
  1. Schraufabagel

    Flow and nutrient control help

    My tank has been up and running for about a month. The rock has been fully cycled for almost 3 months. I’m currently in an ugly phase. My phosphate is 0.05 and my nitrates have been between 5 and 10. I have a mix of macro algae and coral. What I’m wondering is, is there anything I need to...
  2. NanoReeferAlex

    Flow Sw-2 Nuvo 10

    Can anyone help me solve the flow issue in my Nuvo 10 Cube, i have a Jaebo SW-2 wave maker and i can’t figure out where it should go in the tank. i originally had it placed on the left side glass but i wasn’t sure if my anemone was liking it? now i placed on the back false wall and it looks...
  3. H

    Too much flow?

    Hello, I have had this torch for a couple weeks now and it’s not opening, is there too much flow? Here’s a vid:
  4. T

    Opinions and Advice

    Hi Reefers, I am relatively new to the hobby and have finally got my tank in good condition. Its a Reefer 350 I bought used for $750 with fish and everything. I would take any opinions or advice you have on it. One issue I still have is sand blowing around. Do you guys have any ideas on...
  5. M

    Adequate flow

    Hi guys, after I read some threads it's still unclear whether I have enough flow for my acros or not. The problem is: I see no polyps extension at all, all of them are hidden (except one acro). I bought all the frags 5 days ago. Could such behaviour be related to reduced flow in my tank...
  6. chemicals

    Flow for 4ft tank (100 gal)

    Hi, as of recent I bought a Waterbox Reef 130.4 and I’m looking into some flow options. I’m currently looking at a mp40, nero 5 and a gyre of some sort. I’ll be buying only one and will be adding another one in the future. Does anyone have any experience with one of these (or more) and would...
  7. TMN

    Colorado Two MP10wQD’s for sale - Used - Good Condition

    I have two MP10wQD’s for sale $220 each shipped or $420 for both shipped Both are in good condition. Please read descriptions below. I am the second owner just used them for a week and I want something different. Like some have said these are a little loud and that’s another reason I’m...
  8. FangsAndGames

    82gph enough flow for 3g?

    Hello, quick question. Is 82gph enough flow for an entire pico 3g? It would be all from the return pump. I could upgrade down the road if I need to. I plan on just keeping some Zoas and acans. Thank you in advance.
  9. Lylelovett

    The best way to change flow?

    Hi all, I've had my tank for several years - mostly softies and a couple sea anemomes... and some fish. :) It's a 5'x2'x2' Up to this point I've had a fairly basic flow pattern of two Tunze's, one on each end with flow meeting in the middle. I'm considering switch to create a gyre type...
  10. N

    Flow in 5ft FOWLR

    Hi, I'm in the Process of cycling my new 5x2x2 FOWLR tank its currently running on 2x Fluval Fx6 Canister Filters and a Tmc reef tide 8000 wavemaker with 40kg of dry rock. I'm thinking of getting another wavemaker as I don't think this is enough flow I just wanted to know how much more flow I...
  11. E

    Ideal Refugium Flow Rate?

    Hello everyone! I recently set up a tank (within the past couple months) and have been trying to determine what an ideal flow rate is for my refugium section. A little background... I have a 150 gallon display tank with a 13 gallon refugium, and about 15-18 gallons of additional water in the...
  12. O

    Need help with Flow for torch coral

    Hello I’m new to corals and I have 3 torches I believe. But I don’t seem to see my torches extending how it did from when I purchased them. Please help. Should I blast the torches with flow ?
  13. R

    Powerhead MP10

    Hey guys , I just bought the mp10 for my nuvo fusion 20 , I’m gonna run lps and softies , however, I’m having trouble with the mobius app as far as what I should place the settings on for that style tank , can I see some of you that have that style (lps & softies) tank and what you run it on...
  14. E

    Overflow Not Draining at a Tee Equally

    Hello everyone! I'm sorta new to the hobby, or specifically, I'm new to the part of the hobby in having a sump. I've had tanks with hang on the back equipment for years, but decided to upgrade to a 150 gallon tank with a sump. I've set up and plumbed my tank, and finally got it all aquascaped...
  15. MadeForThat

    Soft Tubing and algae growth

    The two go together like PB+J. My current build uses quite a bit of soft silicone tube, and I get a lot of growth in these lines, and meaning that adjustments to the overflow and return are common. While keeping them out of light is the obvious option, and has worked quite well for some of my...
  16. fox0521

    Let’s talk flow in a peninsula tank!

    Hey folks, I’ve got a 2’x2’x4’ 125 gallon peninsula tank. I don’t have it set up as a peninsula, but I got a great deal on it so I couldn’t pass it up! I’m struggling to get flow that doesn’t leave dead spots, but also doesn’t super blast my LPS and softies! Currently using a return pump...
  17. ridgeburyreefer

    Mimic tang home help LOL

    My mimic tang, Luxor is becoming increasingly angry. You see, he’s called under that rock his home, but the flow of the water over time keeps filling his front door in. In rage, he splashes and thrashes his body and tail around to clean it all out, but it comes back over the course of the day...
  18. fox0521

    125 gal flow help?

    I’m currently using two Tunze 6045 powerheads (circled in red), an MP40 (running 65% reef crest during day, 65% lagoon at night), and my aquastation dc-9000 return pump for flow. You can see pretty clearly on the left side of my tank that I’ve got some low flow/dead zone going on. What’s my best...
  19. Chipper1978

    Tunze or Other Powerhead Recommendations

    I currently have an MP40 on each end of my 4 foot mixed reef tank. Have quite a few acro frags and am looking to get some more flow, including increased surface agitation. Considering two Tunze powerheads for the back wall of the tank. These look like good options since you can point them...
  20. fox0521

    Newb looking for advice!

    Hey folks! Fee free to skip down a ways if you want to get to my questions! so I started my reefing journey back in October 2020 with a 55 gallon peninsula tank. Fast forward a month and my husband gifted me a 130 gallon acrylic tank! Fast forward a few more months and I decided to tear down my...
  21. TangAddict

    How much flow for favia corals?

    I have a few favias now, and I keep them at the bottom of the tank, In relatively high flow. Is this bad for the coral? If so, how much flow do they like?
  22. L

    Flow Rate In Display Help

    Hello:) I have a new Red Sea 425xl up and running. Been cycled for a while and already have a decent stock in the tank. Recently added 15 corals and have a question on flow. I really want this to be a mixed reef but I read so many different things about flow. I’ve seen up to x80+ In some...
  23. chadfish

    Just another flow assessment

    I’m a newbie. Please assess my flow on these softies.
  24. Sakosreef

    Need some advice on mp40 placement/mode/power

    Hey everyone, can you guys give me some advice on what the ideal placement would be for my 2 mo40s? I have 2 s1 return pumps so I’m running 2k an hour through those, plus my 2 mp40s. I have one mp40 on each side pointed at each other about 3 or 4 inches under the water line. I have my mp40s set...
  25. R

    Flow in a IM 50 lagoon

    Good morning everyone, So I have an IM 50 Lagoon AIO. I'm running them at 100% on random mode and in anti sync. I'm still getting dead stops in the tank. And was wondering what you guys would Do. 1)redo the rock work, since i don't have that many corals. 2)sell them and get mp40's Or what...
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