fish additions

  1. SpringPiggy

    Hello Aquarium newbie help!

    So ive been in the hobby for around 9months now. My question is I want to add one or 2 fish in my tank. what would you guys recommend for me? My tank is a cube tank 2ftx2ftx2ft. My current stock: Pair of cardinal pajama Pair of purple fire fish Tailspot blenny Red dragonet Fairy wrasse Cleaner...
  2. M

    75G Stocklist

    Is my stock list too heavy? Had a small bump up in nitrates over the first week after adding the kole tang and not sure if I should be concerned. 75G Display / 20G Sump Mixed reef - Melanurus Wrasse - Yellow Coris Wrasse - Occelaris Clown Pair - Orange Spot Blenny - Longfin Molly - Chalk Bass...
  3. Reefer37

    Final Fish Recommendation? 45g Cube

    So I have over a year old 45g cube with two ocellaris clowns, a bicolor blenny, and a small yellow coris wrasse. Have been debating adding another fish. I was thinking something really unique and not seen in tanks often. A centerpiece fish would be nice, but I know I'm limited on size. I'm not...
  4. ItalCanadaReefer

    Coral Pest Eater - Pink Streaked Wrasse or White Banded Possum Wrasse

    Hi all, I am looking for a pest-eating fish species to help keep corals from pest vulnerability. I was originally considering adding a six line wrasse to control some coral eating pests, however, after some more research, I am seeing that this fish, even if added last to the system, can become...
  5. James210ReefLife

    Stocking options 210g

    Getting so close to finally filling the 210 I should start researching what I can add. Currently in the 75 we have 1 yellow anglefish, 1 blue eye tang, 2 ocellaris clowns, and 1 filefish. The filefish will be returned to the lfs. He took care of the aiptasia and then moved on to the zoa garden...
  6. yanksfan11

    Adding fish

    Starting up with my first saltwater tank (30 gallon) and I had a couple of questions for you pros out there. Been cycling my tank now for about 3 1/2 weeks and looking to finally introduce a couple of clownfish maybe this weekend and then introduce a couple other fish in a few weeks. I've...
  7. A

    New aquarium

    Hello, I've recently obtained a 50 gallon aquarium from a friend. So I was wondering if you guys could help me settle on some new equipment I plan on also getting new fish except that I own a pair of clown fish and a firefish. Maybe you could help find something else to stock either inverts or...
  8. BlueBekaw

    75 Gallon fishlist suggestions/rework

    Hello all! I've been a long time lurker here but decide to finally post something that requires a more specific answer. What fish and how many should I put in my new 75 gallon reef system? (I'm wordy, what's blue is what my post is about) Some information on my build: 1in. sandbed, 60lbs of...
  9. Accidentalreefers

    Adding a 2nd cleaner shrimp to 75g reef

    Hey, just looking on some opinions adding another cleaner shrimp to my 75G, I currently have a pretty massive skunk shrimp in the tank about 4" not including his whiskers, it's been in the tank for a bit over a year, the only saltwater stores around my area only sell smaller shrimp maybe about...
  10. Sakosreef

    Help me stock my 180!

    Hi everyone, I need your help! I recently purchased a 180 which is a nice upgrade from my current 75 gallon DT. I need advice on how and what to stock my tank with so please offer your critique and advice. My 75 has the following: Super male flame wrasse x1 Katherines fairy wrasse x1 Female blue...
  11. BighohoReef

    Advice needed: What fish should I add next?

    Thinking of adding one more fish to the 100g tank: Current stock: Kole Tang Valentini Puffer 5 Lighting chromis Hawkfish Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse Leopard Wrasse Lawnmower Blenny Ocilarious Clown Watchmen Goby Should I add another fish? Writing it out now seems like a lot of fish...
  12. efrainrodz.94

    Adding Pink-Streaked Wrasse to Fluval 13.5

    Hi there, I hope everyone is doing well in this pandemic. I have a Fluval 13.5 3 months old now. I have 2 clownfish, 1 bicolor blenny, 1 yellow watchman goby, 1 banggai cardinal and a rainford goby. As a CUC I have 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 pistol shrimp, mexican turbo snail and hermits. I have...
  13. Sawyer Breslow

