
  1. 1

    At what point do you feed 2 cubes of mysis?

    Whether its 2 cubes in 1 feeding or 1 cube in each feeding in a day?
  2. H

    Clownfish starving to death

    Help! I have two clownfish i bought a month ago. The larger female always takes the pellets i drop in while the smaller male gets nothing. I thought i would seperate then to feed them but then my make clownfish is so deprived if food he doesnt come out of his hidey hole(which is a small gap...
  3. Ferrell

    LPS dominant tank- How to keep nutrients up?

    I am new to reefing but have kept fish for many years. 75/30g Tank started in Oct 2017 Parameters all 8, .ca 420 Mag 1500 (little higb), salinity 34 2 Clowns 2 reef chromis 1 blenny 1 goby Roughly 30 various lps: hammer frogspawn lepta lepto cypha psamm favia duncan acan micromussa paly All frag...
  4. ReefJCB

    Skittish Midas Blenny

    I have a new Midas Blenny that I just added to my display after a month in QT. He is super skittish and hides every time I walk by the tank. I am worried about him not getting enough food. In the QT it wasn't an issue for feeding because he had no competition. In my display though by the time...
  5. Jeremy Lain

    How to get fish to grow?

    Hello, I have seen some clownfish that are about 2 1/4 inches long and I have seen some that are about 1 1/4 inches long. What do the people feed and how often to get a clownfish grow to be 2 1/4 inches long?
  6. sotsreef

    Food for Fathead Dendro?

    what do y’all use to feed Fathead Dendro or do you know what works? I have nano reef roids and regular fish pellets. And will be picking up a single Dendro frag next week, what do you recommend. Thanks,John
  7. Struggler

    Help with Pellet Feeding

    So I am new to the saltwater tanks and have just started my tank with three blue/green chromis and two Ocellaris clownfish. I have had the chromis for about a month and the clown fish for about a week and a half. I have been feeding my chromis brine shrimp from day one, same food my lfs fed...
  8. J

    Are bubble tip anemones supposed to be aggressive eaters???

    Hey all! I have a question that may be dumb but its something i need to know. So basically i have a green bubble tip in my tank that eats really quick! Ive only had it for 2 weeks so im pretty new to feeding nems. I feed it a small piece of shrimp every 3 days or so and every time i feed it i...
  9. Seahorse man

    Adding seahorse, yay or nay?

    I have a 55 gallon FOWLR tank with two mated Occelaris clownfish and one extremely shy firefish goby, and it's been my dream to have a seahorse in there ever since. I'm getting some caulerpa prolifera Macro algae to put in there next week. I think I will have to feed a lot in order to give the...
  10. bigR2

    Two New Firefish in a 10 g Nano tank

    I recently purchased two Firefish from my local shop. I am unsure if they are a mated pair - from what I have noticed thus far (they have been in the tank for about a day or so) they are very shy, which I expected, and have been slightly aggressive toward one another. However, the back of my...
  11. GenericReefer

    How much to feed Clowns?

    I have two small, inch-long Ocellaris Clownfish. The food I have is New Life Spectrum Thera A+ Small Fish Formula A. Very miniscule pellets. So how many should I feed them? I've been feeding a small pinch, which is around 8-10 pellets once a day. Does that sound right?

    Build Thread Random video

    Check this out! Just having Some fun with the Tank lol
  13. Mark Derail

    How healthy is the anemone?

    Also, is this a bubble tip? He survived the phosphate crash, and was part of the 2nd rescue tank. Two clowns were with him, all fish in QT now. One of those clowns died. (white spots appeared on some fish, some died a few days later, some in QT, dosing Cupramine) So it's been about 10 days...
  14. lonewonderer

    My LFS feeding lettuce? is this ok?

    Hello, I saw my LFS feeding lettuce for their tangs. is this ok? I know they are hervs but lettuce?
  15. cooltowncorals

    Reef Stew

    Hey, I had saltwater setups in other states but recently set up a 150 here in AZ. I have bought and used the live "Reef Stew" sold in the LFS in the area and I was wondering how often others I the area add this to their tanks. Thanks
  16. LEOreefer

    Breeding brine shrimp

    Anyone hatch brine shrimp and feed to tank or grow out and feed ? I was wondering if it is a common practice and what kind of set up you have if so?
  17. My120gmixed

    Will my tank be ok?

    I have a 120 gallon mixed tank with sps and soft coral. Everything doing fine! Today we go on a 2 week vacation to Italy. We have really good people taking care of our tank so I'm not worried. This morning I fed a ton of mysis and added a few gallons of water just to be safe for the trip...
  18. P

    Best light level / feeding frequency for very-stressed corals?

    I have a candy cane that was supposedly DOA when it arrived a couple of weeks ago. The thing is, it's not dead, and seems to be mounting a comeback, with soft tissue slowly regrowing from the calcified cups. I also have a cauliflower colt, that also seemed DOA, but it too seems to be slowly...
  19. C

    Washing or rinsing food

    Who here washes or rinses their food before feeding to eliminate excess nutrients? Has anyone seen any perceived positives or negatives? Curious. Thanks.
  20. landlocked303

    When do you feed coral?

    I have recently started using Red Sea's Reef energy and Reef-Roids. What time of the day does everyone feed and how often? Target feeding?
  21. Todd Barket

    Tang feeding question.

    Hi there. First time asking for a question my wife raves about the responses so here goes. We have a newer reef tank with a yellow tang and a kole tang. The kole is new to the tank and as such is not really eating yet. The yellow LOVES the omega one super veggie kelp flakes. On advice from...
  22. potatocouch

    Pick your 3 products to feed your corals

    We all know folks have their own recipe when it comes to feeding their corals (be that softies, LPS, SPS or NPS). What I'm interested in finding out is what do you use to feed your corals? If you can choose only max 3, what will you go for? Use the vote button please.
  23. potatocouch

    Is Reef Roids = Amino Acids?

    Is it sufficient to feed ULNS (w/ SPS, LPS, Morphs) with Reef Roids only? #reefsquad #LPSexperts #SPSexperts And being known to be lazy, is it acceptable to just broadcast the food with the wavemakers, return and skimmer on? #lazy
  24. potatocouch

    ULNS folks & feeding

    For those folks that maintain ULNS, I'm assuming you need to feed your tank heavily in order not to starve your corals? be that softies, LPS or SPS. What do you feed your corals and When do you feed your corals? The likes of LPS/SPS as we know, when the lighting is off, their tentacles are...
  25. Dalton Hunter

    Rock flower anemone spawning

    So Last night my Mini Maxi released a huge load of eggs over a period of about 2 hours from when I got home, (no idea when it started). Today my rock flowers anemones (15) are all standing up and have their mouthes slightly open. I plan on turning off my sump return pump and leaving on the power...
TCK Corals