fish food

  1. BeaverLakeAndy

    Powder Brown Tang Will Not Eat - Need Suggestions

    I've had a 4-5 inch Powder Brown Tang in my 125 for almost a week now, it's the only tang, and largest fish in the tank. It appears happy and healthy, but it literally will not eat. I've tried frozen LRS Fish Frenzy, three different freeze dried foods, two different pellet foods, and nori...
  2. Andrew Schubert

    DIY Fish Food leaching copper?

    So I received back my 2nd Triton ICP test, and unlike the first one I had a small presence of copper in my tank. Didn't think a whole lot about it, just assumed that it might be a false positive. Figured I'd start to worry if it still showed on my 3rd test. Well, I remembered I actually...
  3. ReefReadyYouTube

    How often do you feed your fish?

    How often do you feed you fish? does it depend on how many fish you have? Does it depend on your export method? Does it depend on what size tank you have? I currently feed my fish 3-4 times a day. I have a 32 gallon bio cube with 5 fish and lots of corals. I think I’m a a good amount. Breakfast...
  4. Jeremy K.A.

    Best Coral Foods

    Hey Everyone I'm always looking for the perfect coral food, something that gets all the Corals puffed up with polyps extended in excitement. I've always felt that the longer the food stays in the water column the better due to corals having more time to catch it. Unlike most people I don't mind...
  5. SimplyVibing

    Killer bee bait as anemone food?

    Hi. Two days ago I bought a BTA that was nearly completely bleached out of pity, and I really want to get this little guy back on his feet. I’ve been feeding him (affectionately named Sticky) frozen brine shrimp mixed with filter-feeder coral food for a little bit more nutrition, once a day. I...
  6. Cyclone-G


    Our club had a big Shindig where we all pitched in and made food for our fish and corals. Watch and learn as we go through the whole ordeal. THIS WAS QUITE THE STINKY EVENT!
  7. sixty_reefer

    Continuous phytoplankton|rotifers reactor 24h food supply

    Hi guys this is a little project I’ve been working on for a few months and now looking for your views on this subject. It all started with me getting a few non photosynthetic corals (gorgonians) and got me thinking in a way we’re I could give them a constant supply of food. The project started...
  8. kayla s

    Dr Bassleer’s Acai Pellets

    Hi everyone! I tried searching for any threads on this food before making a thread, apologies in advance if this is a double post. My LFS employee recommended her favorite fish pellet to me, which they don’t even sell, and I have never heard of. Acai pellets? It’s like, actually acai berry, too...
  9. Jeremy K.A.

    Clams on half shell help please

    I'm curious, if I feed my fish clams on the half shell will they end up eating my Live Tridacna/Hippopus as well?
  10. AquariumSpecialtyMatt

    Aquarium Specialty IG and Facebook Giveaway

    Hello Everyone, Aquarium Specialty will be holding a drawing on social media!!! All that is required is that you "like" our Facebook group "Aquarium Specialty Live Auctions" and "Follow" us on Instagram @aquarium_specialty. @500 FB Likes we will draw for (2) DrG's Fish foods (winners choice)...
  11. Premiumaq

    New products at Premium Aquatics

  12. sassAwrasse

    CTARS February 2018 Meeting Announcement

    Hey Reefers! February's meeting is going to be a Dual Meeting... In the front of the room, we'll be making fish/coral food. Everyone in attendance will be able to take home a reusable frozen cube tray filled with the food. This was alot of fun when we did it 2 years ago. We WILL need a...
  13. Premiumaq

    Pinpoint pH Probe Special | Vortech 10-20% OFF

  14. potatocouch

    Vitalis flakes - any good for finicky eaters?

    Am preparing my fallow tank with food for my Sunburst Anthias .. being an anthias, I get that it's very very finicky eater and will start frozen (and mix with flakes). Do you have any experience with Vitalis range, particularly the flakes? Some say more chance the finicky eaters to eat Vitalis...
  15. R

    How much Pemisis should i feed my 2 clowns, valentini puffer and blue chromis?

    title. As of now I have been feeding them half a cube of PEMisis a day but I wanted to know your opinions if I should feed more or less.
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