first tank

  1. ajtomase

    Getting first first for tank

    Hi everyone, getting my Reefer 750 (160 gallons) tank soon and planning for it to be a FOWLR tank! Here's my fish wish-list below, anyone suggestion anything else I can add? Looking for lots of color and a variety of species! Fish Banggai Cardinal Fish Lawnmower Blenny Blue Reef Chromis...
  2. ajtomase

    New tank (Reefer 625 XXL)...too many fish?

    Hi everyone, I'm looking to get the Reefer 625 XXL which is a 132 gallon tank (not including the additional gallons in the sump). I'm putting together a wishlist of fish I want to include (fish only tank with live rock), but I'm not sure if I have too many fish/invertibrates: Cardinal fish...
  3. ajtomase

    Planning to get first FOWLR setup

    Hello everyone! I’m doing all my research right now to get my first salt water, fish only with live rock setup. I would like to get a Reefer 625 XXL tank, but I don’t know what other equipment I need. There’s a lot of equipment options out there, but I’m not sure what options out there I would...
  4. wolt

    First tank and scape suggestions??

    First tank and scape suggestions?? Left side I think is good but right side is just temporary
  5. Jaycfh88

    Build Thread My first journey into the saltwater world with my jbj 45rl

    So my tank has been up an running for 30 days now. It was cycled in two weeks using Dr. Tim's and the old shrimp method. I started with dry rock and sand. Only thing I have stocked so far is some copepods from algae barn and some coralline algae from arc reef. I'm super excited to see where I go...
  6. L

    First time tank/reef build

    Hey everyone! I will soon be moving into a new home and want to set up my first tank when I arrive. I'll be posting updates here:)
  7. R

    Build Thread College Nano Tank

    I'm a college student in Texas returning to school to finish a my degree after some time off and I'm setting up my first saltwater tank! I'm excited to begin this journey, why don't you come along for the ride with me? I've been eyeballing this project for over a year, but I kept putting it off...
  8. palbert_95

    First reef tank tips

    Hello, I just got my first reef tank all set up a month and a half ago, yesterday I added my first load of lifestock Hubert-Royal Gramma Julio Seizure chavez- firefish goby Mr. Whisker - banded coral shrimp And am waiting for a snowflake ocellaris that I had to special order from my local fish...
  9. Reefer NYC

    Hello New Reefer - RSR 170 Set Up

    Hi All, I've been a lurker on R2R for a long time and finally built up the courage (and funds) to pull the trigger on a Red Sea Reefer 170. I have had freshwater planted tanks my entire life, but this is my first attempt at a reef aquarium. I am aiming for mixed reef at first, but ultimately...
  10. P

    My first REEF-Tank. Drop Off build

    Hello Guys! So i am planning on building a reef tank in mid august (hopefully). I talked to my LFS about it, they would build it and help me ofc. BUT I wanted to use the power if this forum and get help with my idea and get some tips from other experienced reefers. The Idea is a Drop Off Tank...
  11. alimac122

    Build Thread Ali's 36g REEF tank

    Hello! I am an ex-marine biologist (now engineer). I worked in husbandry at a landlocked aquarium for 4 years. I have been missing my love for tanks, specifically my saltwater babies. A fried has a Tiger Oscar that has outgrown their tank and has upgraded to a 75 gallon. Thus, I have an empty...
  12. S

    Wondering about any thing i should know and what a good skimmer i should buy is.

    So I am planning my first salt water 75 gallon tank. I'd want it to be a predatory tank. Currently the stock I have in mind is as followed Dwarf fuzzy Lionfish -1 Snowflake moray -1 Princess Anthias -3 Maroon Clown -3 Tuxedo Urchin -1 Nassurias Snail -10 Trochus snail -10 For corals i'd...
  13. B

    Build Thread Plans for first tank, 40 gal B with DIY 20 gal sump

    I’m currently in the design and research phase for my first reef tank. I’m planning a 40 Gallon Breeder tank with a DIY 20 Gallon sump. I’m going to buy the tanks from the dollar per gallon sale at Petco. I’m very open to suggestions and am willing to rework the design (I’ve already reworked it...
  14. Morbidaarvark

