
  1. EliMelly

    EMERGENCY Ich or other disease on wrasse?

    Hello, #fishmedic #jayhamdel #vetteguy53081 Starting to see some white spots on of course the one non quarantined fish in my tank. Any idea if this is Ich and next steps? Other fish don’t seem to be affected so far… Thanks !
  2. C

    Reddish hue, dead fish

    I had a goby pass away a couple days ago, and now the tail spot blenny in the same tank is acting the same way. symptoms: Little reaction to my presence Tends to stay in one place/inactive High respiration (160ish on goby) Camo mode more often with blenny Just noticed this today and connected...
  3. asdrager

    EMERGENCY Help to diagnose and treat a Scribbled Angelfish with a mouth infection

    Hello, I am seeking some help to diagnose and plan a course of treatment for a scribbled angelfish. I purchased her 2 1/2 weeks ago and settled her in my QT with no issues. She was eating brine and mysis shrimp and showed no signs of any problems. This weekend I moved her to my main reef...
  4. newreef1

    Spots on gem tang

    Hey guys, I’m adding these pics to make sure my gem tang is ok. I know it has stress spots which I’ll see every now and then but it’s more like a sideways v pattern. I see these larger white spots on it which I’m wondering what it is. It’s eating and swimming fine, I don’t know if it’s just me...
  5. A

    EMERGENCY Clownfish with white stringy poop and fins looking weird

    I have another clownfish and a goby and they’re fine. My clownfish is still eating and swimming normally, which i guess is a good sign How do i treat him asap? Attached a video below
  6. C

    Ich or something else?

    Got a coral beauty from LFS Sunday, do not have a quarantine setup currently so it went into the main display tank. Watching it swim around today and realized it has white dots on it, so the uh-ohs started coming… they look raised, so I am hoping it is something on the fish, almost like micro...
  7. L

    Potential illness identification

    I currently have a pair of clowns in observation from my lfs and today one of them is showing some strange change in its color, im just looking for some help identifying the issue. Thanks
  8. newreef1

    Fish Dying

    Hey guys, I’m back to share my turmoil and maybe get some support again from you all. My tank was doing great after my last post regarding treating my tank with copper and raising salinity. I had done a few water changes after my copper treatment and copper was down low to a 0.69 ppm. All the...
  9. benwilsonx

    Carpenter's flasher wrasse - lethargic/hiding, popeye

    Our Carpenter's flasher wrasse has been acting very unusually over the past week... hiding for most of the day, often resting on the substrate or hiding in rocks. He won't come out to eat, but if I manage to sink some pellets near where he's resting he'll dart out to eat a bite or two. Today...
  10. Fishrocker1

    EMERGENCY Possible Brooklynella outbreak

    Hey guys, Can anyone ID this if it is in fact Brooklynella. My clownfish is breathing heavy and has abruptly stopped eating. She appears to have a flaky like substance slowly building up around her and her orange color is now significantly less vibrant. She has been in qt with copper power for...
  11. C

    Drip Acclimation/Dead Royal Gramma

    Yesterday I made a bad impulse buy of a royal gramma. Bad as in I was at petco and said “what the heck” I’ve only ever purchased one other fish from there and it did fine. Anyway, long story short it is now dead. Fortunately I kept the receipt and got my money back but here’s what happened: the...
  12. BamaCoastPyrat

    EMERGENCY Harptail blenny in QT laying on ground

    I have an ORA Harptail blenny in prophylactic QT that looks like it is almost dead. Seachem badge shows no ammonia, nitrates tested at 6.8 last night via Hannah colorimeter. Slowly raised copper to 2.5 over the span of about 10 days and we are on day 9 of copper. Last night I added my third dose...
  13. Dknight43

    Royal gramma discoloration near tail. flukes?