    Fish Stocking - 65gal, 3ft length

    Hi all, I’ve been running my tank for about a year and a half. just looking for some opinions and experience on fish stocking. I’m deciding on what fish to add to my 65 gal mixed reef tank. My current stock includes in order of introduction to the tank: 1. Fire goby 2. 2 false perc Clowns 3...
  14. lazycouch

    fish help?

    hey guys i’m thinking of adding a 3rd fish to my tank (30 gallons). i currently have a young clown fish which is about 1.5 inches long and a young possum wrasse about 2 inches long. i’m planning to get this adult bluegreen chromis at the lfs who is about 3.5 inches long but i was wondering if...

    Fish Quarantine Starter

    I am official starting up a quarantine system to stock up my tank. thought I would reach out for some do and don't as I am little hesitant to play doctor. Here is where I am starting with the QT. take look and let me know if there is anything missing.
  16. lazycouch

    fish suggestions??

    hello! i own a 30 gallon tank (about 1 month in after cycle) and currently have an oscellaris clown + banggai cardinal , 2 small hermits, and one cleaner shrimp as well as some leathers and zoas. i’m ready to start researching another fish and thought it might be cool to get inspiration from...
  17. BighohoReef

    To tang or not to tang

    Hi R2R friends, We're thinking about adding a tang to our 100g tank to combat the hair algae showing up in the tank, we have snails but thought a more active eater would help. Want to get some thoughts from the community on these two tangs Does anyone have experience with them? I'm...
  18. Jeremy K.A.

    Nano Build 5 Gallon nano fish

    Hey Everyone I have a 5 gallon mini reef tank and was curious what nano fish would be a good choice for the tank?
  19. Manda0597

    Questions from Beginner Saltwater Hobbyist- Fish Only Tank- New to R2R

    Questions at the bottom, here are some tank stats: (If anything is wrong here don't crucify us, we are new and have done the best research we can) So we've had our tank since mid-February: 32.5 Gallon tank Canister filter good for up to 75 gallons 20ish pounds of liverock Fish- in order they...
  20. Reefer37

    Fish Recommendation for 45g

    So I have a little over 6 month post cycled JBJ45 cube I've been thinking about adding a new member to. This is a mixed reef tank, so would need to be reef safe. So far I have: A pair of Clowns Randall's Goby w/ a pistol shrimp Purple Firefish Bicolor Blenny I've thought about a captive...
  21. N11morales

    Blenny that will get along with Royal Gramma

    Hello it’s been about 3 weeks since I put my royal gramma into my tank. I have: 2 clownfish 1 Royal gramma 1 goby/pistol shrimp pair I wanted to add one more fish to my tank. I had been thinking about adding a flasher wrasse or six-line, but the more I look into it I don’t think I should get...
  22. W

    Stocking advice - Anthias, Foxface, Copperband

    Hi everyone! My first time posting here! I’m looking for some advice on fish stocking for my 120gal mixed reef. The tank is 5’x2’x2’. I have a large sump in the basement - total water volume 170gal. The tank has been up and running for 3 years (including a house move) and has a majority of SPS...
  23. N11morales

    32G Biocube Stock List

    Hello I was wondering how many fish is okay to add in my tank and if these fish are compatible and able to all live together. I Have: 2 Oscellaris Clownfish Royal Gramma goby/pistol shrimp pair fire shrimp I Want to add: 2 banggai carindals fairy wrasse ( open to other ideas: types of wrasses...
  24. Erick Armanii

    Copepods now or later?

    Good morning r2r! What’s everyone’s opinions on adding copepods? Before or after fish are added? Should I have the refugium up and running or the dry rock will provide enough hiding spaces? I’m about 6 weeks into my initial cycle of a new 125g long and triton 44 sump. My test kits are still...
  25. MrDeathKills

    Some questions about information on fish.

    Thank you first off for reading and your possible help in this situation! I am getting a 125gal set up. Right now just going over some fish just so I can have a mock plan for the future. Will not be getting any fish till at least 2 months or more from now, as I will be doing a very deep clean...