    Build Thread Two Year 29 Gallon Biocube HQI Transformation

    Like any good tank it started with a old fashion cycle but used pure ammonia from the dollar store since I was a high school kid on a budget. Next I decided to test the waters with a cheap damsel before I spent all of my hard earned money on fish, and as you can tell I dealt with my first round...
  15. Requiemiero

    Build Thread Journey to a Reef Wonderland (From Step 0)

    Hi all, Finally putting together a build thread for my first tank! I am starting from Step 0, which is planning and research. So any and all advice on this rough blueprint for my tank is welcome! :) Now is the time for me to be pivoting and flexibly charting my course since I have only made...
  16. F


    Hello everyone, I’m new to Reef 2 Reef, new to posting threads on forums, and most importantly new to reef aquariums! You could say I’m the newbiest of newbs. I’m reaching out for my first post to ask about the plumbing on my first ever tank. I have a 75Gallon tank and unfortunately it’s not...
  17. JustenT

    New the The Saltwater Community!

    Ive had freshwater fish for a while now, i have a handful of tanks, and even a few Axolotl. I have maintained CO2 Aquascapes, and now i want to move into a little but of saltwater. So right now i have a 12x12x12 inch tank, roughly 8 gallons, rimless, it was a planted tank. I have some live...
  18. SirRoot

    Build Thread SirRoot's WB 60.2+ Build

    SirRoot’s WB 60.2+ Build After about a year of “window shopping” I’m ready to start my very first saltwater aquarium. Kick starting this build thread to document the experience as a public journal but any tips would be greatly appreciated! Current Build: Tank: Waterbox Marine 60.2+ (24x24x18...
  19. rapid

    Build Thread My 40 gallon cube reef tank

    Im about 4 months into this tank, This is my first saltwater tank ! I am aware that i am a little behind on this post but better late then never ! After visiting my LFS to acquire some sword tails for my 40 gallon freshwater I ended up walking out of there with a 40 gallon cube all in one setup...
  20. Robg139

    Nano Build Robs Fluval Evo 13.5G.

    Hello reefers, I have a Fluval Evo 13.5g mixed reef tank. It is my first saltwater reef tank. My tank is now 6 months old and has undergone a lot of upgrades and changes along the way. It’s a mixed reef so I have softies, lps, and sps. So Fluval is an AIO so it has 3 chambers in the back. The...
  21. Part 4 of @Ron Reefman's Series for Beginners: Deciding on a Tank

    Beginner Topic Part 4 of @Ron Reefman's Series for Beginners: Deciding on a Tank

    A mature reef tank for inspiration. This photo is from the Reef2Reef archives, courtesy of @Cannedfish ©2019 All Rights Reserved. Note From the Editor: This article, below, and several future ones by the same author were originally part of several presentations made to a local aquarium club...
  22. Icylder

    Build Thread Icy's Reef. My very first saltwater tank

    This will be a slightly unconventional build thread. I won't be starting from day 1. It will be 8 weeks after I assembled my tank. It's taken me a while to understand how bottomless this rabbit hole just might be. Just picking out my components and my tank was thrilling. Let me tell you about...
  23. BigMan87

    Build Thread BigMan's 160

    Hey folks. I joined this forum about a year ago, as I started accumulating pieces to start my own little piece of the ocean. I ended up with a 160 gal Oceanic tank, which I had rebuilt and drilled in the back. Long story short, I finally read enough to gain confidence to get the show on the...
  24. Billldg

    Build Thread Bills Reborn 120 gal Mixed Reef Tank

    I wanted a saltwater tank for ever, eventually I was in a position to make it happen. So I started like everyone else and did a ton of research trying to gain as much knowledge as possible going into it. At first I settled on a 90 gal tank, but the more I researched the more I wanted a bigger...
  25. 20180527_095949_mh1527440976094


    My first nano tank. The new jbj 24 deluxe(modifie). got several problems after it got delivered. it's been a week. For a new reef hobbyist, it's like riding a emotional rollercoaster,lol. I figured r2r is a great platform for me to learn, document my journey, and share experiences.
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