
  1. beyer

    Can I support a Frogspawn?

    I did my research and found that with the placement in my tank from the surface and the PAR readings of my light (Current USA orbit marine), the frogspawn would receive anywhere from 80-100 PAR. Is there anyone who has tried this (or any other euphyllia corals) with the same light setup?
  2. A

    Seeking a specific LPS coral

    Hello everyone maybe someone can help me out im looking for a bicolored frogspawn ive seen it sold in canada but cant seem to find one in the usa...anyones help would be appreciated thanks in advance
  3. The Kahnasaur

    Frogspawn issue

    I have a Branching Splatter Frogspawn that is releasing full heads while at the same time budding 20+ "babies" along its entire 6" skeleton. It has dropped 6 full heads over the last 3 weeks, each in under 24 hours. The released heads even open up somewhat for the next couple days until my pet...
  4. Dalton Hunter

    Build Thread My 100 Gallon Mixed Reef

    100 Gallon reef tank Foxface, Platinum Clown, Sapphire Clown, Ocellaris Clown, Spotted Mandarin Goby, Snowflake Eel, Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish, Yellow Tail Damsel, Red Firefish. Combination of LPS/SPS Rock flower anemones X10 Mini Maxi x2 Rainbow bubble tip x2 Assorted ricordia/yuma Iron man...
  5. jwhann6

    Nano Build Jwhann's 15 gallon Nano Reef

    So I've been a member of R2R for awhile now, but never got around to creating a tank thread. Maybe I was scared, but I figured that I wanted a place to keep a journal of my tanks progression. My set up it unorthodox in ways, but I want to share it in hopes that it might help someone else. So...
  6. haleyf1024

    Frogspawn with brown jelly!

    My frogspawn didn't respond well to a dip in ca/mg/alk (although my zoas are doing better, go figure) and now has brown jelly disease. It's spreading quickly, so I'm on my way to Lowes for some Bayer insecticide. Does Bayer actually cure/treat brown jelly specifically? Or is iodine the only...
  7. SBlisters

    Branching frogspawn has white spots

    My branching frogspawn has been growing, but also has whitish spots on it. The spots have me rather worried. Is this bleaching? An illness? Or could it be completely normal? I'm a total newbie to salt water and finding my way. Parameters: 29 degrees Celsius, 1.025 salinity, 8.2pH. Low flow...
  8. rodrigo123

    Build Thread Small 5 gallon Nano tank at work

    Suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  9. M

    xenia hurt

    So yesterday I just got xenia and frogspawn in my tank. Most of the polyps on the xenia was already open and the frogspawn was a little bit close but everything was alright. Unfortunately, I think I may have put the xenia way too close and the frogspawn attacked it overnight. I woke up and saw...
Southwest Aquaculture - a coral lover's dream!