
  1. D

    EMERGENCY Sick Dogface Puffer! Ich?

    I have a sick dogface puffer! He has ich I think. I treated with weco nox-ich (Malachite Green) after being recommended by a local fish store. Seems it didn't work or only provided temporary relief. Gave him a FW dip two nights ago. Hoping it's ich and not velvet. Would prefer to stay away from...
  2. S

    EMERGENCY Prazipro water changing?

    I have been treating my 60 gal with prazipro , im on the 5 day mark (out of said 7) and i did a water change, is it necessary to retreat the water with prazipro oncemore? If so how much should i add? I also read that doing a 14 day treatment with another waterchange is necessary…. but basic...
  3. Reef and Dive

    Documenting force feeding a mandarinffish

    I would like to document a force feeding procedure I've been doing the last week that I believe saved my mandarin fish at least for the last days. So I know Dragonets do not handle well copper, but we have a documented protocol in Brazil with low levels of copper (0.2mg/L) together with TTM...
  4. Cire

    My 5 year old Yellow Tang experiencing Tail Fin Recession

    I appreciate any help in advance. My Yellow Tang (who has been with me for 5 years and counting) is experiencing tail fin recession. First I thought he got in a scuffle with my Maroon Clown, then I noticed that there are a couple of orange "dots" on the its tail. My "hospital tank" has...
Reef Diaper