

    Dealing with GHA around fragile corals - What I've done and what are my next steps

    Hello Reefers, I have a 20g long tank and I'm loving it, my tank has been up and running since February of 2021. I've lost about three corals, a sand sifting star, three fish, and two emerald crabs since the start of my tank. I'm afraid I'm going to lose more of my corals, because of gha and...
  2. A

    How long can leather corals stay out of water?

    I need to clean a rock out of water since it's full of GHA and I estimate it will take about 30 minutes to scrape it all off, spray H2O2, let it sit, then rinse with SW. I also have a mushroom on this rock but since it's on the lower part I can keep it submerged. Also, is spraying H2O2 really...
  3. A

    Algae under substrate

    My substrate was filled with GHA, so i took the superficial part out and washed it with hydrogen peroxide I know that kills good bacteria too, but nothing else was working Anyways, when i put it back into the tank, a bit of the algae that stayed got buried Is that a problem? Will it die and...
  4. B

    RODI water has phosphates

    So my tank is a little over a year old and the first 6 months everything was going great and having a lot of fun. I got a booster for my RODI unit and it’s been crap since. Phoshates have always been over .1 since that time. I finally took the booster off and just went with straight RODI. So I...
  5. HumuhumuFan

    GHA Has Destroyed My Passion for the Hobby

    Title says it all. I've been in the fish game on and off for about 30 years now. I don't think my morale has ever been this low. I feel like my tanks are just becoming a source of stress in my life. My 20g reef (below) has been up since 2019, my FOWLR has been up since 2015, and I also...
  6. Harken

    EMERGENCY Corals slowly dying (the odyssey)

    Hi everyone, This drama has been going on for quite some time now, so I will try and cut straight to the important bits. I have a 130L tank, that's being on for over an year now, and I've been battling GHA since the beginning (which was carried over my previous tank, that's on me *facepalm*)...
  7. sparrow78

    Can I win this war?

    Been dealing with this nuisance for a month now. Turbos don’t seem to live long enough to keep it under control. I’ve been doing manual removals but it just keeps growing and growing. Any insights would be appreciated.
  8. T

    Corals Not Opening, Dinos and GHA

    My tank (29g) has been setup for about 2 months now after my tank had an alkalinity crash and I lost most of my fish and CuC. My corals had survived though, which meant I had to put corals and RFA in an immature tank. About 2 weeks ago, my RFA died as well as my xenia and Kenya tree, two corals...
  9. Wolfinstien69

    GHA and Reef FLux

    I have had my tank for a little over a year now and everything was great until about 2-3 months ago. I had a bad outbreak of GHA and got it under control but them it came back with a vengeance. I stepped up my game and reduced lighting, reduced feeding, increased water changes, aggressively...
  10. marisp127

    Brightwell NO3 and PO4 XPort Cubes

    Hey all, I have been struggling with nutrient export as of late (along with an outbreak of GHA) and have been working to reduce nitrates and phosphate through all of the traditional routes (water changes, reduction of feeding amount/time, consistent cleaning of filter and protein skimmer, etc.)...
  11. jmNoles

    When you basically have a refugium in the display tank....

    45 AIO is currently beyond overrun with GHA and dinos. Any and all help would be appreciated, because this is about to drive me out of the hobby entirely. I haven't bothered testing nitrate and phosphate because they're likely zero'd out given the sheer amount of algae in the DT. FWIW, is an...
  12. sreed07

    FluxRX dose

    Can’t seem to find an answer. Getting ready to dose Flux RX in my 120 with sump. I bought the pack that treats up to 350 gallons. However, the instructions only start with dosing a 225 and goes up. How much should I dose for a 120? Half the does required by the instructions for a 250? Also, just...
  13. tadrielobrien

    King of the hill- Can nuisance algae be managed by increasing coraline algae load?

