
  1. J

    Clean up crew for sand

    I’m working on a list for what fish and clean up crew I want for my 40 gallon 3ft long tank. I want to have a diamond back goby in it to sift the sand and clean it up. If I put in some Nassarius snails in will they be competing with my goby for food or will the goby be alright.
  2. Jessieg

    Naso Tang

    Hello everyone, This weekend I finally was able to get a naso tang at my LFS. I had been going back and forth about getting one and when I saw it I fell in love. I know Tangs can be very picky and they need algae and nori to eat. I have the omega one red seaweed and he seemed to like it but then...
  3. RobberyinCSharp1824

    Dog ate Reef Roids - cause for concern?

    Apologies to admin if this is the wrong thread. Apparently my dog decided to misbehave today and bust open the Amazon box that contained my reef roids in it. I came home to find the whole container cleaned out. Do I need to start calling up my vet? The container says the only ingredients are...
  4. ReefReadyYouTube

    How often do you feed your fish?

    How often do you feed you fish? does it depend on how many fish you have? Does it depend on your export method? Does it depend on what size tank you have? I currently feed my fish 3-4 times a day. I have a 32 gallon bio cube with 5 fish and lots of corals. I think I’m a a good amount. Breakfast...
  5. J

    Can’t get my Beautiful new clownfish to eat

    Hello! I got 2 gorgeous Mocha Storm clowns 4 days ago. I have tried pellets... then mysis shrimp... then mysis shrimp soaked in garlic. And nothing is working (see attached video) They are eating tigger pods aggressively hunting them. I’ve been adding some directly in to tank so they at least go...
  6. Perpetual Novice

    What are some food supplements for coralivores?

    About 6 months ago I bought a pair of orange spotted filefish. I know they’re supposed to eat exclusively live coral but can sometimes be trained to accept prepared foods. I couldn’t supply my filefish with live coral but the whole reason I bought them was because they were eating frozen food in...
  7. mattybecks

    The size of these mantis. Ready for eating

    Hi guys, Just got back from China and saw loads of these guys in the restaurants. I have never seen mantis shrimp this big. All of them larger than my forearm.
  8. Perpetual Novice

    Will I run out of copepods? Should I add another wrasse?

    I have a 100 gallon reef tank with lots of live rock and 2 leopard wrasses. The wrasses have been fat and happy for about 6 months now. They hunt all day but I think they get most of their food gorging themselves on frozen food. I want to add another wrasse to the tank. I am thinking of adding...
  9. Gadamwoll

    Master Inventory Coral List

    I am working on a coral spreadsheet of all the different corals and how to care (food, flow, placement, light) for them and estimated retail value if anyone wants to help contribute can message me. I have each sheet in a category for Zoa, Aussie, Chalice, Fazia, etc. This is just a rough draft...
  10. Anchor

    Salmon in homemeade foods

    I am getting stuff together to make some food and have not noticed Salmon mentioned. Is salmon used in homemade foods? How much if any? Is it too oily? How about using it to feed Nems?
  11. Lylelovett

    Feeding macro algae to fish?

    Hi all, My refugium grows chaeto like crazy. So I though maybe I'd dabble in growing some other macro in my sump to feed the fish in the DT. Bio load: 5 Chromis, 2 Clowns, 2 Banggai Cardinals, 1 Convict Tang, 2 Sand sifting stars, a crew of snails, 1 cleaner shrimp, and a handful of corals...
  12. sscg

    Food suggestions for picky clown gobies

    I have a bunch of them and they don't really eat frozen food because its too big they only like flakes :/ They don't like lrs reef frenzy nano or PE mysis. Are there any options with oyster eggs or frozen pods just something small but nutritious.
  13. strangeobject


    Cleaning out fish room (closet) all stuff is unopened never used I just don't need any more. I bunched it all together and have it boxed ready to ship. I would like to try and sale it as one group and not piece it out right now.... $190 shipped 1. Julian’s thing 2. Atc refractometer...
  14. Crested

    How to get a fish to eat pellets? Feeding advice?

    Hey everyone! I just got my first saltwater fish yesterday (a beautiful firefish goby) and tried feeding him omega one marine pellets this morning and he just sort of watched them float by and wasn't too interested so I gave him a pinch of mysis shrimp out of curiosity and I was surprised to see...
  15. sixty_reefer

    Continuous phytoplankton|rotifers reactor 24h food supply

    Hi guys this is a little project I’ve been working on for a few months and now looking for your views on this subject. It all started with me getting a few non photosynthetic corals (gorgonians) and got me thinking in a way we’re I could give them a constant supply of food. The project started...
  16. Christoph

    Trace elements in food - Ivestigated by ICP-OES

    Hi Reef2Reef community, its a very common question what quantity of trace elements (and phosphorus) is added to reef tanks by feeding. We investigated this issue by dissolving several common fish foods in concentrated nitric acid followed by dilution and ICP-OES analysis, and id like to share...
  17. CenlaReefer

    Best food for toadstool leathers?

    I LOVE toadstool leathers (sarcophytons) and have a 20 gallon softie-only DT that has about 7 different sarcophytons. The tank has 3 fish which I feed daily with a generous amount of some thawed San Francisco Bay Brand Emerald Entree. The corals seem to do well yet are not growing as fast as I...
  18. MSB123

    Cost of feeding a tank

    Over these last few months, I have been more pressed for money and I am starting to look at my tank as a big money pit. Not at the tank itself, but at the cost of feeding. I go through about 100$ worth of food a month, and as a kid without an income, it really hurts. I feed frozen and sometimes...
  19. G

    Preparing for life with a Mandarin

    Hey guys, posting in relation to my 2.5 month old 55 gallon reef tank. Just to give an idea of stability regarding water params, the tank is faring well, and so far Heliofungia and some other sensitive LPS corals are doing well, signifying to me a constant, stable ecosystem.. My fish seem quite...
  20. sotsreef

    Food for Fathead Dendro?

    what do y’all use to feed Fathead Dendro or do you know what works? I have nano reef roids and regular fish pellets. And will be picking up a single Dendro frag next week, what do you recommend. Thanks,John
  21. Becca Lane

    Food schedule and amount

    Hi I am wondering if I am feeding correctly. I recently acquired some lps that need to be fed and a 6-line wrasse that seems to nip at my blue sympodiums if he is hungry. I have softies and lps and a 12g tank with a 10g sump. I spot feed 3x a week with a little frozen krill, a little mysis and...
  22. DeepBlueSomething

    Skunk Cleaner Shrimp - Starving or Just Excited

    My skunk cleaner goes absolutely crazy each and every time I feed. He is upside down, dancing all over the tank grabbing bites -- at least until the clowns chase him back. So is he starving or is this just typical behavior? How does your feed?
  23. Mark Derail

    Chaeto question - edible for humans?

    I have a vegan daughter... you can see where this is heading! She's an adult - I'm not that cruel, I'd tell her where it's from. After? I just took out 1/4 from the sump as it was getting full. Was giving it a rinse so it won't stink in the kitchen trash, and boy this looks tasty.
  24. Justin84

    The day has come!

    So I've been a hobbyist for almost 3 years and I've pretty much fed frozen foods. Well I knew one day it would come when I would try and drink the food! That was this morning! To much of my surprise I put that Dixie cup up to my lips and a brief second of that salty seawater hit my lips, I knew...
  25. P

    Can brine be grown on coral food, like Reef Snow?

    I'm having trouble getting baby brine to grow out. Spirulina is not working well for me. Can things like Reef Snow, Coral Frenzy, etc be used to grow out baby brine after hatching? Any tips on growing out brine from hatching through large adulthood would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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