fish advice

  1. Andrew_NYC_Reef

    New 100G - Need Stocking Help!

    So I’m a few days into cycling my new 100g (+30 gal sump) and I’m trying to finalize my stocking list and stocking order so I can start thinking about where to source the first couple of fish. I have a 30 gallon tank set up with one clown and CUC so those will probably be the first inhabitants...
  2. GavinTrz

    Build Thread My First Reef Tank Build!!

    Hi Y'all! Today I thought I'd finally share my progress on my first reef tank, I have a lot of freshwater experience but I am completely new to saltwater so the entire first month has been a brand new experience. For my tank, I decided to go with the 40 gallon cube from Aquatop. picked this...
  3. JackerVenom

    Moving reef tank!!

    Hey everyone, just wondering how people have moved there tanks in the past and what they did to make it successful? I’m moving 4.5 hours away and my nano reef is coming with me? Just would like some tips and suggestions before I move it to allow all inhabitants the best chance of survival!