    I began my reef hobby nearly 6 months ago with a 13.5 Fluval EVO, and I've had great luck with it thus far (knocking on all the wood available). So far the only major problem I have encountered was a salinity spike that nearly killed my hammer (Beginner mistake- I relied on a cheap hydrometer)...
  14. E

    Vibrant and daily water changes

    I do daily automatic water changes (1.5 gallons) on my 90 gallon with 20 gallon sump, I have a bad GHA outbreak and bought vibrant, my question is will the daily water changes make the vibrant less effective or not effective at all? Has anyone used vibrant while doing daily water changes with...
  15. jmNoles

    Massive GHA problem + cannot get phosphates to drop

    I'm currently battling a GHA problem on my 45 AIO cube and am just completely at a loss. Willing to hear any and all advice and would prefer not to use Vibrant since I've read horror stories. I used Reef Flux to fix this in the past but would prefer not to run it again and just figure out where...
  16. Dad2Wyatt

    The One and Only Thread for Hair algae control

    I should start by saying, I do not have all the answers, in fact, I hardly have any. After combing the forums daily for weeks, I realized that there are hundreds(thousands?) of threads concerning GHA. Unfortunately many of these threads have either gone unanswered, or the answers varied greatly...
  17. R

    [PICS & VIDEO updated] : Help me identify this algae?

    Can someone please help me identify this nuisance alage I am having for the last 2 months now. I have an established 5year old SPS dominant system. My Nitrate is between 0-5ppm and my PO4 is 0.04 checked with Hanna URL checker. All the inhabitants of the tank are doing good. VIDEO:
  18. H

    It just gets better and better...

    A few months ago my lfs convinced me to buy some live rock to speed up my cycle. It was a huge mistake. First, I got GHA. Next, I saw an aiptasia coming out of the rock. They sold me some F-Aptasia to get rid of it. It worked. The next day I saw multiple aphasia coming out of the rock along...
  19. Adam1985

    Localized GHA

    Hi all, Wanted to bounce some ideas off of you. I have developed a pretty bad patch of GHA in a pretty small area around the bases of some of my SPS. It’s right at the highest PAR area of the tank, which I’m sure isn’t helping. I have 30-40 astrea sp. and turbo snails, a green pistol shrimp...
  20. Alex C

    GHA or Worse?

    Hello! I am facing some type of algae that I’m having a hard time eradicating and properly identifying. But first some tank back ground. My tank is a Red Sea reefer 425xl. It has been running for 148 days. Up until last week my nitrates and phosphates had bottomed out to 0. As such I have...
  21. A

    GHA suffocating corals

    Hello, I am currently battling prorocentrum dinos and am making solid progress. I have a forest of GHA now, but it is now becoming problematic. It is housing stray dinos in it, while also suffocating my Xenia. Even though it is a competitor for the dinos, it is also a major nuisance. I want to...
  22. Alexgar224

    Why are my corals ticked off?

    Good evening, This is my first post to this forum so here's to hoping everything goes well! haha I've been wondering why my tank hasn't been doing too good for the past 2-3 months. The corals have basically been retracted and slowly dying off for the previous time stated. my current tank...
  23. A

    Algae identification?

    I posted a few days ago and didn’t get any helpful responses. Can someone please help me identify this algae? I scrubbed my tank and did a water change Friday evening and now it has all just come back so quickly. Is this GHA or bryopsis? Or is it something else by chance? I want to...
  24. Z

    How to get rid of green/brown hair algae?

    Hello. I need help to get rid of GHA. It's all over my back side of a tank (600 l). Tank is 3 years old and before this, I didn't have any algae issue. All the parameters are stabile for a long time. I have a mix tank, with a lot of SPS. I dose complete Red Sea program, and the only thing that I...
  25. jackalexander

    Help with green hair algae

    I’ve been battling GHA for a few months now and It’s upsetting because I got it on a frag plug from my LFS. It has only spread a little bit and it pulls off easily so my nitrates are >5ppm and phosphate is around >0.15. I have tried flipping rocks upside down to cover the GHA, manual removal...