
  1. niQo

    How I increased my NO3

    I think my tank suffered from lack of nitrates. I was dealing with some GHA and always testing zero for NO3 and PO4. I think my nitrates were actually too low, but the phosphates were used by the GHA. A few weeks back I dosed a few capfuls of Seachem flourish nitrogen over a few days, but then I...
  2. C

    GHA Issue and Plan of Attack

    Hello All, I have newly established RSM E 170 that is just over a month old. I know this subject has been beat to death but I am very frustrated with the explosion of GHA in my tank. Currently my Phospates are at .08ppm and Nitrates are at 0. These levels have remained constant for a week...
  3. K

    Algae is driving me crazy

    I’m kinda new to this hobby. I have a 55 gallon tank that I’ve had for about 2 years maybe 2 and a half now. For the first year everything in the tank looked beautiful and never had any problems. I moved out of my parents house and took the tank with me. While the tank was at my moms house I...
  4. WavesAreMyMantra

    GBTA and actinic lighting ONLY?!

    I am curious to get input on how well my GBTA will do under actinic lighting ONLY for a few days and then acclimate her, yes her (hehehehe), back up to the whites. I am trying to get rid of GHA, what little bit I have before it takes control. OR any suggestions on how to get rid of it? I know...
  5. ReeferDave01

    Fluconazole and Lanthanum chloride treatment

    Within past 3 months I’ve had issues with GHA. It’s gone progressively worse since I added T5 to my LED. T5’s only run at peak 3 hrs. Ive shut them off since and have reduced LED intensity (Marine Orbit Pro) but GHA has been slowly spreading. It’s not huge but definitely annoying. I have hermits...
  6. Kenzie Jeanine

    Treating GHA with Fluc

    I'm creating this thread to keep track of my progress using fluconazole to get rid of the green hair algae in my 24 gal cube. I posted a different thread looking for help on this and was given two suggestions: use fluc or do a LOT of scrubbing. I live in an apartment and don't have a lot of...
  7. jrwoltman

    Beginning Fluconazole Questions

    Hello all, First, let me apologize if all of this has been answered in other posts. I am planning on beginning my 2 week dosing cycle and I wanted to confirm that I am doing everything correctly, so please by all means save me from myself. I have a 29 gallon Biocube, so I am planning on...
  8. AquaNerd

    Meet the New GHL Maxi SA Dosing Pumps Can be used as a stand alone doser or tethered to a GHL Profilux. Features continuous use stepper motors that be used as a Calcium reactor pump, automatic water change pump and more. Click the link above to visit the blog article...
  9. larrylandes

    Nutrient Balance Without Hair Algae

    I too have been struggling with SPS STN. I have been chasing numbers and trying to attack this from all angles. It keeps coming down to this: If I try to balance the nutrients, I get a hair algae outbreak. Here are my numbers: alk 8.6 CA 390 MAG 1470 PO4 .ZERO NO3 5 SALINITY 1.022 TEMP 78.2...
  10. pmaddox

    Green Hair Algae in Refugium with Mangroves, etc.

    I setup a new refugium a couple months ago. New, store bought substrate. Heavily rinsed. Used Tupperware to protect glass from mangrove roots. Added power head to increase flow because I noticed chaeto was dying. Chaeto nearly gone now. Today: green hair algae over growing dragon's...
  11. Jizu Puentes

    My Vibrant Experience with Pictures

    Ive read multiple threads on the Vibrant cleaner and Ive also talked to people in my local reefing group. Everyone seemed to have a good experience with it but I still didnt want to try it until it circulated more. What finally convinced me was when i talked to my LFS owner and he told me that...
  12. Jackcarp

    Build Thread H2O2 Dosing questions v/s Vodka

    My 110 has been running for about 6 months now. I started strong with low nutrients and very little algae growth, but with the addition of some sps, I stopped vodka dosing so the nutrients would go up. So at this point I have a tank that has enough corals in it that aren't doing well (I've...
Dinkins Aquatic Gardens