fish advice

  1. R

    Stocking advise IM fusion 15

    New to the hobby, started a innovative marine fusion 15 nano reef. The tank has been running just over a month now. Since the tank cycled and I added a pair of clown fish which have been doing great and the levels in the tank have been holding great for two weeks now. My plan for this tank is to...
  2. B

    700 gallon reef tank stocking 10ft by 2.5 ft by 3.5 ft tall

    Here are two pictures of the current stock list please let me know all your thoughts on these and if there are any other cool fish you would add or any to take off!
  3. strawberry_reef

    Looking for Unique Fish for My 180

    Hey everyone! As the post says, I’m looking for a couple unique fish to finish off my stock list for my 180 gallon Planet Aquarium. Total volume is around 235 gallons. I understand some people may think I already have “alot” but honestly…my NSA rockwork, oversized skimmer, filtration, UV, etc...
  4. O

    Will These Three Wrasses Get Along

    Hello, I am thinking of adding these three wrasses to my 119 gallon tank: Melanarus Earmuff Yellow Coris will these three get along? Additionally I have heard the melanarus is particularly bad about going after CuC. Would there be a better alternative to this one to add with the other two...
  5. O

    Need Recommendations For Fish to Add

    Hello! I currently have a reef tank with mostly soft corals (zoas, toadstools, mushrooms) and plan to add more. I would like some opinions of good fish to add as I am struggling to determine good peaceful options. I am considering adding a foxface, cardinal fish, and wrasses. Are there any...
  6. J

    Pairing for a Snow Onyx Clownfish

    So I had a pair of Snow Onyx clownfish and one died (No noticeable injury or anything, parameters are fine, and the other fish are doing great). Let’s say I can’t find another snow onyx, since it is a ocellaris/percula hybrid would another ocellaris work?
  7. J

    Mollies in reef tanks

    Wonder if anyone is having the same issue as me with mollies in saltwater. I have a lagoon that is kept under a lil 1.025 since its fish only with mushrooms. I added mollies few months back and realised every male has died. Only the females are alive. Sailfins, balloons and the smaller black...
  8. S

    How sensitive are fish to sound?

    So my tank is in the same room as my record player which I use quite frequently. Most of the records I play are louder punk records and was wondering if this could have a negative impact on the fish? I know fish are sensitive to sound in some capacity but is it something I should be worried...
  9. payrawsa

    Maximum number of tangs in a 8x2x2 tank

    Assume: All fish are introduced at the same time Proper filtration All fish quarantined Mix of tangs from nasos to kole tangs. ie 1 or 2 of each species Thank you!
  10. C

    Blue hippo and orange shoulder

    Just looking for some opinions on an orange shoulder going with a blue hippo. The orange shoulder is 6” and the blue hippo is still a little guy and only 2-2.5”. Wondering how some people would recommend introducing the orange shoulder if it’s even recommended to add him. I have a 55 gal I could...
  11. AnnieB

    Hello New & looking to learn

    Hi, I am new here. I am trying to get started with a fresh water tank but only looking to do real plants. I will be getting a 20 or 25 gallon tank. Any help would be appreciated. I am going to have a beta & shrimp I do know that. Need help with also tank mate ideas. Any help anyone could give...
  12. Peter_B2001

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Black spots ?

    Hello everyone, good day to you all, Anyone know what this is on the clownfish - the black specks ? Any cause of concern or treatment needed? Or is it just from the hammerhead coral? thanks
  13. T

    can I put these two fish in this size of a tank.

    I have a 50g long tank. 46'18'18' I was wondering if I could fit a spotted foxface and a tomini tang in the tank, just one, or what would be some different better options.
  14. Smogenreefer

    Best algea eater

    New question which surgeon fish is best at eating algae off the rocks in the aquarium any recommendations ?
  15. GunnarH

    What should be my next fish?

    I have an 11-month-old mixed reef BioCube 32 gal. I'm looking to add at least one more fish, but I'm very unsure of what to get. My current livestock members have lived together peacefully for at least six months now. I had a Purple-headed Firefish once, but the others ganged up on it and...
  16. S

    Naperville area

    Does anyone have any Xenia or quick beginner corals they are trying to get rid of? I’m willing to drive a decent amount. I bought a bio cube with the stand for a 100 bucks on marketplace which was pretty wild. I’m stocking it rn, just looking for a first coral to hopefully cover the whole back...
  17. yashmak1802

    60 cube Stocking

    Im relatively new to the hobby and I know this is a redundant topic but I was looking for opinions for my 60 cube (24*24*24). My cycle is almost done and I'm looking to add my first fish. The goal for my stocking is: 2 ocellaris clownfish (already have them in my 10 gallon) 1 royal Gramma...
  18. amannelin

    Flameback Angel Behavior Change

    Hi all, my Flameback angel has been in my display tank for about 4 weeks now, and last night it’s swimming became more erratic and he was giving little head shakes. This morning he has been swimming around fine but a little quicker than usual. When I fed this morning he ate the most food I’ve...
  19. W

    What fish to get?

    Hi Guys, I have a 250L, 4ft Tank and want to add a really colourful tang for relatively good price i.e £50-£70. I have a purple firefish, 5 chromis, 2 clowns, 6stripe wrasse, half black mimic tang(fairly small) and cleaner shrimp with live rock etc and coral mainly soft. What really colourful...
  20. stephanjupillat

    Will these tangs work together in a 6’ 210 gal tank?

    Hey guys. I will be upgrading to a 6’ x 28”w x 26” h with external overflow sometime in the next 6 months and I’m doing my research on the 4 subspecies of tangs. I have mostly smaller fish now in my 60 galling but I overstock and probably have 15 to 20 fish in there. Most pretty small. I also...
  21. A


    I have a 32.5 gallon display tank with a 10 gallon sump (42.5 gallons all together). I’m looking to get a wrasse, but I can’t find one that would be good for my tank. I plan to have softie/lps coral, two clownfish, a tailspot Blenny, a royal gramma, a cleaner shrimp, and some snails and a conch...
  22. HonorableWhat

    Longnose hawkfish question

    So! I am currently in the process of upgrading my 40g to a 100g tank and my favorite fish I've kept so far is the longnose hawkfish. I just love them and I am excited to give my little buddy more room to glide. My question is, can more than 1 longnose hawkfish be kept in a tank? Specifically...
  23. G

    Grouper rubbing on sand

    My grouper has been rubbing himself on the sand and he has been eating quite well also he has this mark I thought at first was just his coloring it’s not identical to the other side hes hard to tell I was thinking the temperature because I have a glass lid heat gets trapped so it gets hot like...
  24. S

    stocking advice 40g breeder please

    Hi, I am looking to get some advice on a stock list for my tank. I have a 40g breeder, with a 20 gallon sump. have 2 clowns, an algae blenny, some snails, a bunch of hermits and a cleaner shrimp looking to see if any others had some cool ideas or suggestions for me!
  25. Davar93

    What fish for an Anemone tank?

    I am thinking of switching to an anemone only tank with Bubble tips, carpets, and mini carpets. What fish can I keep? Clowns? Other damsels?