair. The green one was $40, the pink and yellow one was $35 and the rainbow alviapora was $40, Thanks!
  16. kzenoni

    USA WTB Glitter Goni

    First.... Happy Nurses day to all my fellow nurses who are reefers! Second..... looking to buy some glitter goni if anyone knows or has some to sell! TIA
  17. OdetteDelacroix

    California Mix of Coral for sale Huge Lobo open brain, Kenya Trees, Scoly, Torches etc...

    Hey Everyone, As my tank and collection has gotten larger and the pandemic has still left me unemployed, I'm happy to present some of my little slice of the ocean for sale. These coral have brought me a great deal of enjoyment while in my care and I hope they are able to do the same for whoever...
  18. EliVChalk97

    Goni won’t open

    Hey all! Maybe someone has an idea of what I can do. I got an amazeballs goni awhile back and it was open and happy for a few months. I had to move it because a month was overgrown and I think it stung the Goni. It kind of extended once last week but it’s now closed again. ive changed flow...
  19. chrisgold

    Any suggestions on success of growing goniapora from frag

    I will post a picture of the frag inwas just looking for suggestions on what to stick the frag to so it spreads to a colony?
  20. hds4216

    ORA Red Goni - anyone have any experience?

    Anyone have any experience with these? My LFS has some very nice frags on sale for a very reasonable price, and I'm tempted to buy one. I know gonis are difficult, but I've heard this strain is one of the easier ones. Can anyone back that up? Here's a pic for those interested in what they look...
  21. F

    How frequent to feed Goni's

    So in the black friday sales I bought 2 Gonis for my tank, one was $4.50 AUD (~$3.20USD) who can say no. I did some research before hand, they seem similar in lighting/flow to torches (correct me if I'm wrong?). The main thing is I've read/heard a lot about they needing feeding. So I also bought...
  22. Plzpizza

    Glitter Bomb goniapora Stung

    Hey guys My orange hammer stung my glitter bomb goniapora. The area it stung looks damaged but the rest of it is ok and normal. Do I let it be and hope it heals or should I dip it in iodine? attached a photo it’s right there lower middle where the polys aren’t extended.
  23. nanonøkk

    is this a sign my goni will bleach

    ok so i just got a new light and everything is opening up more and is happy but today i noticed the goniapora is not opening as much as it used to could this be a sing it’s gonna bleach. the first picture is the old light the second is the new one. and i dont have a filter so the next photo is...
  24. nanonøkk

    will they fight

    ok so i wanna move my frogspawn here but i’m worried it will sting the goniapora and shade my bubble coral underneath or shade my kenya tree is it ok to put it up there or should i put it somewhere else but right there has moderate light and moderate flow
  25. nanonøkk

    shoul i move my goniapora

    ok so i have a goniapora and i moved it onto a rock it opens up fully and happily but the one side is really close to the rocks so should i move it or just let it sit there