    What’s up guys just recently picked up a royal gramma basslet and noticed some discoloration today, which may be from stress but I wanted to see what others thought. He ate pretty much as soon as I put him in the tank and hasn’t shown any symptoms other than the discoloration. Sorry for poor...
  14. unknown_callet

    need help please

    I have had a goldie for over 3 years and woke up to a serious wound this morning. I'm thinking he maybe got caught by my bubble tip anemone, which is a new addition but it hasn't even opened up fully yet, it has left me perplexed. Just tested the water 2 weeks ago and everything was within...
  15. S

    EMERGENCY Young Blue Tang needs help!

    I have a juvenile Blue Tang who could probably fit in my palm, 2-3” I bought her from Petco and added her to my tank, she seemed really healthy and was happily acclimating with other fish. After a month I left on a trip for 2 weeks, during which my partner and a friend who has experience with...
  16. N

    WC perc clownfish with white band rash

    I thought this was a CB interbreeding problem, showing up with stress etc. Could it be his new tank mate the springer damsel or possibly the lawnmower goby being defensive with him? I also have 2 cave tunnels at my rockwork, so could he have just scraped his forehead going thru?
  17. Dysprosium

    Anthias suffering from unknown problem

    I recently added 4 Anthias, 3 are doing totally fine, eating, all that, one decided to go hide under some rocks. After a couple of days of this I removed it to a QT tank for observation and it's not doing well, but it's quite unclear as to what the cause might be. Observations: -not eating...
  18. F

    Mccoskers wrasse lump

    Hello All, Just noticed this today, the fish is still eating but he is swimming a little odd not using that fin much. Is this a swim bladder issue or is this damage?. I just saw the fish poop a little didn’t know if this was possible constipation or worse. Thanks, Ethan
  19. Shawaiz_106

    EMERGENCY Clownfish suddenly stopped eating #fishmedic

    Hello, So I made an emergency thread a week or 2 ago too and I'm having a similar problem again. The back story: on 20th of August I got my 15gallon fish tank that had been sitting running for a few months with no fish at my LFS. They told me that the water parameters were good so I got a...
  20. D

    Is it possible to overmedicate your fish?

    Long story short, I have one clownfish survivor from a previous tank. The clownfish was medicated and has been healthy and happy for about a month now. I recently got a new clown which now appears to have some kind of bacterial infection. Can I move both clownfish over to the hospital tank and...
  21. Nanolifeuk

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Ich / Brooklyn + missing royal gramma??? W/ photos

    Had my black and white clowns a little over a year, along with a royal gramma. it’s been a little hot in UK, tank temp 25c has fluctuated 0.5-1.5c most days for a week or so Around 6 weeks ago I changed my aquascape with dry rocks and doses bacteria, this went fine. Around 3 weeks ago I left...
  22. newreef1

    EMERGENCY Something wrong with my Blue Tang’s Eye

    Guys I need help! What’s wrong with my blue tangs eye. I see this slight bulging white silver stuff. It wasn’t prominent yesterday, I woke up and saw this today. It was in QT for 5 weeks after which it’s not in the DT, seems to eating normally, water quality is good. Did a 5 min freshwater dip...
  23. ZombieEngineer

    Angel and Puffer Medicated Quarantine

    I will be picking up a flame angel and a blue spot puffer this weekend and I would like to do a 21+ day medicated quarantine 30+ day total QT with both of them. I have read that angels and puffers can be sensitive to copper but much less so than something like a wrasse of mandarin. Does...
  24. MattSD

    EMERGENCY Diamond Goby Rapid Breathing and not eating for 3 days VIDEO

    Hi all, Newbie here. I'm afraid I'm about to lose this little Diamond Goby. She was purchase as part of a pair 9 days ago and acclimated well into my FOWLR 55g AIO tank. She and her partner were always side by side and while the male was more active, she was sifting and ate some of the mixed...
  25. D

    Clownfish Disease

    Looking for some advice on marking on my male clownfish, spots on mandarin and death of royal gramma. I noticed the pink marking on the male clownfish’ head around 6 days ago I used FluxRX 3 weeks ago and did the full 2 week cycle by removing cheato and carbon. I’ve since added carbon back a...
Extreme Corals